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自学教程:C++ ACPI_FREE函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 19:32:38
这篇教程C++ ACPI_FREE函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中ACPI_FREE函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ACPI_FREE函数的具体用法?C++ ACPI_FREE怎么用?C++ ACPI_FREE使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: AdAmlDisassemble

//.........这里部分代码省略.........        {            AcpiDmDumpTree (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot);        }        /* Find possible calls to external control methods */        AcpiDmFindOrphanMethods (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot);        /* Convert fixed-offset references to resource descriptors to symbolic references */        AcpiDmConvertResourceIndexes (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot, AcpiGbl_RootNode);        /*         * If we found any external control methods, we must reparse the entire         * tree with the new information (namely, the number of arguments per         * method)         */        if (AcpiDmGetExternalMethodCount ())        {            fprintf (stderr,                "/nFound %d external control methods, reparsing with new information/n",                AcpiDmGetExternalMethodCount ());            /*             * Reparse, rebuild namespace. no need to xref namespace             */            AcpiPsDeleteParseTree (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot);            AcpiNsDeleteNamespaceSubtree (AcpiGbl_RootNode);            AcpiGbl_RootNode                    = NULL;            AcpiGbl_RootNodeStruct.Name.Integer = ACPI_ROOT_NAME;            AcpiGbl_RootNodeStruct.DescriptorType = ACPI_DESC_TYPE_NAMED;            AcpiGbl_RootNodeStruct.Type         = ACPI_TYPE_DEVICE;            AcpiGbl_RootNodeStruct.Child        = NULL;            AcpiGbl_RootNodeStruct.Peer         = NULL;            AcpiGbl_RootNodeStruct.Object       = NULL;            AcpiGbl_RootNodeStruct.Flags        = ANOBJ_END_OF_PEER_LIST;            Status = AcpiNsRootInitialize ();            AcpiDmAddExternalsToNamespace ();            /* Parse table. No need to reload it, however (FALSE) */            Status = AdParseTable (Table, NULL, FALSE, FALSE);            if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))            {                AcpiOsPrintf ("Could not parse ACPI tables, %s/n",                    AcpiFormatException (Status));                goto Cleanup;            }            if (AslCompilerdebug)            {                AcpiOsPrintf ("/**** After second load and resource conversion/n");                LsSetupNsList (File);                LsDisplayNamespace ();                AcpiOsPrintf ("*****//n");                AcpiDmDumpTree (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot);            }        }        /* Optional displays */        if (AcpiGbl_DbOpt_disasm)        {            AdDisplayTables (Filename, Table);            fprintf (stderr,                "Disassembly completed, written to /"%s/"/n",                DisasmFilename);        }    }Cleanup:    if (Table && !AcpiUtIsAmlTable (Table))    {        ACPI_FREE (Table);    }    if (DisasmFilename)    {        ACPI_FREE (DisasmFilename);    }    if (OutToFile && File)    {#ifdef ASL_DISASM_DEBUG        LsSetupNsList (File);        LsDisplayNamespace ();#endif        fclose (File);        AcpiOsRedirectOutput (stdout);    }    AcpiPsDeleteParseTree (AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot);    AcpiGbl_ParseOpRoot = NULL;    return (Status);}

示例2: AcpiNsInitOneDevice

//.........这里部分代码省略.........    {        WalkInfo->Num_STA++;    }    /*     * Examine the PRESENT and FUNCTIONING status bits     *     * Note: ACPI spec does not seem to specify behavior for the present but     * not functioning case, so we assume functioning if present.     */    if (!(Flags & ACPI_STA_DEVICE_PRESENT))    {        /* Device is not present, we must examine the Functioning bit */        if (Flags & ACPI_STA_DEVICE_FUNCTIONING)        {            /*             * Device is not present but is "functioning". In this case,             * we will not run _INI, but we continue to examine the children             * of this device.             *             * From the ACPI spec, description of _STA: (Note - no mention             * of whether to run _INI or not on the device in question)             *             * "_STA may return bit 0 clear (not present) with bit 3 set             * (device is functional). This case is used to indicate a valid             * device for which no device driver should be loaded (for example,             * a bridge device.) Children of this device may be present and             * valid. OSPM should continue enumeration below a device whose             * _STA returns this bit combination"             */            return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);        }        else        {            /*             * Device is not present and is not functioning. We must abort the             * walk of this subtree immediately -- don't look at the children             * of such a device.             *             * From the ACPI spec, description of _INI:             *             * "If the _STA method indicates that the device is not present,             * OSPM will not run the _INI and will not examine the children             * of the device for _INI methods"             */            return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_CTRL_DEPTH);        }    }    /*     * The device is present or is assumed present if no _STA exists.     * Run the _INI if it exists (not required to exist)     *     * Note: We know there is an _INI within this subtree, but it may not be     * under this particular device, it may be lower in the branch.     */    ACPI_DEBUG_EXEC (AcpiUtDisplayInitPathname (        ACPI_TYPE_METHOD, DeviceNode, METHOD_NAME__INI));    memset (Info, 0, sizeof (ACPI_EVALUATE_INFO));    Info->PrefixNode = DeviceNode;    Info->RelativePathname = __UNCONST(METHOD_NAME__INI);    Info->Parameters = NULL;    Info->Flags = ACPI_IGNORE_RETURN_VALUE;    Status = AcpiNsEvaluate (Info);    if (ACPI_SUCCESS (Status))    {        WalkInfo->Num_INI++;    }#ifdef ACPI_DEBUG_OUTPUT    else if (Status != AE_NOT_FOUND)    {        /* Ignore error and move on to next device */        char *ScopeName = AcpiNsGetExternalPathname (Info->Node);        ACPI_EXCEPTION ((AE_INFO, Status, "during %s._INI execution",            ScopeName));        ACPI_FREE (ScopeName);    }#endif    /* Ignore errors from above */    Status = AE_OK;    /*     * The _INI method has been run if present; call the Global Initialization     * Handler for this device.     */    if (AcpiGbl_InitHandler)    {        Status = AcpiGbl_InitHandler (DeviceNode, ACPI_INIT_DEVICE_INI);    }    return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);}

示例3: AcpiExOpcode_3A_0T_0R

ACPI_STATUSAcpiExOpcode_3A_0T_0R (    ACPI_WALK_STATE         *WalkState){    ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT     **Operand = &WalkState->Operands[0];    ACPI_SIGNAL_FATAL_INFO  *Fatal;    ACPI_STATUS             Status = AE_OK;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_STR (ExOpcode_3A_0T_0R,        AcpiPsGetOpcodeName (WalkState->Opcode));    switch (WalkState->Opcode)    {    case AML_FATAL_OP:          /* Fatal (FatalType  FatalCode  FatalArg) */        ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_INFO,            "FatalOp: Type %X Code %X Arg %X "            "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<</n",            (UINT32) Operand[0]->Integer.Value,            (UINT32) Operand[1]->Integer.Value,            (UINT32) Operand[2]->Integer.Value));        Fatal = ACPI_ALLOCATE (sizeof (ACPI_SIGNAL_FATAL_INFO));        if (Fatal)        {            Fatal->Type = (UINT32) Operand[0]->Integer.Value;            Fatal->Code = (UINT32) Operand[1]->Integer.Value;            Fatal->Argument = (UINT32) Operand[2]->Integer.Value;        }        /* Always signal the OS! */        Status = AcpiOsSignal (ACPI_SIGNAL_FATAL, Fatal);        /* Might return while OS is shutting down, just continue */        ACPI_FREE (Fatal);        goto Cleanup;    case AML_EXTERNAL_OP:        /*         * If the interpreter sees this opcode, just ignore it. The External         * op is intended for use by disassemblers in order to properly         * disassemble control method invocations. The opcode or group of         * opcodes should be surrounded by an "if (0)" clause to ensure that         * AML interpreters never see the opcode. Thus, something is         * wrong if an external opcode ever gets here.         */        ACPI_ERROR ((AE_INFO, "Executed External Op"));        Status = AE_OK;        goto Cleanup;    default:        ACPI_ERROR ((AE_INFO, "Unknown AML opcode 0x%X",            WalkState->Opcode));        Status = AE_AML_BAD_OPCODE;        goto Cleanup;    }Cleanup:    return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);}

示例4: AcpiDbTestBufferType

//.........这里部分代码省略.........    {        AcpiOsPrintf (" Ignoring zero length buffer");        return (AE_OK);    }    /* Allocate a local buffer */    Buffer = ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED (ByteLength);    if (!Buffer)    {        return (AE_NO_MEMORY);    }    /* Read the original value */    Status = AcpiDbReadFromObject (Node, ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER, &Temp1);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        goto Exit;    }    /* Emit a few bytes of the buffer */    AcpiOsPrintf (" (%4.4X/%3.3X)", BitLength, Temp1->Buffer.Length);    for (i = 0; ((i < 4) && (i < ByteLength)); i++)    {        AcpiOsPrintf (" %2.2X", Temp1->Buffer.Pointer[i]);    }    AcpiOsPrintf ("...  ");    /*     * Write a new value.     *     * Handle possible extra bits at the end of the buffer. Can     * happen for FieldUnits larger than an integer, but the bit     * count is not an integral number of bytes. Zero out the     * unused bits.     */    memset (Buffer, BUFFER_FILL_VALUE, ByteLength);    ExtraBits = BitLength % 8;    if (ExtraBits)    {        Buffer [ByteLength - 1] = ACPI_MASK_BITS_ABOVE (ExtraBits);    }    WriteValue.Type = ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER;    WriteValue.Buffer.Length = ByteLength;    WriteValue.Buffer.Pointer = Buffer;    Status = AcpiDbWriteToObject (Node, &WriteValue);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        goto Exit;    }    /* Ensure that we can read back the new value */    Status = AcpiDbReadFromObject (Node, ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER, &Temp2);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        goto Exit;    }    if (memcmp (Temp2->Buffer.Pointer, Buffer, ByteLength))    {        AcpiOsPrintf (" MISMATCH 2: New buffer value");    }    /* Write back the original value */    WriteValue.Buffer.Length = ByteLength;    WriteValue.Buffer.Pointer = Temp1->Buffer.Pointer;    Status = AcpiDbWriteToObject (Node, &WriteValue);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        goto Exit;    }    /* Ensure that we can read back the original value */    Status = AcpiDbReadFromObject (Node, ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER, &Temp3);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        goto Exit;    }    if (memcmp (Temp1->Buffer.Pointer,            Temp3->Buffer.Pointer, ByteLength))    {        AcpiOsPrintf (" MISMATCH 3: While restoring original buffer");    }Exit:    ACPI_FREE (Buffer);    if (Temp1) {AcpiOsFree (Temp1);}    if (Temp2) {AcpiOsFree (Temp2);}    if (Temp3) {AcpiOsFree (Temp3);}    return (Status);}

示例5: acpi_db_dump_pld_buffer

//.........这里部分代码省略.........	acpi_status status;	/* Object must be of type Package with at least one Buffer element */	if (obj_desc->type != ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE) {		return;	}	buffer_desc = &obj_desc->package.elements[0];	if (buffer_desc->type != ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER) {		return;	}	/* Convert _PLD buffer to local _PLD struct */	status = acpi_decode_pld_buffer(buffer_desc->buffer.pointer,					buffer_desc->buffer.length, &pld_info);	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		return;	}	/* Encode local _PLD struct back to a _PLD buffer */	new_buffer = acpi_db_encode_pld_buffer(pld_info);	if (!new_buffer) {		goto exit;	}	/* The two bit-packed buffers should match */	if (memcmp(new_buffer, buffer_desc->buffer.pointer,		   buffer_desc->buffer.length)) {		acpi_os_printf		    ("Converted _PLD buffer does not compare. New:/n");		acpi_ut_dump_buffer(new_buffer,				    buffer_desc->buffer.length, DB_BYTE_DISPLAY,				    0);	}	/* First 32-bit dword */	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_Revision", pld_info->revision);	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_IgnoreColor",		       pld_info->ignore_color);	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_Red", pld_info->red);	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_Green", pld_info->green);	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_Blue", pld_info->blue);	/* Second 32-bit dword */	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_Width", pld_info->width);	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_Height", pld_info->height);	/* Third 32-bit dword */	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_UserVisible",		       pld_info->user_visible);	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_Dock", pld_info->dock);	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_Lid", pld_info->lid);	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_Panel", pld_info->panel);	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_VerticalPosition",		       pld_info->vertical_position);	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_HorizontalPosition",		       pld_info->horizontal_position);	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_Shape", pld_info->shape);	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_GroupOrientation",		       pld_info->group_orientation);	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_GroupToken",		       pld_info->group_token);	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_GroupPosition",		       pld_info->group_position);	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_Bay", pld_info->bay);	/* Fourth 32-bit dword */	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_Ejectable", pld_info->ejectable);	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_EjectRequired",		       pld_info->ospm_eject_required);	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_CabinetNumber",		       pld_info->cabinet_number);	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_CardCageNumber",		       pld_info->card_cage_number);	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_Reference", pld_info->reference);	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_Rotation", pld_info->rotation);	acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_Order", pld_info->order);	/* Fifth 32-bit dword */	if (buffer_desc->buffer.length > 16) {		acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_VerticalOffset",			       pld_info->vertical_offset);		acpi_os_printf(ACPI_PLD_OUTPUT, "PLD_HorizontalOffset",			       pld_info->horizontal_offset);	}	ACPI_FREE(new_buffer);exit:	ACPI_FREE(pld_info);}

示例6: MpEmitGpioInfo

//.........这里部分代码省略.........    {        HidString = MpGetHidViaNamestring (Info->DeviceName);        /* Print header info for the controller itself */        if (!PrevDeviceName ||            ACPI_STRCMP (PrevDeviceName, Info->DeviceName))        {            FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT,                "/n/nGPIO Controller:  %-8s  %-28s",                HidString, Info->DeviceName);            HidInfo = AcpiAhMatchHardwareId (HidString);            if (HidInfo)            {                FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT, "  // %s",                    HidInfo->Description);            }            FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT,                "/n/nPin   Type     Direction    Polarity"                "    Dest _HID  Destination/n");        }        PrevDeviceName = Info->DeviceName;        /* Setup various strings based upon the type (GpioInt or GpioIo) */        switch (Info->Type)        {        case AML_RESOURCE_GPIO_TYPE_INT:            Type = "GpioInt";            Direction = "-Interrupt-";            Polarity = PolarityDecode[Info->Polarity];            break;        case AML_RESOURCE_GPIO_TYPE_IO:            Type = "GpioIo ";            Direction = DirectionDecode[Info->Direction];            Polarity = "          ";            break;        default:            continue;        }        /* Emit the GPIO info */        FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT, "%4.4X  %s  %s  %s  ",            Info->PinNumber, Type, Direction, Polarity);        ParentPathname = NULL;        HidString = MpGetConnectionInfo (Info->Op, Info->PinIndex,            &Info->TargetNode, &ParentPathname);        if (HidString)        {            /*             * This is a Connection() field             * Attempt to find all references to the field.             */            FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT, "%8s   %-28s",                HidString, ParentPathname);            MpXrefDevices (Info);        }        else        {            /*             * For Devices, attempt to get the _HID description string.             * Failing that (many _HIDs are not recognized), attempt to             * get the _DDN description string.             */            HidString = MpGetParentDeviceHid (Info->Op, &Info->TargetNode,                &ParentPathname);            FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT, "%8s   %-28s",                HidString, ParentPathname);            /* Get the _HID description or _DDN string */            HidInfo = AcpiAhMatchHardwareId (HidString);            if (HidInfo)            {                FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT, "  // %s",                    HidInfo->Description);            }            else if ((Description = MpGetDdnValue (ParentPathname)))            {                FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT, "  // %s (_DDN)",                    Description);            }        }        FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT, "/n");        ACPI_FREE (ParentPathname);        Info = Info->Next;    }}

示例7: MpEmitSerialInfo

//.........这里部分代码省略.........    const AH_DEVICE_ID      *HidInfo;    const char              *Description;    AML_RESOURCE            *Resource;    /* Walk the constructed serial descriptor list */    Info = Gbl_SerialList;    while (Info)    {        Resource = Info->Resource;        switch (Resource->CommonSerialBus.Type)        {        case AML_RESOURCE_I2C_SERIALBUSTYPE:            Type = "I2C ";            break;        case AML_RESOURCE_SPI_SERIALBUSTYPE:            Type = "SPI ";            break;        case AML_RESOURCE_UART_SERIALBUSTYPE:            Type = "UART";            break;        default:            Type = "UNKN";            break;        }        HidString = MpGetHidViaNamestring (Info->DeviceName);        /* Print header info for the controller itself */        if (!PrevDeviceName ||            ACPI_STRCMP (PrevDeviceName, Info->DeviceName))        {            FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT, "/n/n%s Controller:  ",                Type);            FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT, "%-8s  %-28s",                HidString, Info->DeviceName);            HidInfo = AcpiAhMatchHardwareId (HidString);            if (HidInfo)            {                FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT, "  // %s",                    HidInfo->Description);            }            FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT, "/n/n");            FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT,                "Type  Address   Speed      Dest _HID  Destination/n");        }        PrevDeviceName = Info->DeviceName;        FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT, "%s   %4.4X    %8.8X    ",            Type, Info->Address, Info->Speed);        ParentPathname = NULL;        HidString = MpGetConnectionInfo (Info->Op, 0, &Info->TargetNode,            &ParentPathname);        if (HidString)        {            /*             * This is a Connection() field             * Attempt to find all references to the field.             */            FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT, "%8s   %-28s",                HidString, ParentPathname);        }        else        {            /* Normal resource template */            HidString = MpGetParentDeviceHid (Info->Op, &Info->TargetNode,                &ParentPathname);            FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT, "%8s   %-28s",                HidString, ParentPathname);            /* Get the _HID description or _DDN string */            HidInfo = AcpiAhMatchHardwareId (HidString);            if (HidInfo)            {                FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT, "  // %s",                    HidInfo->Description);            }            else if ((Description = MpGetDdnValue (ParentPathname)))            {                FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT, "  // %s (_DDN)",                    Description);            }        }        FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT, "/n");        ACPI_FREE (ParentPathname);        Info = Info->Next;    }}

示例8: OptOptimizeNamePath

//.........这里部分代码省略.........            ASL_NO_ABORT);        return_VOID;    }    TargetPath.Length--;    /* Subtract one for null terminator */    /* CurrentPath is the path to this scope (where we are in the namespace) */    CurrentPath.Length = ACPI_ALLOCATE_LOCAL_BUFFER;    Status = AcpiNsHandleToPathname (CurrentNode, &CurrentPath);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        AslCoreSubsystemError (Op, Status, "Getting Current NamePath",            ASL_NO_ABORT);        return_VOID;    }    CurrentPath.Length--;   /* Subtract one for null terminator */    /* Debug output only */    Status = AcpiNsExternalizeName (ACPI_UINT32_MAX, AmlNameString,                NULL, &ExternalNameString);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        AslCoreSubsystemError (Op, Status, "Externalizing NamePath",            ASL_NO_ABORT);        return_VOID;    }    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OPTIMIZATIONS,        "%37s (%2u) ==> %-32s(%2u) %-32s",        (char *) CurrentPath.Pointer, (UINT32) CurrentPath.Length,        (char *) TargetPath.Pointer, (UINT32) TargetPath.Length, ExternalNameString));    ACPI_FREE (ExternalNameString);    /*     * Attempt an optmization depending on the type of namepath     */    if (Flags & (AML_NAMED | AML_CREATE))    {        /*         * This is a named opcode and the namepath is a name declaration, not         * a reference.         */        Status = OptOptimizeNameDeclaration (Op, WalkState, CurrentNode,                    TargetNode, AmlNameString, &NewPath);        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))        {            /*             * 2) now attempt to             *    optimize the namestring with carats (up-arrow)             */            Status = OptBuildShortestPath (Op, WalkState, CurrentNode,                            TargetNode, &CurrentPath, &TargetPath,                            AmlNameStringLength, 1, &NewPath);        }    }    else    {        /*         * This is a reference to an existing named object         *         * 1) Check if search-to-root can be utilized using the last         *    NameSeg of the NamePath         */        Status = OptSearchToRoot (Op, WalkState, CurrentNode,

示例9: AcpiDsDeleteWalkState

voidAcpiDsDeleteWalkState (    ACPI_WALK_STATE         *WalkState){    ACPI_GENERIC_STATE      *State;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_PTR (DsDeleteWalkState, WalkState);    if (!WalkState)    {        return_VOID;    }    if (WalkState->DescriptorType != ACPI_DESC_TYPE_WALK)    {        ACPI_ERROR ((AE_INFO, "%p is not a valid walk state",            WalkState));        return_VOID;    }    /* There should not be any open scopes */    if (WalkState->ParserState.Scope)    {        ACPI_ERROR ((AE_INFO, "%p walk still has a scope list",            WalkState));        AcpiPsCleanupScope (&WalkState->ParserState);    }    /* Always must free any linked control states */    while (WalkState->ControlState)    {        State = WalkState->ControlState;        WalkState->ControlState = State->Common.Next;        AcpiUtDeleteGenericState (State);    }    /* Always must free any linked parse states */    while (WalkState->ScopeInfo)    {        State = WalkState->ScopeInfo;        WalkState->ScopeInfo = State->Common.Next;        AcpiUtDeleteGenericState (State);    }    /* Always must free any stacked result states */    while (WalkState->Results)    {        State = WalkState->Results;        WalkState->Results = State->Common.Next;        AcpiUtDeleteGenericState (State);    }    ACPI_FREE (WalkState);    return_VOID;}

示例10: OptOptimizeNameDeclaration

static ACPI_STATUSOptOptimizeNameDeclaration (    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *Op,    ACPI_WALK_STATE         *WalkState,    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *CurrentNode,    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *TargetNode,    char                    *AmlNameString,    char                    **NewPath){    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    char                    *NewPathExternal;    ACPI_GENERIC_STATE      ScopeInfo;    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *Node;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE (OptOptimizeNameDeclaration);    if (((CurrentNode == AcpiGbl_RootNode) ||        (Op->Common.Parent->Asl.ParseOpcode == PARSEOP_DEFINITIONBLOCK)) &&            (AmlNameString[0] == '//'))    {        /*         * The current scope is the root, and the namepath has a root prefix         * that is therefore extraneous.  Remove it.         */        *NewPath = &AmlNameString[1];        /* Debug output */        Status = AcpiNsExternalizeName (ACPI_UINT32_MAX, *NewPath,                    NULL, &NewPathExternal);        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))        {            AslCoreSubsystemError (Op, Status, "Externalizing NamePath",                ASL_NO_ABORT);            return (Status);        }        /*         * Check to make sure that the optimization finds the node we are         * looking for.  This is simply a sanity check on the new         * path that has been created.         */        ScopeInfo.Scope.Node = CurrentNode;        Status = AcpiNsLookup (&ScopeInfo, *NewPath,                        ACPI_TYPE_ANY, ACPI_IMODE_EXECUTE,                        ACPI_NS_DONT_OPEN_SCOPE, WalkState, &(Node));        if (ACPI_SUCCESS (Status))        {            /* Found the namepath, but make sure the node is correct */            if (Node == TargetNode)            {                /* The lookup matched the node, accept this optimization */                AslError (ASL_OPTIMIZATION, ASL_MSG_NAME_OPTIMIZATION,                    Op, NewPathExternal);                ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OPTIMIZATIONS,                    "AT ROOT:   %-24s", NewPathExternal));            }            else            {                /* Node is not correct, do not use this optimization */                Status = AE_NOT_FOUND;                ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OPTIMIZATIONS,                    " ***** WRONG NODE"));                AslError (ASL_WARNING, ASL_MSG_COMPILER_INTERNAL, Op,                    "Not using optimized name - found wrong node");            }        }        else        {            /* The lookup failed, we obviously cannot use this optimization */            ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OPTIMIZATIONS,                " ***** NOT FOUND"));            AslError (ASL_WARNING, ASL_MSG_COMPILER_INTERNAL, Op,                "Not using optimized name - did not find node");        }        ACPI_FREE (NewPathExternal);        return (Status);    }    /* Could not optimize */    return (AE_NOT_FOUND);}

示例11: OptBuildShortestPath

//.........这里部分代码省略.........     * target string     */    Index = (NumCommonSegments * ACPI_PATH_SEGMENT_LENGTH) + 1;    /* Special handling for exact subpath in a name declaration */    if (IsDeclaration && SubPath && (CurrentPath->Length > TargetPath->Length))    {        /*         * The current path is longer than the target, and the target is a         * subpath of the current path. We must include one more NameSeg of         * the target path         */        Index -= ACPI_PATH_SEGMENT_LENGTH;        /* Special handling for Scope() operator */        if (Op->Asl.AmlOpcode == AML_SCOPE_OP)        {            NewPathExternal[i] = '^';            i++;            ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OPTIMIZATIONS, "(EXTRA ^)"));        }    }    /* Make sure we haven't gone off the end of the target path */    if (Index > TargetPath->Length)    {        Index = TargetPath->Length;    }    ACPI_STRCPY (&NewPathExternal[i], &((char *) TargetPath->Pointer)[Index]);    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OPTIMIZATIONS, " %-24s", NewPathExternal));    /*     * Internalize the new target string and check it against the original     * string to make sure that this is in fact an optimization. If the     * original string is already optimal, there is no point in continuing.     */    Status = AcpiNsInternalizeName (NewPathExternal, &NewPath);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        AslCoreSubsystemError (Op, Status, "Internalizing new NamePath",            ASL_NO_ABORT);        ACPI_FREE (NewPathExternal);        return (Status);    }    if (ACPI_STRLEN (NewPath) >= AmlNameStringLength)    {        ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OPTIMIZATIONS,            " NOT SHORTER (New %u old %u)",            (UINT32) ACPI_STRLEN (NewPath), (UINT32) AmlNameStringLength));        ACPI_FREE (NewPathExternal);        return (AE_NOT_FOUND);    }    /*     * Check to make sure that the optimization finds the node we are     * looking for.  This is simply a sanity check on the new     * path that has been created.     */    Status = AcpiNsLookup (&ScopeInfo,  NewPath,                    ACPI_TYPE_ANY, ACPI_IMODE_EXECUTE,                    ACPI_NS_DONT_OPEN_SCOPE, WalkState, &(Node));    if (ACPI_SUCCESS (Status))    {        /* Found the namepath, but make sure the node is correct */        if (Node == TargetNode)        {            /* The lookup matched the node, accept this optimization */            AslError (ASL_OPTIMIZATION, ASL_MSG_NAME_OPTIMIZATION,                Op, NewPathExternal);            *ReturnNewPath = NewPath;        }        else        {            /* Node is not correct, do not use this optimization */            Status = AE_NOT_FOUND;            ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OPTIMIZATIONS, " ***** WRONG NODE"));            AslError (ASL_WARNING, ASL_MSG_COMPILER_INTERNAL, Op,                "Not using optimized name - found wrong node");        }    }    else    {        /* The lookup failed, we obviously cannot use this optimization */        ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_OPTIMIZATIONS, " ***** NOT FOUND"));        AslError (ASL_WARNING, ASL_MSG_COMPILER_INTERNAL, Op,            "Not using optimized name - did not find node");    }    ACPI_FREE (NewPathExternal);    return (Status);}

示例12: AdCreateTableHeader

voidAdCreateTableHeader (    char                    *Filename,    ACPI_TABLE_HEADER       *Table){    char                    *NewFilename;    UINT8                   Checksum;    /*     * Print file header and dump original table header     */    AdDisassemblerHeader (Filename);    AcpiOsPrintf (" */n * Original Table Header:/n");    AcpiOsPrintf (" *     Signature        /"%4.4s/"/n",    Table->Signature);    AcpiOsPrintf (" *     Length           0x%8.8X (%u)/n", Table->Length, Table->Length);    /* Print and validate the revision */    AcpiOsPrintf (" *     Revision         0x%2.2X",      Table->Revision);    switch (Table->Revision)    {    case 0:        AcpiOsPrintf (" **** Invalid Revision");        break;    case 1:        /* Revision of DSDT controls the ACPI integer width */        if (ACPI_COMPARE_NAME (Table->Signature, ACPI_SIG_DSDT))        {            AcpiOsPrintf (" **** ACPI 1.0, no 64-bit math support");        }        break;    default:        break;    }    AcpiOsPrintf ("/n");    /* Print and validate the table checksum */    AcpiOsPrintf (" *     Checksum         0x%2.2X",        Table->Checksum);    Checksum = AcpiTbChecksum (ACPI_CAST_PTR (UINT8, Table), Table->Length);    if (Checksum)    {        AcpiOsPrintf (" **** Incorrect checksum, should be 0x%2.2X",            (UINT8) (Table->Checksum - Checksum));    }    AcpiOsPrintf ("/n");    AcpiOsPrintf (" *     OEM ID           /"%.6s/"/n",     Table->OemId);    AcpiOsPrintf (" *     OEM Table ID     /"%.8s/"/n",     Table->OemTableId);    AcpiOsPrintf (" *     OEM Revision     0x%8.8X (%u)/n", Table->OemRevision, Table->OemRevision);    AcpiOsPrintf (" *     Compiler ID      /"%.4s/"/n",     Table->AslCompilerId);    AcpiOsPrintf (" *     Compiler Version 0x%8.8X (%u)/n", Table->AslCompilerRevision, Table->AslCompilerRevision);    AcpiOsPrintf (" *//n");    /* Create AML output filename based on input filename */    if (Filename)    {        NewFilename = FlGenerateFilename (Filename, "aml");    }    else    {        NewFilename = ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED (9);        strncat (NewFilename, Table->Signature, 4);        strcat (NewFilename, ".aml");    }    /* Open the ASL definition block */    AcpiOsPrintf (        "DefinitionBlock (/"%s/", /"%4.4s/", %hd, /"%.6s/", /"%.8s/", 0x%8.8X)/n",        NewFilename, Table->Signature, Table->Revision,        Table->OemId, Table->OemTableId, Table->OemRevision);    ACPI_FREE (NewFilename);}

示例13: LsWriteNodeToListing

//.........这里部分代码省略.........        switch (Op->Asl.AmlOpcode)        {        case AML_SCOPE_OP:        case AML_ALIAS_OP:            /* These opcodes do not declare a new object, ignore them */            break;        default:            /* All other named object opcodes come here */            switch (FileId)            {            case ASL_FILE_ASM_SOURCE_OUTPUT:            case ASL_FILE_C_SOURCE_OUTPUT:            case ASL_FILE_ASM_INCLUDE_OUTPUT:            case ASL_FILE_C_INCLUDE_OUTPUT:                /*                 * For named objects, we will create a valid symbol so that the                 * AML code can be referenced from C or ASM                 */                if (Op->Asl.ExternalName)                {                    /* Get the full pathname associated with this node */                    Pathname = AcpiNsGetExternalPathname (Op->Asl.Node);                    Length = strlen (Pathname);                    if (Length >= 4)                    {                        /* Convert all dots in the path to underscores */                        for (i = 0; i < Length; i++)                        {                            if (Pathname[i] == '.')                            {                                Pathname[i] = '_';                            }                        }                        /* Create the appropriate symbol in the output file */                        if (FileId == ASL_FILE_ASM_SOURCE_OUTPUT)                        {                            FlPrintFile (FileId,                                "%s_%s_%s  ///n",                                Gbl_TableSignature, Gbl_TableId, &Pathname[1]);                        }                        if (FileId == ASL_FILE_C_SOURCE_OUTPUT)                        {                            FlPrintFile (FileId,                                "    unsigned char    %s_%s_%s [] =/n    {/n",                                Gbl_TableSignature, Gbl_TableId, &Pathname[1]);                        }                        if (FileId == ASL_FILE_ASM_INCLUDE_OUTPUT)                        {                            FlPrintFile (FileId,                                "extrn %s_%s_%s : byte/n",                                Gbl_TableSignature, Gbl_TableId, &Pathname[1]);                        }                        if (FileId == ASL_FILE_C_INCLUDE_OUTPUT)                        {                            FlPrintFile (FileId,                                "extern unsigned char    %s_%s_%s [];/n",                                Gbl_TableSignature, Gbl_TableId, &Pathname[1]);                        }                    }                    ACPI_FREE (Pathname);                }                break;            default:                /* Nothing to do for listing file */                break;            }        }        break;    case AML_CLASS_EXECUTE:    case AML_CLASS_CREATE:    default:        if ((Op->Asl.ParseOpcode == PARSEOP_BUFFER) &&            (Op->Asl.CompileFlags & NODE_IS_RESOURCE_DESC))        {            return;        }        LsWriteSourceLines (Op->Asl.LineNumber, Op->Asl.LogicalLineNumber,            FileId);        break;    case AML_CLASS_UNKNOWN:        break;    }}

示例14: MpNamespaceXrefBegin

static ACPI_STATUSMpNamespaceXrefBegin (    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *Op,    UINT32                  Level,    void                    *Context){    ACPI_GPIO_INFO          *Info = ACPI_CAST_PTR (ACPI_GPIO_INFO, Context);    const ACPI_OPCODE_INFO  *OpInfo;    char                    *DevicePathname;    ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT       *ParentOp;    char                    *HidString;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_PTR (MpNamespaceXrefBegin, Op);    /*     * If this node is the actual declaration of a name     * [such as the XXXX name in "Method (XXXX)"],     * we are not interested in it here. We only care about names that     * are references to other objects within the namespace and the     * parent objects of name declarations     */    if (Op->Asl.CompileFlags & NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION)    {        return (AE_OK);    }    /* We are only interested in opcodes that have an associated name */    OpInfo = AcpiPsGetOpcodeInfo (Op->Asl.AmlOpcode);    if ((OpInfo->Flags & AML_NAMED) ||        (OpInfo->Flags & AML_CREATE))    {        return (AE_OK);    }    if ((Op->Asl.ParseOpcode != PARSEOP_NAMESTRING) &&        (Op->Asl.ParseOpcode != PARSEOP_NAMESEG)    &&        (Op->Asl.ParseOpcode != PARSEOP_METHODCALL))    {        return (AE_OK);    }    if (!Op->Asl.Node)    {        return (AE_OK);    }    ParentOp = Op->Asl.Parent;    if (ParentOp->Asl.ParseOpcode == PARSEOP_FIELD)    {        return (AE_OK);    }    if (Op->Asl.Node == Info->TargetNode)    {        while (ParentOp && (!ParentOp->Asl.Node))        {            ParentOp = ParentOp->Asl.Parent;        }        if (ParentOp)        {            DevicePathname = AcpiNsGetExternalPathname (                ParentOp->Asl.Node);            if (!Info->References)            {                FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT, "  // References:");            }            HidString = MpGetHidViaNamestring (DevicePathname);            FlPrintFile (ASL_FILE_MAP_OUTPUT, " %s [%s]",                DevicePathname, HidString);            Info->References++;            ACPI_FREE (DevicePathname);        }    }    return (AE_OK);}

示例15: acpi_ns_execute_table

/******************************************************************************* * * FUNCTION:    ns_execute_table * * PARAMETERS:  table_desc      - An ACPI table descriptor for table to parse *              start_node      - Where to enter the table into the namespace * * RETURN:      Status * * DESCRIPTION: Load ACPI/AML table by executing the entire table as a *              term_list. * ******************************************************************************/acpi_statusacpi_ns_execute_table(u32 table_index, struct acpi_namespace_node *start_node){	acpi_status status;	struct acpi_table_header *table;	acpi_owner_id owner_id;	struct acpi_evaluate_info *info = NULL;	u32 aml_length;	u8 *aml_start;	union acpi_operand_object *method_obj = NULL;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE(ns_execute_table);	status = acpi_get_table_by_index(table_index, &table);	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		return_ACPI_STATUS(status);	}	/* Table must consist of at least a complete header */	if (table->length < sizeof(struct acpi_table_header)) {		return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_BAD_HEADER);	}	aml_start = (u8 *)table + sizeof(struct acpi_table_header);	aml_length = table->length - sizeof(struct acpi_table_header);	status = acpi_tb_get_owner_id(table_index, &owner_id);	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		return_ACPI_STATUS(status);	}	/* Create, initialize, and link a new temporary method object */	method_obj = acpi_ut_create_internal_object(ACPI_TYPE_METHOD);	if (!method_obj) {		return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_NO_MEMORY);	}	/* Allocate the evaluation information block */	info = ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED(sizeof(struct acpi_evaluate_info));	if (!info) {		status = AE_NO_MEMORY;		goto cleanup;	}	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_PARSE,			  "Create table code block: %p/n", method_obj));	method_obj->method.aml_start = aml_start;	method_obj->method.aml_length = aml_length;	method_obj->method.owner_id = owner_id;	method_obj->method.info_flags |= ACPI_METHOD_MODULE_LEVEL;	info->pass_number = ACPI_IMODE_EXECUTE;	info->node = start_node;	info->obj_desc = method_obj;	info->node_flags = info->node->flags;	info->full_pathname = acpi_ns_get_normalized_pathname(info->node, TRUE);	if (!info->full_pathname) {		status = AE_NO_MEMORY;		goto cleanup;	}	status = acpi_ps_execute_table(info);cleanup:	if (info) {		ACPI_FREE(info->full_pathname);		info->full_pathname = NULL;	}	ACPI_FREE(info);	acpi_ut_remove_reference(method_obj);	return_ACPI_STATUS(status);}

示例16: AcpiNsGetNode

ACPI_STATUSAcpiNsGetNode (    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *PrefixNode,    const char              *Pathname,    UINT32                  Flags,    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     **ReturnNode){    ACPI_GENERIC_STATE      ScopeInfo;    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    char                    *InternalPath;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_PTR (NsGetNode, ACPI_CAST_PTR (char, Pathname));    if (!Pathname)    {        *ReturnNode = PrefixNode;        if (!PrefixNode)        {            *ReturnNode = AcpiGbl_RootNode;        }        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);    }    /* Convert path to internal representation */    Status = AcpiNsInternalizeName (Pathname, &InternalPath);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);    }    /* Must lock namespace during lookup */    Status = AcpiUtAcquireMutex (ACPI_MTX_NAMESPACE);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        goto Cleanup;    }    /* Setup lookup scope (search starting point) */    ScopeInfo.Scope.Node = PrefixNode;    /* Lookup the name in the namespace */    Status = AcpiNsLookup (&ScopeInfo, InternalPath, ACPI_TYPE_ANY,                ACPI_IMODE_EXECUTE, (Flags | ACPI_NS_DONT_OPEN_SCOPE),                NULL, ReturnNode);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT ((ACPI_DB_EXEC, "%s, %s/n",                Pathname, AcpiFormatException (Status)));    }    (void) AcpiUtReleaseMutex (ACPI_MTX_NAMESPACE);Cleanup:    ACPI_FREE (InternalPath);    return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);}

示例17: DtCompileTable

//.........这里部分代码省略.........                 */                FlagBuffer += (Info->Offset - CurrentFlagByteOffset);                CurrentFlagByteOffset = Info->Offset;                DtCompileFlag (FlagBuffer, LocalField, Info);            }            else            {                /* TBD - this is an internal error */            }            LocalField = LocalField->Next;            *Field = LocalField;            break;        case DT_FIELD_TYPE_INLINE_SUBTABLE:            /*             * Recursion (one level max): compile GAS (Generic Address)             * or Notify in-line subtable             */            *Field = LocalField;            switch (Info->Opcode)            {            case ACPI_DMT_GAS:                Status = DtCompileTable (Field, AcpiDmTableInfoGas,                    &InlineSubtable, TRUE);                break;            case ACPI_DMT_HESTNTFY:                Status = DtCompileTable (Field, AcpiDmTableInfoHestNotify,                    &InlineSubtable, TRUE);                break;            case ACPI_DMT_IORTMEM:                Status = DtCompileTable (Field, AcpiDmTableInfoIortAcc,                    &InlineSubtable, TRUE);                break;            default:                sprintf (MsgBuffer, "Invalid DMT opcode: 0x%.2X",                    Info->Opcode);                DtFatal (ASL_MSG_COMPILER_INTERNAL, NULL, MsgBuffer);                Status = AE_BAD_DATA;                break;            }            if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))            {                goto Error;            }            DtSetSubtableLength (InlineSubtable);            ACPI_MEMCPY (Buffer, InlineSubtable->Buffer, FieldLength);            LocalField = *Field;            break;        case DT_FIELD_TYPE_LABEL:            DtWriteFieldToListing (Buffer, LocalField, 0);            LocalField = LocalField->Next;            break;        default:            /* Normal case for most field types (Integer, String, etc.) */            DtCompileOneField (Buffer, LocalField,                FieldLength, FieldType, Info->Flags);            DtWriteFieldToListing (Buffer, LocalField, FieldLength);            LocalField = LocalField->Next;            if (Info->Flags & DT_LENGTH)            {                /* Field is an Integer that will contain a subtable length */                Subtable->LengthField = Buffer;                Subtable->SizeOfLengthField = FieldLength;            }            break;        }        Buffer += FieldLength;    }    *Field = LocalField;    *RetSubtable = Subtable;    return (AE_OK);Error:    ACPI_FREE (Subtable->Buffer);    ACPI_FREE (Subtable);    return (Status);}

示例18: AcpiExStoreStringToString

ACPI_STATUSAcpiExStoreStringToString (    ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT     *SourceDesc,    ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT     *TargetDesc){    UINT32                  Length;    UINT8                   *Buffer;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_PTR (ExStoreStringToString, SourceDesc);    /* If Source and Target are the same, just return */    if (SourceDesc == TargetDesc)    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);    }    /* We know that SourceDesc is a string by now */    Buffer = ACPI_CAST_PTR (UINT8, SourceDesc->String.Pointer);    Length = SourceDesc->String.Length;    /*     * Replace existing string value if it will fit and the string     * pointer is not a static pointer (part of an ACPI table)     */    if ((Length < TargetDesc->String.Length) &&       (!(TargetDesc->Common.Flags & AOPOBJ_STATIC_POINTER)))    {        /*         * String will fit in existing non-static buffer.         * Clear old string and copy in the new one         */        memset (TargetDesc->String.Pointer, 0,            (ACPI_SIZE) TargetDesc->String.Length + 1);        memcpy (TargetDesc->String.Pointer, Buffer, Length);    }    else    {        /*         * Free the current buffer, then allocate a new buffer         * large enough to hold the value         */        if (TargetDesc->String.Pointer &&           (!(TargetDesc->Common.Flags & AOPOBJ_STATIC_POINTER)))        {            /* Only free if not a pointer into the DSDT */            ACPI_FREE (TargetDesc->String.Pointer);        }        TargetDesc->String.Pointer =            ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED ((ACPI_SIZE) Length + 1);        if (!TargetDesc->String.Pointer)        {            return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);        }        TargetDesc->Common.Flags &= ~AOPOBJ_STATIC_POINTER;        memcpy (TargetDesc->String.Pointer, Buffer, Length);    }    /* Set the new target length */    TargetDesc->String.Length = Length;    return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);}

示例19: acpi_ds_call_control_method

acpi_statusacpi_ds_call_control_method(struct acpi_thread_state *thread,			    struct acpi_walk_state *this_walk_state,			    union acpi_parse_object *op){	acpi_status status;	struct acpi_namespace_node *method_node;	struct acpi_walk_state *next_walk_state = NULL;	union acpi_operand_object *obj_desc;	struct acpi_evaluate_info *info;	u32 i;	ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE_PTR(ds_call_control_method, this_walk_state);	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_DISPATCH,			  "Calling method %p, currentstate=%p/n",			  this_walk_state->prev_op, this_walk_state));	/*	 * Get the namespace entry for the control method we are about to call	 */	method_node = this_walk_state->method_call_node;	if (!method_node) {		return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_NULL_ENTRY);	}	obj_desc = acpi_ns_get_attached_object(method_node);	if (!obj_desc) {		return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_NULL_OBJECT);	}	/* Init for new method, possibly wait on method mutex */	status = acpi_ds_begin_method_execution(method_node, obj_desc,						this_walk_state);	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		return_ACPI_STATUS(status);	}	/* Begin method parse/execution. Create a new walk state */	next_walk_state = acpi_ds_create_walk_state(obj_desc->method.owner_id,						    NULL, obj_desc, thread);	if (!next_walk_state) {		status = AE_NO_MEMORY;		goto cleanup;	}	/*	 * The resolved arguments were put on the previous walk state's operand	 * stack. Operands on the previous walk state stack always	 * start at index 0. Also, null terminate the list of arguments	 */	this_walk_state->operands[this_walk_state->num_operands] = NULL;	/*	 * Allocate and initialize the evaluation information block	 * TBD: this is somewhat inefficient, should change interface to	 * ds_init_aml_walk. For now, keeps this struct off the CPU stack	 */	info = ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED(sizeof(struct acpi_evaluate_info));	if (!info) {		return_ACPI_STATUS(AE_NO_MEMORY);	}	info->parameters = &this_walk_state->operands[0];	status = acpi_ds_init_aml_walk(next_walk_state, NULL, method_node,				       obj_desc->method.aml_start,				       obj_desc->method.aml_length, info,				       ACPI_IMODE_EXECUTE);	ACPI_FREE(info);	if (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {		goto cleanup;	}	/*	 * Delete the operands on the previous walkstate operand stack	 * (they were copied to new objects)	 */	for (i = 0; i < obj_desc->method.param_count; i++) {		acpi_ut_remove_reference(this_walk_state->operands[i]);		this_walk_state->operands[i] = NULL;	}	/* Clear the operand stack */	this_walk_state->num_operands = 0;	ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT((ACPI_DB_DISPATCH,			  "**** Begin nested execution of [%4.4s] **** WalkState=%p/n",			  method_node->name.ascii, next_walk_state));	/* Invoke an internal method if necessary */	if (obj_desc->method.method_flags & AML_METHOD_INTERNAL_ONLY) {		status = obj_desc->method.implementation(next_walk_state);		if (status == AE_OK) {			status = AE_CTRL_TERMINATE;//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例20: AcpiDbEvaluateOnePredefinedName

static ACPI_STATUSAcpiDbEvaluateOnePredefinedName (    ACPI_HANDLE             ObjHandle,    UINT32                  NestingLevel,    void                    *Context,    void                    **ReturnValue){    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE         *Node = (ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE *) ObjHandle;    ACPI_DB_EXECUTE_WALK        *Info = (ACPI_DB_EXECUTE_WALK *) Context;    char                        *Pathname;    const ACPI_PREDEFINED_INFO  *Predefined;    ACPI_DEVICE_INFO            *ObjInfo;    ACPI_OBJECT_LIST            ParamObjects;    ACPI_OBJECT                 Params[ACPI_METHOD_NUM_ARGS];    ACPI_OBJECT                 *ThisParam;    ACPI_BUFFER                 ReturnObj;    ACPI_STATUS                 Status;    UINT16                      ArgTypeList;    UINT8                       ArgCount;    UINT8                       ArgType;    UINT32                      i;    /* The name must be a predefined ACPI name */    Predefined = AcpiUtMatchPredefinedMethod (Node->Name.Ascii);    if (!Predefined)    {        return (AE_OK);    }    if (Node->Type == ACPI_TYPE_LOCAL_SCOPE)    {        return (AE_OK);    }    Pathname = AcpiNsGetNormalizedPathname (Node, TRUE);    if (!Pathname)    {        return (AE_OK);    }    /* Get the object info for number of method parameters */    Status = AcpiGetObjectInfo (ObjHandle, &ObjInfo);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        ACPI_FREE (Pathname);        return (Status);    }    ParamObjects.Count = 0;    ParamObjects.Pointer = NULL;    if (ObjInfo->Type == ACPI_TYPE_METHOD)    {        /* Setup default parameters (with proper types) */        ArgTypeList = Predefined->Info.ArgumentList;        ArgCount = METHOD_GET_ARG_COUNT (ArgTypeList);        /*         * Setup the ACPI-required number of arguments, regardless of what         * the actual method defines. If there is a difference, then the         * method is wrong and a warning will be issued during execution.         */        ThisParam = Params;        for (i = 0; i < ArgCount; i++)        {            ArgType = METHOD_GET_NEXT_TYPE (ArgTypeList);            ThisParam->Type = ArgType;            switch (ArgType)            {            case ACPI_TYPE_INTEGER:                ThisParam->Integer.Value = 1;                break;            case ACPI_TYPE_STRING:                ThisParam->String.Pointer =                    "This is the default argument string";                ThisParam->String.Length =                    strlen (ThisParam->String.Pointer);                break;            case ACPI_TYPE_BUFFER:                ThisParam->Buffer.Pointer = (UINT8 *) Params; /* just a garbage buffer */                ThisParam->Buffer.Length = 48;                break;             case ACPI_TYPE_PACKAGE:                ThisParam->Package.Elements = NULL;                ThisParam->Package.Count = 0;                break;           default://.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例21: AcpiEvDeleteGpeBlock

ACPI_STATUSAcpiEvDeleteGpeBlock (    ACPI_GPE_BLOCK_INFO     *GpeBlock){    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    ACPI_CPU_FLAGS          Flags;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE (EvInstallGpeBlock);    Status = AcpiUtAcquireMutex (ACPI_MTX_EVENTS);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);    }    /* Disable all GPEs in this block */    Status = AcpiHwDisableGpeBlock (GpeBlock->XruptBlock, GpeBlock, NULL);    if (!GpeBlock->Previous && !GpeBlock->Next)    {        /* This is the last GpeBlock on this interrupt */        Status = AcpiEvDeleteGpeXrupt (GpeBlock->XruptBlock);        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))        {            goto UnlockAndExit;        }    }    else    {        /* Remove the block on this interrupt with lock */        Flags = AcpiOsAcquireLock (AcpiGbl_GpeLock);        if (GpeBlock->Previous)        {            GpeBlock->Previous->Next = GpeBlock->Next;        }        else        {            GpeBlock->XruptBlock->GpeBlockListHead = GpeBlock->Next;        }        if (GpeBlock->Next)        {            GpeBlock->Next->Previous = GpeBlock->Previous;        }        AcpiOsReleaseLock (AcpiGbl_GpeLock, Flags);    }    AcpiCurrentGpeCount -= GpeBlock->GpeCount;    /* Free the GpeBlock */    ACPI_FREE (GpeBlock->RegisterInfo);    ACPI_FREE (GpeBlock->EventInfo);    ACPI_FREE (GpeBlock);UnlockAndExit:    Status = AcpiUtReleaseMutex (ACPI_MTX_EVENTS);    return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);}

示例22: AcpiNsInitializeDevices

ACPI_STATUSAcpiNsInitializeDevices (    void){    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    ACPI_DEVICE_WALK_INFO   Info;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE (NsInitializeDevices);    /* Init counters */    Info.DeviceCount = 0;    Info.Num_STA = 0;    Info.Num_INI = 0;    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_INIT,        "Initializing Device/Processor/Thermal objects "        "and executing _INI/_STA methods:/n"));    /* Tree analysis: find all subtrees that contain _INI methods */    Status = AcpiNsWalkNamespace (ACPI_TYPE_ANY, ACPI_ROOT_OBJECT,                ACPI_UINT32_MAX, FALSE, AcpiNsFindIniMethods, NULL, &Info, NULL);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        goto ErrorExit;    }    /* Allocate the evaluation information block */    Info.EvaluateInfo = ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED (sizeof (ACPI_EVALUATE_INFO));    if (!Info.EvaluateInfo)    {        Status = AE_NO_MEMORY;        goto ErrorExit;    }    /*     * Execute the "global" _INI method that may appear at the root. This     * support is provided for Windows compatibility (Vista+) and is not     * part of the ACPI specification.     */    Info.EvaluateInfo->PrefixNode = AcpiGbl_RootNode;    Info.EvaluateInfo->RelativePathname = __UNCONST(METHOD_NAME__INI);    Info.EvaluateInfo->Parameters = NULL;    Info.EvaluateInfo->Flags = ACPI_IGNORE_RETURN_VALUE;    Status = AcpiNsEvaluate (Info.EvaluateInfo);    if (ACPI_SUCCESS (Status))    {        Info.Num_INI++;    }    /* Walk namespace to execute all _INIs on present devices */    Status = AcpiNsWalkNamespace (ACPI_TYPE_ANY, ACPI_ROOT_OBJECT,                ACPI_UINT32_MAX, FALSE, AcpiNsInitOneDevice, NULL, &Info, NULL);    /*     * Any _OSI requests should be completed by now. If the BIOS has     * requested any Windows OSI strings, we will always truncate     * I/O addresses to 16 bits -- for Windows compatibility.     */    if (AcpiGbl_OsiData >= ACPI_OSI_WIN_2000)    {        AcpiGbl_TruncateIoAddresses = TRUE;    }    ACPI_FREE (Info.EvaluateInfo);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        goto ErrorExit;    }    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_INIT,        "    Executed %u _INI methods requiring %u _STA executions "        "(examined %u objects)/n",        Info.Num_INI, Info.Num_STA, Info.DeviceCount));    return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);ErrorExit:    ACPI_EXCEPTION ((AE_INFO, Status, "During device initialization"));    return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);}

示例23: AcpiEvCreateGpeInfoBlocks

//.........这里部分代码省略.........        (ACPI_SIZE) GpeBlock->RegisterCount *        sizeof (ACPI_GPE_REGISTER_INFO));    if (!GpeRegisterInfo)    {        ACPI_ERROR ((AE_INFO,            "Could not allocate the GpeRegisterInfo table"));        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);    }    /*     * Allocate the GPE EventInfo block. There are eight distinct GPEs     * per register. Initialization to zeros is sufficient.     */    GpeEventInfo = ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED ((ACPI_SIZE) GpeBlock->GpeCount *        sizeof (ACPI_GPE_EVENT_INFO));    if (!GpeEventInfo)    {        ACPI_ERROR ((AE_INFO,            "Could not allocate the GpeEventInfo table"));        Status = AE_NO_MEMORY;        goto ErrorExit;    }    /* Save the new Info arrays in the GPE block */    GpeBlock->RegisterInfo = GpeRegisterInfo;    GpeBlock->EventInfo = GpeEventInfo;    /*     * Initialize the GPE Register and Event structures. A goal of these     * tables is to hide the fact that there are two separate GPE register     * sets in a given GPE hardware block, the status registers occupy the     * first half, and the enable registers occupy the second half.     */    ThisRegister = GpeRegisterInfo;    ThisEvent = GpeEventInfo;    for (i = 0; i < GpeBlock->RegisterCount; i++)    {        /* Init the RegisterInfo for this GPE register (8 GPEs) */        ThisRegister->BaseGpeNumber = (UINT16)            (GpeBlock->BlockBaseNumber + (i * ACPI_GPE_REGISTER_WIDTH));        ThisRegister->StatusAddress.Address =            GpeBlock->Address + i;        ThisRegister->EnableAddress.Address =            GpeBlock->Address + i + GpeBlock->RegisterCount;        ThisRegister->StatusAddress.SpaceId   = GpeBlock->SpaceId;        ThisRegister->EnableAddress.SpaceId   = GpeBlock->SpaceId;        ThisRegister->StatusAddress.BitWidth  = ACPI_GPE_REGISTER_WIDTH;        ThisRegister->EnableAddress.BitWidth  = ACPI_GPE_REGISTER_WIDTH;        ThisRegister->StatusAddress.BitOffset = 0;        ThisRegister->EnableAddress.BitOffset = 0;        /* Init the EventInfo for each GPE within this register */        for (j = 0; j < ACPI_GPE_REGISTER_WIDTH; j++)        {            ThisEvent->GpeNumber = (UINT8) (ThisRegister->BaseGpeNumber + j);            ThisEvent->RegisterInfo = ThisRegister;            ThisEvent++;        }        /* Disable all GPEs within this register */        Status = AcpiHwWrite (0x00, &ThisRegister->EnableAddress);        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))        {            goto ErrorExit;        }        /* Clear any pending GPE events within this register */        Status = AcpiHwWrite (0xFF, &ThisRegister->StatusAddress);        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))        {            goto ErrorExit;        }        ThisRegister++;    }    return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);ErrorExit:    if (GpeRegisterInfo)    {        ACPI_FREE (GpeRegisterInfo);    }    if (GpeEventInfo)    {        ACPI_FREE (GpeEventInfo);    }    return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);}

示例24: AcpiDbBusWalk

static ACPI_STATUSAcpiDbBusWalk (    ACPI_HANDLE             ObjHandle,    UINT32                  NestingLevel,    void                    *Context,    void                    **ReturnValue){    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *Node = (ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE *) ObjHandle;    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    ACPI_BUFFER             Buffer;    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *TempNode;    ACPI_DEVICE_INFO        *Info;    UINT32                  i;    if ((Node->Type != ACPI_TYPE_DEVICE) &&        (Node->Type != ACPI_TYPE_PROCESSOR))    {        return (AE_OK);    }    /* Exit if there is no _PRT under this device */    Status = AcpiGetHandle (Node, METHOD_NAME__PRT,                ACPI_CAST_PTR (ACPI_HANDLE, &TempNode));    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        return (AE_OK);    }    /* Get the full path to this device object */    Buffer.Length = ACPI_ALLOCATE_LOCAL_BUFFER;    Status = AcpiNsHandleToPathname (ObjHandle, &Buffer);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        AcpiOsPrintf ("Could Not get pathname for object %p/n", ObjHandle);        return (AE_OK);    }    Status = AcpiGetObjectInfo (ObjHandle, &Info);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        return (AE_OK);    }    /* Display the full path */    AcpiOsPrintf ("%-32s Type %X", (char *) Buffer.Pointer, Node->Type);    ACPI_FREE (Buffer.Pointer);    if (Info->Flags & ACPI_PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE)    {        AcpiOsPrintf ("  - Is PCI Root Bridge");    }    AcpiOsPrintf ("/n");    /* _PRT info */    AcpiOsPrintf ("_PRT: %p/n", TempNode);    /* Dump _ADR, _HID, _UID, _CID */    if (Info->Valid & ACPI_VALID_ADR)    {        AcpiOsPrintf ("_ADR: %8.8X%8.8X/n", ACPI_FORMAT_UINT64 (Info->Address));    }    else    {        AcpiOsPrintf ("_ADR: <Not Present>/n");    }    if (Info->Valid & ACPI_VALID_HID)    {        AcpiOsPrintf ("_HID: %s/n", Info->HardwareId.String);    }    else    {        AcpiOsPrintf ("_HID: <Not Present>/n");    }    if (Info->Valid & ACPI_VALID_UID)    {        AcpiOsPrintf ("_UID: %s/n", Info->UniqueId.String);    }    else    {        AcpiOsPrintf ("_UID: <Not Present>/n");    }    if (Info->Valid & ACPI_VALID_CID)    {        for (i = 0; i < Info->CompatibleIdList.Count; i++)        {            AcpiOsPrintf ("_CID: %s/n",                Info->CompatibleIdList.Ids[i].String);        }    }    else    {//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例25: AcpiEvCreateGpeBlock

ACPI_STATUSAcpiEvCreateGpeBlock (    ACPI_NAMESPACE_NODE     *GpeDevice,    UINT64                  Address,    UINT8                   SpaceId,    UINT32                  RegisterCount,    UINT16                  GpeBlockBaseNumber,    UINT32                  InterruptNumber,    ACPI_GPE_BLOCK_INFO     **ReturnGpeBlock){    ACPI_STATUS             Status;    ACPI_GPE_BLOCK_INFO     *GpeBlock;    ACPI_GPE_WALK_INFO      WalkInfo;    ACPI_FUNCTION_TRACE (EvCreateGpeBlock);    if (!RegisterCount)    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);    }    /* Allocate a new GPE block */    GpeBlock = ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED (sizeof (ACPI_GPE_BLOCK_INFO));    if (!GpeBlock)    {        return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_NO_MEMORY);    }    /* Initialize the new GPE block */    GpeBlock->Address = Address;    GpeBlock->SpaceId = SpaceId;    GpeBlock->Node = GpeDevice;    GpeBlock->GpeCount = (UINT16) (RegisterCount * ACPI_GPE_REGISTER_WIDTH);    GpeBlock->Initialized = FALSE;    GpeBlock->RegisterCount = RegisterCount;    GpeBlock->BlockBaseNumber = GpeBlockBaseNumber;    /*     * Create the RegisterInfo and EventInfo sub-structures     * Note: disables and clears all GPEs in the block     */    Status = AcpiEvCreateGpeInfoBlocks (GpeBlock);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        ACPI_FREE (GpeBlock);        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);    }    /* Install the new block in the global lists */    Status = AcpiEvInstallGpeBlock (GpeBlock, InterruptNumber);    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))    {        ACPI_FREE (GpeBlock->RegisterInfo);        ACPI_FREE (GpeBlock->EventInfo);        ACPI_FREE (GpeBlock);        return_ACPI_STATUS (Status);    }    AcpiGbl_AllGpesInitialized = FALSE;    /* Find all GPE methods (_Lxx or_Exx) for this block */    WalkInfo.GpeBlock = GpeBlock;    WalkInfo.GpeDevice = GpeDevice;    WalkInfo.ExecuteByOwnerId = FALSE;    Status = AcpiNsWalkNamespace (ACPI_TYPE_METHOD, GpeDevice,        ACPI_UINT32_MAX, ACPI_NS_WALK_NO_UNLOCK,        AcpiEvMatchGpeMethod, NULL, &WalkInfo, NULL);    /* Return the new block */    if (ReturnGpeBlock)    {        (*ReturnGpeBlock) = GpeBlock;    }    ACPI_DEBUG_PRINT_RAW ((ACPI_DB_INIT,        "    Initialized GPE %02X to %02X [%4.4s] %u regs on interrupt 0x%X%s/n",        (UINT32) GpeBlock->BlockBaseNumber,        (UINT32) (GpeBlock->BlockBaseNumber + (GpeBlock->GpeCount - 1)),        GpeDevice->Name.Ascii, GpeBlock->RegisterCount, InterruptNumber,        InterruptNumber == AcpiGbl_FADT.SciInterrupt ? " (SCI)" : ""));    /* Update global count of currently available GPEs */    AcpiCurrentGpeCount += GpeBlock->GpeCount;    return_ACPI_STATUS (AE_OK);}

