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自学教程:C++ ADD_STRING函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 19:33:37
这篇教程C++ ADD_STRING函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中ADD_STRING函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ADD_STRING函数的具体用法?C++ ADD_STRING怎么用?C++ ADD_STRING使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。



// NotifyListenerRequeststatus_tNotifyListenerRequest::GetAddressInfos(AddressInfo* infos, int32* count){	ADD_STRING(oldName);	ADD_STRING(name);	return B_OK;}

示例2: multi_options_update_start_game

// update the standalone with the settings I have picked at the "start game" screenvoid multi_options_update_start_game(netgame_info *ng){	ubyte data[MAX_PACKET_SIZE],code;	int packet_size = 0;	// should be a host on a standalone	Assert((Net_player->flags & NETINFO_FLAG_GAME_HOST) && !(Net_player->flags & NETINFO_FLAG_AM_MASTER));	// build the header	BUILD_HEADER(OPTIONS_UPDATE);	code = MULTI_OPTION_START_GAME;	ADD_DATA(code);	// add the start game options	ADD_STRING(ng->name);	ADD_INT(ng->mode);	ADD_INT(ng->security);	// add mode-specific data	switch(ng->mode){	case NG_MODE_PASSWORD:		ADD_STRING(ng->passwd);		break;	case NG_MODE_RANK_ABOVE:	case NG_MODE_RANK_BELOW:		ADD_INT(ng->rank_base);		break;	}	// send to the standalone server		multi_io_send_reliable(Net_player, data, packet_size);}

示例3: multi_options_update_mission

// update the standalone with the mission settings I have picked (mission filename, etc)void multi_options_update_mission(netgame_info *ng, int campaign_mode){	ubyte data[MAX_PACKET_SIZE],code;	int packet_size = 0;	// should be a host on a standalone	Assert((Net_player->flags & NETINFO_FLAG_GAME_HOST) && !(Net_player->flags & NETINFO_FLAG_AM_MASTER));	// build the header	BUILD_HEADER(OPTIONS_UPDATE);	code = MULTI_OPTION_MISSION;	ADD_DATA(code);	// type (coop or team vs. team)	ADD_INT(ng->type_flags);	// respawns	ADD_UINT(ng->respawn);	// add the mission/campaign filename	code = (ubyte)campaign_mode;	ADD_DATA(code);	if(campaign_mode){		ADD_STRING(ng->campaign_name);	} else {		ADD_STRING(ng->mission_name);	}	// send to the server		multi_io_send_reliable(Net_player, data, packet_size);}

示例4: say_message

/*% * Internal print routine used to print short form replies. */static isc_result_tsay_message(dns_rdata_t *rdata, dig_query_t *query, isc_buffer_t *buf) {	isc_result_t result;	isc_uint64_t diff;	isc_time_t now;	char store[sizeof("12345678901234567890")];	if (query->lookup->trace || query->lookup->ns_search_only) {		result = dns_rdatatype_totext(rdata->type, buf);		if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)			return (result);		ADD_STRING(buf, " ");	}	result = dns_rdata_totext(rdata, NULL, buf);	if (result == ISC_R_NOSPACE)		return (result);	check_result(result, "dns_rdata_totext");	if (query->lookup->identify) {		TIME_NOW(&now);		diff = isc_time_microdiff(&now, &query->time_sent);		ADD_STRING(buf, " from server ");		ADD_STRING(buf, query->servname);		snprintf(store, 19, " in %d ms.", (int)diff/1000);		ADD_STRING(buf, store);	}	ADD_STRING(buf, "/n");	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);}


//===============================================================================================// FUNCTION: WriteMathInfo// PURPOSE:  Writes the math channel info to the data file.// NOTES:    We currently only support one math channel, but the file can support any number.//BOOL CProtocolWriterABF2::WriteMathInfo(){   MEMBERASSERT();   BOOL bOK    = TRUE;   ABF_MathInfo Math;   if( m_pFH->nArithmeticEnable )   {      Math.nMathEnable     = m_pFH->nArithmeticEnable;      Math.nMathExpression = m_pFH->nArithmeticExpression;         Math.fMathUpperLimit = m_pFH->fArithmeticUpperLimit;         Math.fMathLowerLimit = m_pFH->fArithmeticLowerLimit;        Math.nMathADCNum[0]  = m_pFH->nArithmeticADCNumA;         Math.nMathADCNum[1]  = m_pFH->nArithmeticADCNumB;         Math.fMathK[0]       = m_pFH->fArithmeticK1;           Math.fMathK[1]       = m_pFH->fArithmeticK2;           Math.fMathK[2]       = m_pFH->fArithmeticK3;           Math.fMathK[3]       = m_pFH->fArithmeticK4;           Math.fMathK[4]       = m_pFH->fArithmeticK5;           Math.fMathK[5]       = m_pFH->fArithmeticK6;           Math.uMathOperatorIndex = ADD_STRING( m_pFH->sArithmeticOperator );      Math.uMathUnitsIndex    = ADD_STRING( m_pFH->sArithmeticUnits );      m_FileInfo.MathSection.Set( m_lNextBlock, sizeof( ABF_MathInfo ), 1 );      bOK &= m_pFI->Write( &Math, sizeof( Math ) );      bOK &= m_pFI->FillCurrentBlock( &m_lNextBlock );   }   return bOK;}

示例6: php_ns_sapi_register_variables

static voidphp_ns_sapi_register_variables(zval *track_vars_array){	int i;	char buf[NS_BUF_SIZE + 1];	char *tmp;	for(i = 0; i < Ns_SetSize(NSG(conn->headers)); i++) {		char *key = Ns_SetKey(NSG(conn->headers), i);		char *value = Ns_SetValue(NSG(conn->headers), i);		char *p;		char c;		snprintf(buf, NS_BUF_SIZE, "HTTP_%s", key);				for(p = buf + 5; (c = *p); p++) {			c = toupper(c);			if(c < 'A' || c > 'Z') {				c = '_';			}			*p = c;		}		ADD_STRINGX(buf, value);	}		snprintf(buf, NS_BUF_SIZE, "%s/%s", Ns_InfoServerName(), Ns_InfoServerVersion());	ADD_STRING("SERVER_SOFTWARE");	snprintf(buf, NS_BUF_SIZE, "HTTP/%1.1f", NSG(conn)->request->version);	ADD_STRING("SERVER_PROTOCOL");	ADD_STRINGX("REQUEST_METHOD", NSG(conn)->request->method);	if(NSG(conn)->request->query)		ADD_STRINGX("QUERY_STRING", NSG(conn)->request->query);		ADD_STRINGX("SERVER_BUILDDATE", Ns_InfoBuildDate());	ADD_STRINGX("REMOTE_ADDR", Ns_ConnPeer(NSG(conn)));	snprintf(buf, NS_BUF_SIZE, "%d", Ns_ConnPeerPort(NSG(conn)));	ADD_STRING("REMOTE_PORT");	snprintf(buf, NS_BUF_SIZE, "%d", Ns_ConnPort(NSG(conn)));	ADD_STRING("SERVER_PORT");	tmp = Ns_ConnHost(NSG(conn));	if (tmp)		ADD_STRINGX("SERVER_NAME", tmp);	ADD_STRINGX("PATH_TRANSLATED", SG(request_info).path_translated);	ADD_STRINGX("REQUEST_URI", SG(request_info).request_uri);	ADD_STRINGX("PHP_SELF", SG(request_info).request_uri);	ADD_STRINGX("GATEWAY_INTERFACE", "CGI/1.1");	snprintf(buf, NS_BUF_SIZE, "%d", Ns_InfoBootTime());	ADD_STRING("SERVER_BOOTTIME");}


// MountVolumeRequeststatus_tMountVolumeRequest::GetAddressInfos(AddressInfo* infos, int32* count){	ADD_NON_NULL_STRING(cwd);	ADD_STRING(device);	ADD_STRING(parameters);	return B_OK;}

示例8: exportData

/*  this function will be called upon a scheduled data collection   for a specific rule. it has to write measurement values from   'flowdata' into 'buf' and set len accordingly*/int exportData( void **exp, int *len, void *flowdata ){    uint32_t i;    packetData_t *pkt;    flowRec_t *data = (flowRec_t *) flowdata;    /* check if enough buffer space is available and reserve extra memory if not */    if (expSize < ROWSTRSIZE * (data->nrows + 1)) {        uint8_t *newMemory = realloc(expData, ROWSTRSIZE * (data->nrows + 1));	if (newMemory != NULL) {	    expData = newMemory;	    expSize = ROWSTRSIZE * data->nrows;	} else {	    /* not enough memory to write data to -> don't write data at all */	    STARTEXPORT(expData);	    ADD_LIST(0);	    END_LIST();	    ENDEXPORT(exp, len);	    return -1;	}    }    STARTEXPORT(expData);    ADD_LIST( data->nrows );    pkt = data->pkt;    for (i = 0; i < data->nrows; i++) {	ADD_UINT8(  pkt->ipversion );	ADD_UINT8(  pkt->ttl );	ADD_UINT16( pkt->pktlen );	ADD_UINT16( pkt->iphdrlen );		ADD_UINT16( pkt->proto );	ADD_UINT16( pkt->tcpudphdrlen );		ADD_STRING( pkt->srcip );	ADD_UINT16( pkt->srcport );		ADD_STRING( pkt->dstip );	ADD_UINT16( pkt->dstport );	ADD_UINT32( pkt->tcpseqno );	ADD_STRING( printFlags(pkt->tcpflags) );	pkt++;    }    END_LIST();    ENDEXPORT(exp, len);    data->nrows = 0;        return 0;}

示例9: multi_respawn_broadcast

// send a broadcast pack indicating a player has respawnedvoid multi_respawn_broadcast(net_player *np){	ubyte data[50],val;	int packet_size = 0;	ushort signature;	vector pos;	// broadcast the packet to all players	Assert(Net_player->flags & NETINFO_FLAG_AM_MASTER);	signature = Objects[np->player->objnum].net_signature;	pos = Objects[np->player->objnum].pos;	// build the header and add the opcode	BUILD_HEADER(RESPAWN_NOTICE);	val = RESPAWN_BROADCAST;	ADD_DATA(val);	// add the data for the respawn	ADD_USHORT(signature);    add_vector_data( data, &packet_size, pos );	ADD_SHORT(np->player_id);	ADD_DATA(np->s_info.cur_primary_bank);	ADD_DATA(np->s_info.cur_secondary_bank);	ADD_DATA(np->s_info.cur_link_status);	ADD_USHORT(np->s_info.ship_ets);	ADD_STRING(np->p_info.p_objp->name);	Assert( np->s_info.ship_ets != 0 );		// find dave or allender	multi_io_send_to_all_reliable(data, packet_size);}


char *int_new_string (int size)#endif{    malloc_block_t *mbt;#if 0    if (!size) {        the_null_string_blocks[0].ref++;        ADD_NEW_STRING(0, sizeof(malloc_block_t));        return the_null_string;    }#endif        mbt = (malloc_block_t *)DXALLOC(size + sizeof(malloc_block_t) + 1, TAG_MALLOC_STRING, tag);    if (size < USHRT_MAX) {        mbt->size = size;        ADD_NEW_STRING(size, sizeof(malloc_block_t));    } else {        mbt->size = USHRT_MAX;        ADD_NEW_STRING(USHRT_MAX, sizeof(malloc_block_t));    }    mbt->ref = 1;    ADD_STRING(mbt->size);    CHECK_STRING_STATS;    return (char *)(mbt + 1);}

示例11: zend_accel_script_persist_calc

uint zend_accel_script_persist_calc(zend_persistent_script *new_persistent_script, char *key, unsigned int key_length){	new_persistent_script->mem = NULL;	new_persistent_script->size = 0;	new_persistent_script->arena_mem = NULL;	new_persistent_script->arena_size = 0;	ZCG(current_persistent_script) = new_persistent_script;	ADD_DUP_SIZE(new_persistent_script, sizeof(zend_persistent_script));	if (key) {		ADD_DUP_SIZE(key, key_length + 1);	}	ADD_STRING(new_persistent_script->full_path);#ifdef __SSE2__	/* Align size to 64-byte boundary */	new_persistent_script->size = (new_persistent_script->size + 63) & ~63;#endif	zend_accel_persist_class_table_calc(&new_persistent_script->class_table);	zend_hash_persist_calc(&new_persistent_script->function_table, zend_persist_op_array_calc);	zend_persist_op_array_calc_ex(&new_persistent_script->main_op_array);#ifdef __SSE2__	/* Align size to 64-byte boundary */	new_persistent_script->arena_size = (new_persistent_script->arena_size + 63) & ~63;#endif	new_persistent_script->size += new_persistent_script->arena_size;	ZCG(current_persistent_script) = NULL;	return new_persistent_script->size;}

示例12: PropertiesChangedSignal

/** * PropertiesChangedSignal() synthetizes and sends the * org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.PropertiesChanged signal */static DBusHandlerResultPropertiesChangedSignal( intf_thread_t    *p_intf,                         vlc_dictionary_t *p_changed_properties ){    DBusConnection  *p_conn = p_intf->p_sys->p_conn;    DBusMessageIter changed_properties, invalidated_properties;    const char *psz_interface_name = DBUS_MPRIS_PLAYER_INTERFACE;    char **ppsz_properties = NULL;    SIGNAL_INIT( DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES,                 DBUS_MPRIS_OBJECT_PATH,                 "PropertiesChanged" );    OUT_ARGUMENTS;    ADD_STRING( &psz_interface_name );    if( !dbus_message_iter_open_container( &args, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, "{sv}",                                           &changed_properties ) )        return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NEED_MEMORY;    ppsz_properties = vlc_dictionary_all_keys( p_changed_properties );    if( unlikely(!ppsz_properties) )    {        dbus_message_iter_abandon_container( &args, &changed_properties );        return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NEED_MEMORY;    }    for( int i = 0; ppsz_properties[i]; i++ )    {        PROPERTY_MAPPING_BEGIN        PROPERTY_ENTRY( Metadata,       "a{sv}" )        PROPERTY_ENTRY( PlaybackStatus, "s"     )        PROPERTY_ENTRY( LoopStatus,     "s"     )        PROPERTY_ENTRY( Rate,           "d"     )        PROPERTY_ENTRY( Shuffle,        "b"     )        PROPERTY_ENTRY( Volume,         "d"     )        PROPERTY_ENTRY( CanSeek,        "b"     )        PROPERTY_ENTRY( CanPlay,        "b"     )        PROPERTY_ENTRY( CanPause,       "b"     )        PROPERTY_MAPPING_END        free( ppsz_properties[i] );    }    free( ppsz_properties );    if( !dbus_message_iter_close_container( &args, &changed_properties ) )        return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NEED_MEMORY;    if( !dbus_message_iter_open_container( &args, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, "s",                                           &invalidated_properties ) )        return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NEED_MEMORY;    if( !dbus_message_iter_close_container( &args, &invalidated_properties ) )        return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NEED_MEMORY;    SIGNAL_SEND;}

示例13: PropertiesChangedSignal

/** * PropertiesChangedSignal: synthetizes and sends the * org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.PropertiesChanged signal */static DBusHandlerResultPropertiesChangedSignal( intf_thread_t    *p_intf,                         vlc_dictionary_t *p_changed_properties ){    DBusConnection  *p_conn = p_intf->p_sys->p_conn;    DBusMessageIter changed_properties, invalidated_properties;    const char *psz_interface_name = DBUS_MPRIS_TRACKLIST_INTERFACE;    char **ppsz_properties = NULL;    int i_properties = 0;    SIGNAL_INIT( DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES,                 DBUS_MPRIS_OBJECT_PATH,                 "PropertiesChanged" );    OUT_ARGUMENTS;    ADD_STRING( &psz_interface_name );    if( unlikely(!dbus_message_iter_open_container( &args,                                                    DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, "{sv}",                                                    &changed_properties )) )        return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NEED_MEMORY;    if( unlikely(!dbus_message_iter_close_container( &args,                                                     &changed_properties )) )        return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NEED_MEMORY;    if( unlikely(!dbus_message_iter_open_container( &args, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, "s",                                                    &invalidated_properties )) )        return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NEED_MEMORY;    i_properties    = vlc_dictionary_keys_count( p_changed_properties );    ppsz_properties = vlc_dictionary_all_keys( p_changed_properties );    if( unlikely(!ppsz_properties) )    {        dbus_message_iter_abandon_container( &args, &invalidated_properties );        return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NEED_MEMORY;    }    for( int i = 0; i < i_properties; i++ )    {        if( !strcmp( ppsz_properties[i], "Tracks" ) )            dbus_message_iter_append_basic( &invalidated_properties,                                            DBUS_TYPE_STRING,                                            &ppsz_properties[i] );        free( ppsz_properties[i] );    }    free( ppsz_properties );    if( unlikely(!dbus_message_iter_close_container( &args,                    &invalidated_properties )) )        return DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NEED_MEMORY;    SIGNAL_SEND;}

示例14: zend_persist_property_info_calc

static void zend_persist_property_info_calc(zval *zv){	zend_property_info *prop = Z_PTR_P(zv);	ADD_ARENA_SIZE(sizeof(zend_property_info));	ADD_INTERNED_STRING(prop->name, 0);	if (ZCG(accel_directives).save_comments && prop->doc_comment) {		ADD_STRING(prop->doc_comment);	}}

示例15: CountMessages

wxString COARfile::FormatLocusAlerts(  const COARsample *pSample,  COARlocus *pLocus,  const CAlertViewStatus &viewStatus,  const wxDateTime *pTime) const{  COmittedAlerts mapOmitted;  wxString sRtn;  vector<wxString> vs;  size_t nLen = 0;  bool bOmit = !viewStatus.GetSampleLocus();  if(pLocus != NULL)  {    wxString s;    wxString sReview;    wxString sTitle;    wxString sNotes = pLocus->GetNotes(pTime);;    vector<int> vn;    pLocus->AppendAlerts(&vn,pTime);    if(bOmit)    {      int n = CountMessages(vn,pTime);      mapOmitted.Add(CAlertViewStatus::SAMPLE_LOCUS,n);    }    else    {      if(CanEditArtifacts())      {        int nReview;        int nAccept;        GetReviewerCounts(&nReview,&nAccept,CLabReview::REVIEW_LOCUS);        sReview = pLocus->FormatReviewAcceptance(pTime);        s = CheckLocusStatus(pLocus,nReview,nAccept,pTime);        APPEND_STRING(sReview,s);        s.Clear();      }      if(vn.size())      {        s = FormatMessages(vn,2,pTime);      }      if( !(s.IsEmpty() && sNotes.IsEmpty() && sReview.IsEmpty()) )      {        sTitle = pLocus->GetName();        sTitle.Append(_T(" " COAR_NOTICE_DISPLAY ":"));        ADD_STRING(sTitle);        ADD_STRINGE(s);        ADD_REVIEW_NOTES(sReview,sNotes,2);        s.Empty();      }    }  }  _FormatCommonAlerts(&mapOmitted,pSample,vs,nLen,viewStatus, pTime,true);  _JoinStrings(sRtn,vs,&mapOmitted,nLen);  return sRtn;}

示例16: PropertiesChangedSignal

static DBusHandlerResultPropertiesChangedSignal( intf_thread_t    *p_intf,                         vlc_dictionary_t *p_changed_properties ){    DBusConnection  *p_conn = p_intf->p_sys->p_conn;    DBusMessageIter changed_properties, invalidated_properties, entry, variant;    const char *psz_interface_name = DBUS_MPRIS_ROOT_INTERFACE;    char **ppsz_properties = NULL;    int i_properties = 0;    SIGNAL_INIT( DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES,                 DBUS_MPRIS_OBJECT_PATH,                 "PropertiesChanged" );    OUT_ARGUMENTS;    ADD_STRING( &psz_interface_name );    dbus_message_iter_open_container( &args, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, "{sv}",                                      &changed_properties );    i_properties = vlc_dictionary_keys_count( p_changed_properties );    ppsz_properties = vlc_dictionary_all_keys( p_changed_properties );    for( int i = 0; i < i_properties; i++ )    {        dbus_message_iter_open_container( &changed_properties,                                          DBUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY, NULL,                                          &entry );        dbus_message_iter_append_basic( &entry, DBUS_TYPE_STRING,                                        &ppsz_properties[i] );        if( !strcmp( ppsz_properties[i], "Fullscreen" ) )        {            dbus_message_iter_open_container( &entry,                                              DBUS_TYPE_VARIANT, "b",                                              &variant );            MarshalFullscreen( p_intf, &variant );            dbus_message_iter_close_container( &entry, &variant );        }        dbus_message_iter_close_container( &changed_properties, &entry );        free( ppsz_properties[i] );    }    dbus_message_iter_close_container( &args, &changed_properties );    dbus_message_iter_open_container( &args, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, "s",                                      &invalidated_properties );    dbus_message_iter_close_container( &args, &invalidated_properties );    free( ppsz_properties );    SIGNAL_SEND;}

示例17: zend_persist_property_info_calc

static void zend_persist_property_info_calc(zval *zv){	zend_property_info *prop = Z_PTR_P(zv);	if (!zend_shared_alloc_get_xlat_entry(prop)) {		zend_shared_alloc_register_xlat_entry(prop, prop);		ADD_ARENA_SIZE(sizeof(zend_property_info));		ADD_INTERNED_STRING(prop->name, 0);		if (ZCG(accel_directives).save_comments && prop->doc_comment) {			ADD_STRING(prop->doc_comment);		}	}}

示例18: sapi_webjames_register_variables

static void sapi_webjames_register_variables(zval *track_vars_array){	char buf[BUF_SIZE + 1];	char *docroot;	buf[BUF_SIZE] = '/0';	ADD_STRING("SERVER_SOFTWARE", configuration.server);	ADD_STRING("SERVER_NAME", configuration.serverip);	ADD_FIELD("SERVER_PROTOCOL", protocol);	ADD_NUM("SERVER_PORT", port);	ADD_STRING("SERVER_ADMIN",configuration.webmaster);	ADD_STRING("GATEWAY_INTERFACE", "CGI/1.1");	docroot = __unixify(WG(conn)->homedir,0,NULL,1024,0);	if (docroot) ADD_STRING("DOCUMENT_ROOT", docroot);	ADD_FIELD("REQUEST_METHOD", methodstr);	ADD_FIELD("REQUEST_URI", requesturi);	ADD_STRING("PATH_TRANSLATED", SG(request_info).path_translated);	ADD_FIELD("SCRIPT_NAME", uri);	ADD_FIELD("PHP_SELF", uri);	ADD_FIELD("QUERY_STRING", args);	snprintf(buf, BUF_SIZE, "%d.%d.%d.%d", WG(conn)->ipaddr[0], WG(conn)->ipaddr[1], WG(conn)->ipaddr[2], WG(conn)->ipaddr[3]);	ADD_STRING("REMOTE_ADDR", buf);	if (WG(conn)->dnsstatus == DNS_OK) ADD_FIELD("REMOTE_HOST", host);	if ((WG(conn)->method == METHOD_POST) || (WG(conn)->method == METHOD_PUT)) {		ADD_NUM("CONTENT_LENGTH", bodysize);		ADD_FIELD("CONTENT_TYPE", type);	}	if ((WG(conn)->method == METHOD_PUT) || (WG(conn)->method == METHOD_DELETE)) ADD_FIELD("ENTITY_PATH", requesturi);	if (WG(conn)->pwd) {		ADD_STRING("AUTH_TYPE", "basic");		ADD_FIELD("REMOTE_USER", authorization);	}	ADD_FIELD("HTTP_COOKIE", cookie);	ADD_FIELD("HTTP_USER_AGENT", useragent);	ADD_FIELD("HTTP_REFERER", referer);	ADD_FIELD("HTTP_ACCEPT", accept);	ADD_FIELD("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE", acceptlanguage);	ADD_FIELD("HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET", acceptcharset);	ADD_FIELD("HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING", acceptencoding);}

示例19: au_to_zonename

/* * token ID                1 byte * zonename length         2 bytes * zonename                N bytes + 1 terminating NULL byte */token_t *au_to_zonename(const char *zonename){	u_char *dptr = NULL;	u_int16_t textlen;	token_t *t;	textlen = strlen(zonename) + 1;	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) + sizeof(u_int16_t) + textlen);	ADD_U_CHAR(dptr, AUT_ZONENAME);	ADD_U_INT16(dptr, textlen);	ADD_STRING(dptr, zonename, textlen);	return (t);}

示例20: au_to_sock_unix

/* * token ID                1 byte * socket family           2 bytes * path                    (up to) 104 bytes + NULL  (NULL terminated string) */token_t *au_to_sock_unix(struct sockaddr_un *so){	token_t *t;	u_char *dptr;	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, 3 * sizeof(u_char) + strlen(so->sun_path) + 1);	ADD_U_CHAR(dptr, AUT_SOCKUNIX);	/* BSM token has two bytes for family */	ADD_U_CHAR(dptr, 0);	ADD_U_CHAR(dptr, so->sun_family);	ADD_STRING(dptr, so->sun_path, strlen(so->sun_path) + 1);	return (t);}

示例21: ref_string

const char *ref_string (const char * str){    block_t *b;    b = BLOCK(str);#ifdef DEBUG    if (b != findblock(str)) {        fatal("stralloc.c: called ref_string on non-shared string: %s./n", str);    }#endif                          /* defined(DEBUG) */    if (REFS(b))        REFS(b)++;    NDBG(b);    ADD_STRING(SIZE(b));    return str;}

示例22: retval_point_from_coordinates

/* {{{ Helpers */void retval_point_from_coordinates(zval *return_value, double lon, double lat){	zval *coordinates;	array_init(return_value);	GEOSPAT_MAKE_STD_ZVAL(coordinates);	array_init(coordinates);	ADD_STRING(return_value, "type", "Point");	add_next_index_double(coordinates, lon);	add_next_index_double(coordinates, lat);#if PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70000	add_assoc_zval_ex(return_value, "coordinates", sizeof("coordinates") - 1, coordinates);	efree(coordinates);#else	add_assoc_zval_ex(return_value, "coordinates", sizeof("coordinates"), coordinates);#endif}

示例23: make_shared_string

char *     make_shared_string (const char * str){    block_t *b;    int h;    b = hfindblock(str, h);     /* hfindblock macro sets h = StrHash(s) */    if (!b) {        b = alloc_new_string(str, h);    } else {        if (REFS(b))            REFS(b)++;        ADD_STRING(SIZE(b));    }    NDBG(b);    return (STRING(b));}

示例24: au_to_path

/* * token ID                1 byte * path length             2 bytes * path                    N bytes + 1 terminating NULL byte */token_t *au_to_path(const char *text){	token_t *t;	u_char *dptr = NULL;	u_int16_t textlen;	textlen = strlen(text);	textlen += 1;	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) + sizeof(u_int16_t) + textlen);	ADD_U_CHAR(dptr, AUT_PATH);	ADD_U_INT16(dptr, textlen);	ADD_STRING(dptr, text, textlen);	return (t);}

示例25: au_to_text

/* * token ID                1 byte * text length             2 bytes * text                    N bytes + 1 terminating NULL byte */token_t *au_to_text(const char *text){	token_t *t;	u_char *dptr = NULL;	u_int16_t textlen;	textlen = strlen(text);	textlen += 1;	/* XXXRW: Should validate length against token size limit. */	GET_TOKEN_AREA(t, dptr, sizeof(u_char) + sizeof(u_int16_t) + textlen);	ADD_U_CHAR(dptr, AUT_TEXT);	ADD_U_INT16(dptr, textlen);	ADD_STRING(dptr, text, textlen);	return (t);}


C++ ADD_SUITE函数代码示例
C++ ADD_SIGNAL函数代码示例