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自学教程:C++ ACTION函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 19:33:08
这篇教程C++ ACTION函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中ACTION函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ACTION函数的具体用法?C++ ACTION怎么用?C++ ACTION使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: uiMenuSettimeHours

static QState uiMenuSettimeHours(struct UI *me){	switch (Q_SIG(me)) {	case Q_ENTRY_SIG:		lcd_buttons(LCD_BUTTONS_ALL);		me->settime_YmdHM = 'H';		display_set_time(me, TRUE, TRUE);		QActive_armX((QActive*)me, 1, 17);		return Q_HANDLED();	case Q_TIMEOUT1_SIG:		return Q_TRAN(uiMenuSettimeHoursFlash);	case BUTTON_ENTER_PRESS_SIGNAL:		ACTION();		return Q_TRAN(uiMenuSettimeMinutes);	case BUTTON_UP_PRESS_SIGNAL:	case BUTTON_UP_LONG_PRESS_SIGNAL:	case BUTTON_UP_REPEAT_SIGNAL:		ACTION();		inc_hour(&me->settime);		display_set_time(me, TRUE, TRUE);		QActive_armX((QActive*)me, 1, 17);		return Q_HANDLED();	case BUTTON_DOWN_PRESS_SIGNAL:	case BUTTON_DOWN_LONG_PRESS_SIGNAL:	case BUTTON_DOWN_REPEAT_SIGNAL:		ACTION();		dec_hour(&me->settime);		display_set_time(me, TRUE, TRUE);		QActive_armX((QActive*)me, 1, 17);		return Q_HANDLED();	}	return Q_SUPER(uiMenu);}

示例2: uiMenuCalibrate

static QState uiMenuCalibrate(struct UI *me){	switch (Q_SIG(me)) {	case Q_ENTRY_SIG:		SERIALSTR("uiMenuCalibrate/r/n");		me->temperatureWaits = 0;		me->cal = BSP_get_calibration();		me->ti = INVALIDTI;		show_temperature_cal(me);		if (me->cal >= MAX_CAL) {			lcd_buttons(LCD_BUTTONS_ENTER_DOWN_CANCEL);		} else if (me->cal <= MIN_CAL) {			lcd_buttons(LCD_BUTTONS_ENTER_UP_CANCEL);		} else {			lcd_buttons(LCD_BUTTONS_ALL);		}		return Q_HANDLED();	case BUTTON_ENTER_PRESS_SIGNAL:		ACTION();		SERIALSTR("b1/r/n");		set_calibration(me->cal);		return Q_TRAN(uiMenuMaybeCalibrate);	case BUTTON_UP_PRESS_SIGNAL:		ACTION();		if (me->cal < MAX_CAL) {			SERIALSTR("up/r/n");			lcd_buttons(LCD_BUTTONS_ALL);			me->cal ++;			if (me->cal < MAX_CAL) {				lcd_buttons(LCD_BUTTONS_ALL);			} else {				lcd_buttons(LCD_BUTTONS_ENTER_DOWN_CANCEL);			}			show_temperature_cal(me);		}		return Q_HANDLED();	case BUTTON_DOWN_PRESS_SIGNAL:		ACTION();		if (me->cal > MIN_CAL) {			SERIALSTR("down/r/n");			lcd_buttons(LCD_BUTTONS_ALL);			me->cal --;			if (me->cal > MIN_CAL) {				lcd_buttons(LCD_BUTTONS_ALL);			} else {				lcd_buttons(LCD_BUTTONS_ENTER_UP_CANCEL);			}			show_temperature_cal(me);		}		return Q_HANDLED();	case Q_EXIT_SIG:		/* Save this as an invalid value, so at the next tick		   uiGetTemperature() will be forced to update the display. */		me->ti = INVALIDTI;		return Q_HANDLED();	}	return Q_SUPER(uiMenu);}

示例3: e_cal_shell_view_memopad_actions_update

voide_cal_shell_view_memopad_actions_update (ECalShellView *cal_shell_view){	ECalShellContent *cal_shell_content;	EShellWindow *shell_window;	EShellView *shell_view;	EMemoTable *memo_table;	GtkAction *action;	GSList *list, *iter;	gboolean editable = TRUE;	gboolean has_url = FALSE;	gboolean sensitive;	gint n_selected;	shell_view = E_SHELL_VIEW (cal_shell_view);	shell_window = e_shell_view_get_shell_window (shell_view);	cal_shell_content = cal_shell_view->priv->cal_shell_content;	memo_table = e_cal_shell_content_get_memo_table (cal_shell_content);	n_selected = e_table_selected_count (E_TABLE (memo_table));	list = e_memo_table_get_selected (memo_table);	for (iter = list; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) {		ECalModelComponent *comp_data = iter->data;		icalproperty *prop;		gboolean read_only;		read_only = e_client_is_readonly (E_CLIENT (comp_data->client));		editable &= !read_only;		prop = icalcomponent_get_first_property (			comp_data->icalcomp, ICAL_URL_PROPERTY);		has_url |= (prop != NULL);	}	g_slist_free (list);	action = ACTION (CALENDAR_MEMOPAD_FORWARD);	sensitive = (n_selected == 1);	gtk_action_set_sensitive (action, sensitive);	action = ACTION (CALENDAR_MEMOPAD_OPEN);	sensitive = (n_selected == 1);	gtk_action_set_sensitive (action, sensitive);	action = ACTION (CALENDAR_MEMOPAD_OPEN_URL);	sensitive = (n_selected == 1) && has_url;	gtk_action_set_sensitive (action, sensitive);	action = ACTION (CALENDAR_MEMOPAD_PRINT);	sensitive = (n_selected == 1);	gtk_action_set_sensitive (action, sensitive);	action = ACTION (CALENDAR_MEMOPAD_SAVE_AS);	sensitive = (n_selected == 1);	gtk_action_set_sensitive (action, sensitive);}

示例4: handle_sleep

static void handle_sleep(struct sched_state *s){	if (ACTION(s, sleeping) && !HANDLING_INTERRUPT(s)) {		lsprintf(DEV, "agent %d sleep -- ", s->cur_agent->tid);		print_qs(DEV, s);		printf(DEV, "/n");		agent_sleep(s);		/* it doesn't quite matter where this flag gets turned off, but		 * there are two places where it can get woken up (wake/unsleep)		 * so may as well do it here. */		ACTION(s, sleeping) = false;	}}


void moduleAdmin::actionSetup() {	static const Actions actions[256] =  {		//	00		ACTION( "admin_Nop",		a_Nop),		ACTION( "admin_Nop",		a_Nop),		ACTION( "admin_Nop",		a_Nop),		ACTION( "admin_Nop",		a_Nop)		// 04	};	_actions = actions;}


void moduleAuth::actionSetup() {	static const Actions actions[256] =  {		//	00        ACTION( "authPong",	            a_Pong),		ACTION( "authResponseVersion",	a_ResponseVersion),		ACTION( "authLogin",		    a_Login),		ACTION( "authDisconnect",	    a_Disconnect),		//  04        ACTION( "authModulesLoad",	    a_ModulesLoad),	};	_actions = actions;}

示例7: setVerboseFlags

static voidsetVerboseFlags(char *str){    for (; *str; str++)    {        switch (*str)        {        case 'f':            verboseLevel |= WantFullNames;            break;        case 'h':            verboseLevel |= WantHiddenMaps;            break;        case 'l':            verboseLevel |= WantLongListing;            break;        case 'p':            verboseLevel |= WantPartialMaps;            break;        case 'R':            verboseLevel |= ListRecursive;            break;        default:            if (warningLevel > 4)            {                WARN1("Unknown verbose option /"%c/"/n", (unsigned int) *str);                ACTION("Ignored/n");            }            break;        }    }    return;}

示例8: ReportBadField

intReportBadField(const char *type, const char *field, const char *name){    ERROR("Unknown %s field %s in %s/n", type, field, name);    ACTION("Ignoring assignment to unknown field in %s/n", name);    return False;}

示例9: ReportShouldBeArray

intReportShouldBeArray(const char *type, const char *field, const char *name){    ERROR("Missing subscript for %s %s/n", type, field);    ACTION("Ignoring illegal assignment in %s/n", name);    return False;}

示例10: ReportNotArray

intReportNotArray(const char *type, const char *field, const char *name){    ERROR("The %s %s field is not an array/n", type, field);    ACTION("Ignoring illegal assignment in %s/n", name);    return False;}

示例11: shell_window_init_switcher_style

static voidshell_window_init_switcher_style (EShellWindow *shell_window){	GtkAction *action;	GSettings *settings;	GtkToolbarStyle style;	gchar *string;	settings = e_util_ref_settings ("org.gnome.evolution.shell");	action = ACTION (SWITCHER_STYLE_ICONS);	string = g_settings_get_string (settings, "buttons-style");	g_object_unref (settings);	if (string != NULL) {		if (strcmp (string, "icons") == 0)			style = GTK_TOOLBAR_ICONS;		else if (strcmp (string, "text") == 0)			style = GTK_TOOLBAR_TEXT;		else if (strcmp (string, "both") == 0)			style = GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ;		else			style = -1;		gtk_radio_action_set_current_value (			GTK_RADIO_ACTION (action), style);		g_free (string);	}	g_signal_connect (		action, "changed",		G_CALLBACK (shell_window_save_switcher_style_cb),		shell_window);}

示例12: run_action_goto

static voidrun_action_goto(t_obj *action_obj)/* * Go to the cue specified in the action details */{	t_action *	action;	t_obj *		next_cue_obj;		 /* Next cue to be run	      */	t_am_args *	args;			 /* Message arguments	      */	action = ACTION(action_obj);	next_cue_obj = action->tcue_obj;	if(!next_cue_obj)	{		E("No Cue specified for action [%s]", action->name);		return;	}	args = am_pool_get();	args->cue.cue_obj = next_cue_obj;	client2agent_tx(QSHEET(qsheet4action(action_obj))->client,		am_cue_goto, args);	return;}						 /* run_action_goto()	      */

示例13: uiMenu

static QState uiMenu(struct UI *me){	switch (Q_SIG(me)) {	case Q_ENTRY_SIG:		ACTION();		BSP_fast_timer_1(TRUE);		BSP_fast_timer_2(TRUE);		return Q_HANDLED();	case UI_ACTION_SIGNAL:		SERIALSTR("U");		me->timeoutcounter = 4;		lcd_timeouts(me->timeoutcounter);		QActive_armX((QActive*)(me), 2,			     3 * BSP_TICKS_PER_SECOND_TIMER2);		return Q_HANDLED();	case Q_TIMEOUT2_SIG:		me->timeoutcounter --;		lcd_timeouts(me->timeoutcounter);		if (me->timeoutcounter) {			QActive_armX((QActive*)(me), 2,				     3 * BSP_TICKS_PER_SECOND_TIMER2);			return Q_HANDLED();		} else {			return Q_TRAN(uiRun);		}	case BUTTON_CANCEL_PRESS_SIGNAL:		return Q_TRAN(uiRun);	case Q_EXIT_SIG:		BSP_fast_timer_1(FALSE);		BSP_fast_timer_2(FALSE);		lcd_timeouts(0);		return Q_HANDLED();	}	return Q_SUPER(uiTop);}

示例14: ReportBadType

intReportBadType(const char *type, const char *field,              const char *name, const char *wanted){    ERROR("The %s %s field must be a %s/n", type, field, wanted);    ACTION("Ignoring illegal assignment in %s/n", name);    return False;}

示例15: uiMenuAdjusttime

static QState uiMenuAdjusttime(struct UI *me){	switch (Q_SIG(me)) {	case Q_ENTRY_SIG:		SERIALSTR("uiMAT/r/n");		me->adjustment = BSP_get_adjustment();		if (me->adjustment >= MAX_ADJ) {			lcd_buttons(LCD_BUTTONS_ENTER_DOWN_CANCEL);		} else if (me->adjustment <= MIN_ADJ) {			lcd_buttons(LCD_BUTTONS_ENTER_DOWN_CANCEL);		} else {			lcd_buttons(LCD_BUTTONS_ALL);		}		display_adjusttime(me);		return Q_HANDLED();	case BUTTON_ENTER_PRESS_SIGNAL:		ACTION();		SERIALSTR("b1/r/n");		BSP_save_adjustment(me->adjustment);		return Q_TRAN(uiMenuMaybeAdjusttime);	case BUTTON_UP_PRESS_SIGNAL:		ACTION();		if (me->adjustment < MAX_ADJ) {			SERIALSTR("up/r/n");			me->adjustment ++;			lcd_buttons(LCD_BUTTONS_ALL);			display_adjusttime(me);		} else {			lcd_buttons(LCD_BUTTONS_ENTER_DOWN_CANCEL);		}		return Q_HANDLED();	case BUTTON_DOWN_PRESS_SIGNAL:		ACTION();		if (me->adjustment > MIN_ADJ) {			SERIALSTR("down/r/n");			me->adjustment --;			lcd_buttons(LCD_BUTTONS_ALL);			display_adjusttime(me);		} else {			lcd_buttons(LCD_BUTTONS_ENTER_UP_CANCEL);		}		return Q_HANDLED();	}	return Q_SUPER(uiMenu);}

示例16: ACTION

void LALRTable::printTable() {    auto& fout = DebugMsg::parser_dbg();    fout << "=========== LALR TABLE ==========" << endl;    for (int s = 0; s < VSum; ++s) {        fout << "/t" << s;    }    fout << endl;    for (int s = 0; s < stateSum; ++s) {        fout << "I" << s << ":";        for (int i = 0; i < VSum; ++i) {            fout << "/t";            if (ACTION(s,i)=='a') {fout << "acc"; continue;  }            if (ACTION(s,i))                fout << ACTION(s,i);            fout << GOTO(s,i);        }        fout << endl;    }}

示例17: uiMenuMaybeCalibrate

static QState uiMenuMaybeCalibrate(struct UI *me){	switch (Q_SIG(me)) {	case Q_ENTRY_SIG:		lcd_buttons(LCD_BUTTONS_ALL);		lcd_showstring("CALTEMP");		return Q_HANDLED();	case BUTTON_ENTER_PRESS_SIGNAL:		ACTION();		return Q_TRAN(uiMenuCalibrateTemperatureStart);	case BUTTON_UP_PRESS_SIGNAL:		ACTION();		return Q_TRAN(uiMenuMaybeSettime);	case BUTTON_DOWN_PRESS_SIGNAL:		ACTION();		return Q_TRAN(uiMenuMaybeAdjusttime);	}	return Q_SUPER(uiMenu);}

示例18: handle_vanish

static void handle_vanish(struct sched_state *s){	if (ACTION(s, vanishing) && !HANDLING_INTERRUPT(s)) {		lsprintf(DEV, "agent %d vanish -- ", s->cur_agent->tid);		print_qs(DEV, s);		printf(DEV, "/n");		agent_vanish(s);		/* the vanishing flag stays on (TODO: is it needed?) */	}}

示例19: handle_fork

static bool handle_fork(struct sched_state *s, int target_tid, bool add_to_rq){	if (ACTION(s, forking) && !HANDLING_INTERRUPT(s) &&	    s->cur_agent->tid != target_tid) {		lsprintf(DEV, "agent %d forked (%s) -- ", target_tid,			 add_to_rq ? "rq" : "dq");		print_qs(DEV, s);		printf(DEV, "/n");		/* Start all newly-forked threads not in the context switcher.		 * The free pass gets them out of the first assertion on the		 * cs state flag. Of note, this means we can't reliably use the		 * cs state flag for anything other than assertions. */		agent_fork(s, target_tid, add_to_rq);		/* don't need this flag anymore; fork only forks once */		ACTION(s, forking) = false;		return true;	} else {		return false;	}}

示例20: uiMenuMaybeSettime

static QState uiMenuMaybeSettime(struct UI *me){	switch (Q_SIG(me)) {	case Q_ENTRY_SIG:		lcd_buttons(LCD_BUTTONS_ENTER_DOWN_CANCEL);		lcd_showstring("SETTIME");		return Q_HANDLED();	case BUTTON_ENTER_PRESS_SIGNAL:		ACTION();		me->settime = *gettimep();		return Q_TRAN(uiMenuSettimeYears);	case BUTTON_UP_PRESS_SIGNAL:		ACTION();		return Q_HANDLED();	case BUTTON_DOWN_PRESS_SIGNAL:		ACTION();		return Q_TRAN(uiMenuMaybeCalibrate);	}	return Q_SUPER(uiMenu);}

示例21: action_save_cb

static voidaction_save_cb (GtkAction *action,                EMsgComposer *composer){	EHTMLEditor *editor;	EHTMLEditorView *view;	const gchar *filename;	gint fd;	GError *error = NULL;	editor = e_msg_composer_get_editor (composer);	filename = e_html_editor_get_filename (editor);	if (filename == NULL) {		gtk_action_activate (ACTION (SAVE_AS));		return;	}	/* Check if the file already exists and we can create it. */	fd = g_open (filename, O_RDONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0777);	if (fd < 0) {		gint errno_saved = errno;		if (g_file_test (filename, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) {			gint response;			response = e_alert_run_dialog_for_args (				GTK_WINDOW (composer),				E_ALERT_ASK_FILE_EXISTS_OVERWRITE,				filename, NULL);			if (response != GTK_RESPONSE_OK)				return;		} else {			e_alert_submit (				E_ALERT_SINK (composer),				E_ALERT_NO_SAVE_FILE, filename,				g_strerror (errno_saved), NULL);			return;		}	} else		close (fd);	if (!e_html_editor_save (editor, filename, TRUE, &error)) {		e_alert_submit (			E_ALERT_SINK (composer),			E_ALERT_NO_SAVE_FILE,			filename, error->message, NULL);		g_error_free (error);		return;	}	view = e_html_editor_get_view (editor);	e_html_editor_view_set_changed (view, TRUE);}

示例22: ACTION

std::ostream &OCamlTabCodeGen::TO_STATE_ACTION_SWITCH(){	/* Walk the list of functions, printing the cases. */	for ( GenActionList::Iter act = actionList; act.lte(); act++ ) {		/* Write out referenced actions. */		if ( act->numToStateRefs > 0 ) {			/* Write the case label, the action and the case break. */			out << "/t| " << act->actionId << " ->/n";      ACTION( out, act, 0, false );		}	}	genLineDirective( out );	return out;}

示例23: uiMenuMaybeAdjusttime

static QState uiMenuMaybeAdjusttime(struct UI *me){	switch (Q_SIG(me)) {	case Q_ENTRY_SIG:		lcd_buttons(LCD_BUTTONS_ENTER_UP_CANCEL);		lcd_showstring("ADJTIME");		me->assertionMenuCounter = 0;		return Q_HANDLED();	case BUTTON_ENTER_PRESS_SIGNAL:		ACTION();		return Q_TRAN(uiMenuAdjusttime);	case BUTTON_UP_PRESS_SIGNAL:		ACTION();		return Q_TRAN(uiMenuMaybeCalibrate);	case BUTTON_DOWN_PRESS_SIGNAL:		ACTION();		me->assertionMenuCounter ++;		if (me->assertionMenuCounter >= 7) {			return Q_TRAN(uiMenuShowAssertion);		}		return Q_HANDLED();	}	return Q_SUPER(uiMenu);}

示例24: settings

void ToolBarEditor::populateActionList(bool reset){    QStringList names = ActionManager::instance()->toolBarActionNames();    if(!reset)    {        QSettings settings (Qmmp::configFile(), QSettings::IniFormat);        names = settings.value("Simple/toolbar_actions", names).toStringList();    }    for(int id = ActionManager::PLAY; id <= ActionManager::QUIT; ++id)    {        QAction *action = ACTION(id);        if(action->icon().isNull())            continue;        QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem();        item->setIcon(action->icon());        item->setText(action->text().replace("&", ""));        item->setData(Qt::UserRole, action->objectName());        if(!names.contains(action->objectName()))            m_ui->actionsListWidget->addItem(item);    }    {        QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem();        item->setText("-- " + tr("Separator") + " --");        item->setData(Qt::UserRole, "separator");        m_ui->actionsListWidget->addItem(item);    }    foreach (QString name, names)    {        QAction *action = ActionManager::instance()->findChild<QAction *>(name);        if(action)        {            QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem();            item->setIcon(action->icon());            item->setText(action->text().replace("&", ""));            item->setData(Qt::UserRole, action->objectName());            m_ui->activeActionsListWidget->addItem(item);        }        else if(name == "separator")        {            QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem();            item->setText("-- " + tr("Separator") + " --");            item->setData(Qt::UserRole, "separator");            m_ui->activeActionsListWidget->addItem(item);        }    }

示例25: sprintf

void GUI::ParseDefinitionElem(struct GUI_DEFINITION_ELEM* guielem){	char output[256];	sprintf(output, "DEBUG: Beginning parsing gui definition element: %s", guielem->name);	LogToFile(DEFAULT_GUI_LOG_NAME, output);	static int exist = 0;	GUIcontrol* chk = ItemByName(guielem->name);	if(chk)	{		exist++;		sprintf(guielem->name, "%s%u", guielem->name, exist);	}	GUIcontrol* new_ctrl = NULL;	new_ctrl = new GUIcontrol(guielem->name);		new_ctrl->SetPos(guielem->x, guielem->y);		new_ctrl->SetPatternCount(guielem->pattern_count);		new_ctrl->SetPatternWidth(guielem->pattern_width);		new_ctrl->SetPatternHeight(guielem->pattern_height);		new_ctrl->SetCurrentPattern(guielem->pattern_current);		new_ctrl->SetVisible(guielem->visible);		new_ctrl->SetTexture(TextureByName(textures, guielem->texture_name));		new_ctrl->SetColor(guielem->color_red, guielem->color_green, guielem->color_blue, guielem->color_alpha);		new_ctrl->SetCaption(guielem->caption);		new_ctrl->SetCaptionFont(FontByName(fonts, guielem->caption_font_name));		new_ctrl->SetCaptionColor(guielem->caption_color_red, guielem->caption_color_green,			guielem->caption_color_blue, guielem->caption_color_alpha);		new_ctrl->SetCaptionPos(guielem->caption_x, guielem->caption_y);		new_ctrl->SetText(guielem->text);		new_ctrl->SetTextFont(FontByName(fonts, guielem->text_font_name));		new_ctrl->SetTextColor(guielem->text_color_red, guielem->text_color_green,			guielem->text_color_blue, guielem->text_color_alpha);		new_ctrl->SetTextPos(guielem->text_x, guielem->text_y);		new_ctrl->SetAction(ACTION(guielem->action));		new_ctrl->SetNextName(guielem->next);		new_ctrl->SetParentName(guielem->parent);		new_ctrl->SetData(guielem->data);		new_ctrl->SetGroup(GROUP(guielem->group));	AddControl(new_ctrl);	sprintf(output, "DEBUG: Finished parsing gui definition element: %s", guielem->name);	LogToFile(DEFAULT_GUI_LOG_NAME, output);};

示例26: ACTION

std::wostream &CSharpGotoCodeGen::EOF_ACTION_SWITCH(){	/* Walk the list of functions, printing the cases. */	for ( GenActionList::Iter act = actionList; act.lte(); act++ ) {		/* Write out referenced actions. */		if ( act->numEofRefs > 0 ) {			/* Write the case label, the action and the case break. */			out << L"/tcase " << act->actionId << L":/n";			ACTION( out, act, 0, true );			out << L"/tbreak;/n";		}	}	genLineDirective( out );	return out;}

示例27: ACTION

std::ostream &TabCodeGen::ACTION_SWITCH(){	/* Walk the list of functions, printing the cases. */	for ( GenActionList::Iter act = actionList; act.lte(); act++ ) {		/* Write out referenced actions. */		if ( act->numTransRefs > 0 ) {			/* Write the case label, the action and the case break. */			out << "/tcase " << act->actionId << ":/n";			ACTION( out, act, 0, false, false );			out << "/tbreak;/n";		}	}	genLineDirective( out );	return out;}

示例28: ACTION

std::wostream &FGotoCodeGen::EXEC_ACTIONS(){	/* Loop the actions. */	for ( GenActionTableMap::Iter redAct = redFsm->actionMap; redAct.lte(); redAct++ ) {		if ( redAct->numTransRefs > 0 ) {			/* 	We are at the start of a glob, write the case. */			out << L"f" << redAct->actListId << L":/n";			/* Write each action in the list of action items. */			for ( GenActionTable::Iter item = redAct->key; item.lte(); item++ )				ACTION( out, item->value, 0, false, false );			out << L"/tgoto _again;/n";		}	}	return out;}


C++ AC_MEMCPY函数代码示例
C++ ACS_TRACE函数代码示例