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自学教程:C++ px函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-02 10:56:03
这篇教程C++ px函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中px函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ px函数的具体用法?C++ px怎么用?C++ px使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: pointer_constructor

void pointer_constructor(){   {      boost::interprocess::intrusive_ptr<X, VP> px(0);      BOOST_TEST(px.get() == 0);   }   {      boost::interprocess::intrusive_ptr<X, VP> px(0, false);      BOOST_TEST(px.get() == 0);   }   {      boost::interprocess::offset_ptr<X> p = new X;      BOOST_TEST(p->use_count() == 0);      boost::interprocess::intrusive_ptr<X, VP> px(p);      BOOST_TEST(px.get() == p);      BOOST_TEST(px->use_count() == 1);   }   {      boost::interprocess::offset_ptr<X> p = new X;      BOOST_TEST(p->use_count() == 0);      intrusive_ptr_add_ref(p.get());      BOOST_TEST(p->use_count() == 1);      boost::interprocess::intrusive_ptr<X, VP> px(p, false);      BOOST_TEST(px.get() == p);      BOOST_TEST(px->use_count() == 1);   }}

示例2: area

   bool tAoi::overlap( tAoi  const& area_ )const {      int s0 = area();      int s1 = area_.area();      if( s0 > s1 ) {         int xend = area_.px() + area_.sx();         int yend = area_.py() + area_.sy();         for( int y = area_.py(); y < yend; y++ ) {            for( int x = area_.px(); x < xend; x++ ) {               if( inside( int32_xy( x, y ) ) != false ) {                  return true;               }            }         }      } else {         int xend = px() + sx();         int yend = py() + sy();         for( int y = py(); y < yend; y++ ) {            for( int x = px(); x < xend; x++ ) {               if( area_.inside( int32_xy( x, y ) ) != false ) {                  return true;               }            }         }      }      return false;   }

示例3: st_setOutputWnd

int st_setOutputWnd(int x, int y, int w, int h){	cJSON *param = cJSON_CreateObject();	cJSON_AddItemToObject(param, "x_pos",  px(x));	cJSON_AddItemToObject(param, "y_pos",  px(y));	cJSON_AddItemToObject(param, "width",  px(w));	cJSON_AddItemToObject(param, "height", px(h));	return st_command(elcmd_setOutputWnd, param);}

示例4: xfmt16

static inline unsigned int xfmt16 (char *s, char const *key){  register unsigned int j = 0 ;  j += px((unsigned char)key[0] >> 4) ;  j += px((unsigned char)key[0] & 15) ;  j += px((unsigned char)key[1] >> 4) ;  j += px((unsigned char)key[1] & 15) ;  return j ? j : (*s = '0', 1) ;}

示例5: switch

float Statistics::calcInformationMeasures1(){	float result = 0;	for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++)	{		float** com = 0;		switch(direction)		{			case 0:				com = this->m_cooc0;				break;			case 1:				com = this->m_cooc1;				break;			case 2:				com = this->m_cooc2;				break;			case 3:				com = this->m_cooc3;				break;		}		//calculate HXY1		float HXY1 = 0;		for (int i = 0; i < this->m_numColors; i++)		{			for (int j = 0; j < this->m_numColors; j++)			{				HXY1 += com[i][j] * log(px(com, i) * py(com, j) + Statistics::epsilon);			}		}		HXY1 *= -1;		//calculate HX and HY		float HX = 0, HY = 0;		for (int i = 0; i < this->m_numColors; i++)		{			HX += px(com, i) * log(px(com, i) + Statistics::epsilon);			HY += py(com, i) * log(py(com, i) + Statistics::epsilon);		}		HX *= -1;		HY *= -1;		//calculate HXY		float HXY = calcEntropy(com);		//calculate  information measures 1		result += (HXY - HXY1) / max(HX, HY);	}	return result / 4;}

示例6: print

void print(int n) {    if(n<0) {        n=-n;        px('-');    }    int i=10;    char o[10];    do {        o[--i] = (n%10) + '0'; n/=10;    }while(n);    do {        px(o[i]);    }while(++i<10);}

示例7: px

   bool tAoi::inside( int32_xy const& p )const {      bool ret = false;      int x = p.x();      int y = p.y();      if( x >=  px()          &&            x < static_cast<int>( ( px() + sx() ) )  &&            y >=  py()          &&            y < static_cast<int>( ( py() + sy() ) ) ) {         ret = true;      }      return ret;   }

示例8: NonMaximumSuppression

/* the local maximal Gabor inhibits overlapping Gabors */void NonMaximumSuppression(int img, int mo, int mx, int my) {   int x, y, orient, x1, y1, orient1, i, here, shift, startx0, endx0, starty0, endy0, trace[2];    float *f, maxResponse, maxResponse1;    double *fc;    /* inhibit on the SUM1 maps */   for (orient=0; orient<numOrient; orient++)        {       f = SUM1map[orient*numImage+img];          fc = Correlation[mo+orient*numOrient];          for (x=MAX(1, mx-2*halfFilterSize); x<=MIN(sizex, mx+2*halfFilterSize); x++)         for (y=MAX(1, my-2*halfFilterSize); y<=MIN(sizey, my+2*halfFilterSize); y++)         {          f[px(x, y, sizex, sizey)] *=           fc[px(x-mx+2*halfFilterSize+1, y-my+2*halfFilterSize+1, 4*halfFilterSize+1, 4*halfFilterSize+1)];         }      }   /* update the MAX1 maps */   startx0 = floor((mx-2*halfFilterSize)/subsample)-locationShiftLimit+1;    starty0 = floor((my-2*halfFilterSize)/subsample)-locationShiftLimit+1;    endx0 =   floor((mx+2*halfFilterSize)/subsample)+locationShiftLimit;    endy0 =   floor((my+2*halfFilterSize)/subsample)+locationShiftLimit;    for (orient=0; orient<numOrient; orient++)        {      i = orient*numImage+img;       for (x=MAX(startx, startx0); x<=MIN(endx, endx0); x++)         for (y=MAX(starty, starty0); y<=MIN(endy, endy0); y++)         { /* go over the locations that may be affected */                    here = px(x, y, sizexSubsample, sizeySubsample);                   maxResponse = MAX1map[i][here];            shift = trackMap[i][here];           orient1 = orientShifted[orient][shift];               x1 = x*subsample + xShift[orient][shift];            y1 = y*subsample + yShift[orient][shift];                       if ((x1-mx>=-2*halfFilterSize)&&(x1-mx<=2*halfFilterSize)&&               (y1-my>=-2*halfFilterSize)&&(y1-my<=2*halfFilterSize))              { /* if the previous local maximum is within the inhibition range */              if(Correlation[mo+orient1*numOrient]                [px(x1-mx+2*halfFilterSize+1,y1-my+2*halfFilterSize+1,4*halfFilterSize+1,4*halfFilterSize+1)]==0.)                  {   /* if it is indeed inhibited */                     maxResponse1 = LocalMaximumPooling(img, orient, x*subsample, y*subsample, trace);                      trackMap[i][here] = trace[0];                       MAX1map[i][here] = maxResponse1;                     pooledMax1map[orient][here] += (maxResponse1-maxResponse);                                   }             }                  }              }        }

示例9: p

Point3d PlaneDetector::depthCloseToPoint(Point2d p, PointCloud<PointXYZ>& pcl,        int maxDelta) {    for (int delta = 0; delta <= maxDelta; delta++) {        for (int y = p.y - delta; y <= p.y + delta; y++) {            for (int x = p.x - delta; x <= p.x + delta; x++) {                if (!isnan(pcl.points[px(x, y)].z)) {                    Point3d p(pcl.points[px(x, y)].x, pcl.points[px(x, y)].y,                              pcl.points[px(x, y)].z);                    return p;                }            }        }    }    return Point3d(-1, -1, -1);}

示例10: MultiScaleQuadrature

    MultiScaleQuadrature()        :        super( std::pow(2,ioption("msi.level"))+1  )    {        int  gridsize = std::pow(2,ioption("msi.level"));        // build rules in x and y direction        weights_type wx( gridsize+1  );        weights_type px( gridsize+1  );        double tmp=-1;        for ( int i = 0; i <=gridsize ; i++ )        {            // computes the weight of the k-th node            this->M_w( i ) = 2./(gridsize+1) ;// wx( i );            this->M_points( 0, i ) = tmp ;            tmp+=2./gridsize ;        }        boost::shared_ptr<GT_Lagrange<1,1,1, Hypercube,T> > gm( new GT_Lagrange<1, 1, 1, Hypercube, T> );        boost::shared_ptr<face_quad_type> face_qr( new face_quad_type );        // construct face quadratures        this->constructQROnFace( Reference<Hypercube<1, 1>, 1, 1>(), gm, face_qr );    }

示例11: px

QPixmap ImageProcessor::drawPiece(int i, int j, const QPainterPath &shape, const Puzzle::Creation::Correction &corr){    QPainter p;    QPixmap px(_p->descriptor.unitSize.width() + corr.widthCorrection + 1,               _p->descriptor.unitSize.height() + corr.heightCorrection + 1);    px.fill(Qt::transparent);    p.begin(&px);    p.setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform);    p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);    p.setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing);    p.setClipping(true);    p.setClipPath(shape);    p.drawPixmap(_p->descriptor.tabFull + corr.xCorrection + corr.sxCorrection,                 _p->descriptor.tabFull + corr.yCorrection + corr.syCorrection,                 _p->pixmap,                 i * _p->descriptor.unitSize.width() + corr.sxCorrection,                 j * _p->descriptor.unitSize.height() + corr.syCorrection,                 _p->descriptor.unitSize.width() * 2,                 _p->descriptor.unitSize.height() * 2);    p.end();    return px;}

示例12: px

/** * Fit to a function. * @param fun :: A function. */void Chebfun2DSpline::fit( AFunction2D fun ){  auto& xv = m_xBase->x;  auto& yv = m_yBase->x;  std::vector<double> px(nx() + 1);  std::vector<double> py(ny() + 1);  for(size_t ix = 0; ix < m_xFuns.size(); ++ix)  {    const double y = m_yLines[ix];    for( size_t i = 0 ; i < px.size(); ++i)    {      px[i] = fun(xv[i], y);    }    m_xFuns[ix].setP( px );  }  for(size_t iy = 0; iy < m_yFuns.size(); ++iy)  {    const double x = m_xLines[iy];    for( size_t i = 0 ; i < py.size(); ++i)    {      py[i] = fun(x, yv[i]);    }    m_yFuns[iy].setP( py );  }}

示例13: DrawElement

//markvoid DrawElement(float *Template, int mo, int mx, int my, double w) {  int x, y, here;   float a;            for (x=mx-halfFilterSize; x<=mx+halfFilterSize; x++)     for (y=my-halfFilterSize; y<=my+halfFilterSize; y++)      if ((x>=1)&&(x<=sizex)&&(y>=1)&&(y<=sizey))         {         a = allSymbol[mo][px(x-mx+halfFilterSize+1, y-my+halfFilterSize+1,                               2*halfFilterSize+1, 2*halfFilterSize+1)]*w;          here = px(x, y, sizex, sizey);          if (Template[here]<a)             Template[here] = a;        }}

示例14: gen2

	void gen2()	{		const int unit = 64;		resetGlobalIdx();		Operand pz(IntPtr, unit);		Operand px(IntPtr, unit);		Operand py(IntPtr, unit);		std::string name = "add128";		Function f(name, Void, pz, px, py);		beginFunc(f);		Operand x = load(px);		Operand y = load(py);		x = zext(x, 128);		y = zext(y, 128);		x = add(x, y);		Operand L = trunc(x, 64);		store(L, pz);		Operand xH = load(getelementptr(px, makeImm(32, 1)));		Operand yH = load(getelementptr(py, makeImm(32, 1)));		x = trunc(lshr(x, 64), 64);		x = add(x, xH);		x = add(x, yH);		store(x, getelementptr(pz, makeImm(32, 1)));				ret(Void);		endFunc();	}

示例15: draw

void Screen::draw(Drawable *drawable,bool isflip){	if(!isflip){		draw(drawable);	}	else{		vector<Pixel> result;		//Hitung sumbu vertikal		vector<Pixel> group_of_point=drawable->getPixels();		vector<Pixel>::iterator it;		int vertical_axis=0;		int numb=0;		for(it=group_of_point.begin();it!=group_of_point.end();it++){			vertical_axis+=(it->getPosition()).x;numb++;		}		vertical_axis/=numb;		//transformasi		for(it=group_of_point.begin();it!=group_of_point.end();it++){			int temp=(it->getPosition()).x;			temp=2*vertical_axis-temp;			Point pt(temp,(it->getPosition()).y);			Pixel px(pt,it->getColor());			result.push_back(px);		}		for(it=result.begin();it!=result.end();it++)			drawPixel(*it); 	}}

示例16: px

GLuint FileAssociatedTexture::getOrCreateCube(	const QString & fileNames,   OpenGLFunctions & gl,	const GLenum mag_filter,	const GLenum min_filter){    if (s_texturesByFilePath.contains(fileNames))        return s_texturesByFilePath[fileNames];    QString px(fileNames); px.replace("?", "px");    QString nx(fileNames); nx.replace("?", "nx");    QString py(fileNames); py.replace("?", "py");    QString ny(fileNames); ny.replace("?", "ny");    QString pz(fileNames); pz.replace("?", "pz");    QString nz(fileNames); nz.replace("?", "nz");    QStringList files = QStringList() << px << nx << py << ny << pz << nz;    QStringList absolutes;    foreach(const QString & file, files)    {        QFileInfo fi(file);        if (!fi.exists())        {            qWarning() << file << " does not exist: texture has no associated file.";            return -1;        }        absolutes << fi.absoluteFilePath();    }

示例17: px

bool SizeParam::fromString(const std::string& str){    if (str.length() < 2)        return false;    std::string temp;    if (str[ 0 ] == 'p')    {        temp = str.substr(1, str.length() - 1);        px(utility::parseInt(temp));    }    else if (str[ 0 ] == 'f')    {        if (str[ 1 ] == 'f')            mFlMode = FM_FREE_SPACE;        else if (str[ 1 ] == 'p')            mFlMode = FM_PARENT;        else            MYGUI_EXCEPT("Second character of float mode in SizeParam is invalid!");        temp = str.substr(2, str.length() - 2);        mFl = utility::parseFloat(temp);    }    else MYGUI_EXCEPT("First character in SizeParam is invalid!");    return true;}

示例18: InitializeMAX1map

/* Initialize MAX1 maps */void InitializeMAX1map(){   int img, orient, x, y, here, i, trace[2];     /* calculate MAX1 maps and record the shifts */   pooledMax1map = float_matrix(numOrient, sizexSubsample*sizeySubsample);     MAX1map = float_matrix(numImage*numOrient, sizexSubsample*sizeySubsample);     trackMap = int_matrix(numImage*numOrient, sizexSubsample*sizeySubsample);      startx = floor((halfFilterSize+1)/subsample)+1+locationShiftLimit;    endx = floor((sizex-halfFilterSize)/subsample)-1-locationShiftLimit;    starty = floor((halfFilterSize+1)/subsample)+1+locationShiftLimit;    endy = floor((sizey-halfFilterSize)/subsample)-1-locationShiftLimit;    for (x=startx; x<=endx; x++)      for (y=starty; y<=endy; y++)       {        here = px(x, y, sizexSubsample, sizeySubsample);         for (orient=0; orient<numOrient; orient++)           {                 pooledMax1map[orient][here] = 0.;              for (img=0; img<numImage; img++)             {                i = orient*numImage+img;                 MAX1map[i][here] = LocalMaximumPooling(img, orient, x*subsample, y*subsample, trace);                    trackMap[i][here] = trace[0];                 pooledMax1map[orient][here] += MAX1map[i][here];                   }            }       }}

示例19: dest

void FAMS::saveModeImg(const std::string& filename, bool pruned,					 const std::vector<multi_img::BandDesc>& ref) {	size_t n = (pruned ? prunedModes.size() : modes.size());	if (n < 1)		return;	bool full = (n == h_ * w_);	int h = (full ? h_ : n), w = (full ? w_ : 1);	multi_img dest(h, w, modes[0].data.size());	dest.minval = minVal_;	dest.maxval = maxVal_;	for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {		for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {			multi_img::Pixel px(dest.size());			std::vector<unsigned short> &src					= (pruned ? prunedModes[x*y] : modes[x*y].data);			for (size_t d = 0; d < src.size(); ++d)				px[d] = ushort2value(src[d]);			dest.setPixel(y, x, px);		}	}	dest.meta = ref;	dest.write_out(filename);}

示例20: QDialog

ImageViewer::ImageViewer(QWidget *parent)    : QDialog(parent){    setupUi(this);    connect(lowerSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)),            SLOT(slotUpdate()));    connect(upperSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)),            SLOT(slotUpdate()));    connect(flipCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),            SLOT(slotUpdate()));    connect(opaqueCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),            SLOT(slotUpdate()));    QPixmap px(32, 32);    QPainter p(&px);    p.fillRect(0, 0, 32, 32, Qt::white);    p.fillRect(0, 0, 16, 16, QColor(193, 193, 193));    p.fillRect(16, 16, 16, 16, QColor(193, 193, 193));    p.end();    QPalette pal = scrollAreaWidgetContents->palette();    pal.setBrush(QPalette::Background,                 QBrush(px));    pal.setBrush(QPalette::Base,                 QBrush(px));    scrollAreaWidgetContents->setPalette(pal);}

示例21: QDialog

AddressTool::AddressTool(QWidget *parent, int presetValue) :    QDialog(parent)  , ui(new Ui::AddressTool)  , m_dipSwitch(NULL){    ui->setupUi(this);    QPixmap px(16, 16);    px.fill(QColor("#E7354A"));    ui->m_redBtn->setIcon(QIcon(px));    px.fill(QColor("#0165DF"));    ui->m_blueBtn->setIcon(QIcon(px));    px.fill(Qt::black);    ui->m_blackBtn->setIcon(QIcon(px));    ui->m_addressSpin->setValue(presetValue);    m_dipSwitch = new DIPSwitchWidget(this, presetValue);    ui->m_gridLayout->addWidget(m_dipSwitch, 0, 0, 1, 5);    m_dipSwitch->setMinimumHeight(80);    connect(ui->m_addressSpin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),            m_dipSwitch, SLOT(slotSetValue(int)));    connect(m_dipSwitch, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),            ui->m_addressSpin, SLOT(setValue(int)));    connect(ui->m_reverseVertCheck, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),            m_dipSwitch, SLOT(slotReverseVertically(bool)));    connect(ui->m_reverseHorizCheck, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),            m_dipSwitch, SLOT(slotReverseHorizontally(bool)));}

示例22: px

QSize KsirkChatItem::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option){  unsigned int w = 0;  QTextDocument fake; // used to allow to compute lines height  fake.setHtml("gpl");  fake.setDefaultFont(option.font);  fake.adjustSize();  fake.setTextWidth ( -1 );    qreal h = fake.size().height();  for (int i = 0 ; i < m_order.size(); i++)  {    QTextDocument rt;    rt.setHtml(m_strings[i]);    rt.adjustSize();    rt.setTextWidth ( -1 );    QPixmap px(rt.size().toSize());    switch (m_order[i])    {    case Text:      w += px.width();    break;    case Pixmap:      if (! m_pixmaps[i].isNull())      {        QPixmap scaled = m_pixmaps[i].scaledToHeight((int)h);         w+= scaled.width();      }    break;    default: ;    }  }//   kDebug() << "KsirkChatItem::sizeHint: " << QSize(w,h) << endl;  return QSize(w,(int)h);}

示例23: px

void CCuboid::GetGripperPositions(std::list<GripData> *list, bool just_for_endof){	gp_Pnt o = m_pos.Location();	gp_Pnt px(o.XYZ() + m_pos.XDirection().XYZ() * m_x);	gp_Pnt py(o.XYZ() + m_pos.YDirection().XYZ() * m_y);	gp_Dir z_dir = m_pos.XDirection() ^ m_pos.YDirection();	gp_Pnt pz(o.XYZ() + z_dir.XYZ() * m_z);	gp_Pnt m2(o.XYZ() + m_pos.XDirection().XYZ() * m_x + m_pos.YDirection().XYZ() * m_y/2);	gp_Pnt m3(o.XYZ() + m_pos.XDirection().XYZ() * m_x/2 + m_pos.YDirection().XYZ() * m_y);	gp_Pnt m8(o.XYZ() + m_pos.YDirection().XYZ() * m_y/2 + z_dir.XYZ() * m_z);	gp_Pnt pxy(o.XYZ() + m_pos.XDirection().XYZ() * m_x + m_pos.YDirection().XYZ() * m_y);	gp_Pnt pxz(o.XYZ() + m_pos.XDirection().XYZ() * m_x + z_dir.XYZ() * m_z);	gp_Pnt pyz(o.XYZ() + m_pos.YDirection().XYZ() * m_y + z_dir.XYZ() * m_z);	gp_Pnt pxyz(o.XYZ() + m_pos.XDirection().XYZ() * m_x  + m_pos.YDirection().XYZ() * m_y + z_dir.XYZ() * m_z);	list->push_back(GripData(GripperTypeTranslate,o.X(),o.Y(),o.Z(),NULL));	list->push_back(GripData(GripperTypeRotateObject,px.X(),px.Y(),px.Z(),NULL));	list->push_back(GripData(GripperTypeRotateObject,py.X(),py.Y(),py.Z(),NULL));	list->push_back(GripData(GripperTypeRotateObject,pz.X(),pz.Y(),pz.Z(),NULL));	list->push_back(GripData(GripperTypeScale,pxyz.X(),pxyz.Y(),pxyz.Z(),NULL));	list->push_back(GripData(GripperTypeRotate,pxy.X(),pxy.Y(),pxy.Z(),NULL));	list->push_back(GripData(GripperTypeRotate,pxz.X(),pxz.Y(),pxz.Z(),NULL));	list->push_back(GripData(GripperTypeRotate,pyz.X(),pyz.Y(),pyz.Z(),NULL));	list->push_back(GripData(GripperTypeObjectScaleX,m2.X(),m2.Y(),m2.Z(),NULL));	list->push_back(GripData(GripperTypeObjectScaleY,m3.X(),m3.Y(),m3.Z(),NULL));	list->push_back(GripData(GripperTypeObjectScaleZ,m8.X(),m8.Y(),m8.Z(),NULL));}

示例24: px

void VCSlider::setClickAndGoWidgetFromLevel(uchar level){    if (m_cngType == ClickAndGoWidget::None || m_cngWidget == NULL)        return;    if (m_cngType == ClickAndGoWidget::RGB || m_cngType == ClickAndGoWidget::CMY)    {        QPixmap px(42, 42);        float f = 0;        if (m_slider)            f = SCALE(float(level), float(m_slider->minimum()),                      float(m_slider->maximum()), float(0), float(200));        if ((uchar)f == 0)        {            px.fill(Qt::black);        }        else        {            QColor modColor = m_cngRGBvalue.lighter((uchar)f);            px.fill(modColor);        }        m_cngButton->setIcon(px);    }    else        m_cngButton->setIcon(QPixmap::fromImage(m_cngWidget->getImageFromValue(level)));}

示例25: rx

QString SnumPlugin::extractnum(const QString &unicoded, int a){    int pos;    QString tmp = "";    QString seriesnum = "";    QString season = "";    QString episode = "";    QRegExp rx("(//d{1,2})[^//d]{1}(//d{1,3})");    pos = 0;    pos = rx.indexIn(unicoded, pos);    if (pos > -1) {        season += rx.cap(1);        episode += rx.cap(2);        pos  += rx.matchedLength();    } else {        QRegExp px("(//d{1,2})[^//d]{2}(//d{1,3})");        pos = 0;        pos = px.indexIn(unicoded, pos);        if (pos > -1) {            season += px.cap(1);            episode += px.cap(2);            pos  += px.matchedLength();        } else {            QRegExp gx("(//d{1,2})[^//d]{0}(//d{2})");            pos = 0;            pos = gx.indexIn(unicoded, pos);            if (pos > -1) {                season += gx.cap(1);                episode += gx.cap(2);                pos  += gx.matchedLength();            }        }    }    if (season.length() == 1) {        tmp = '0' + season;    } else {        tmp = season;    }    season = tmp;    if (episode.length() == 1) {        tmp = '0' + episode;    } else {        tmp = episode;    }    episode = tmp;    seriesnum += season + 'e' + episode;    if (a == 0) {        return seriesnum;    } else if (a == 1) {        return season;    } else {        return episode;    }}

示例26: collide

int collide(int *a, int *b){	 // sanity checking	 if (a == 000 || b == 000)		  return -1; // bad args	 if (b[0] < 1)		  return -2; // x at 0	 if (b[1] < 1)		  return -3; // y at 0	 if (b[2] < 1)		  return -4; // z at 0	 if (b[0] > xres)		  return -5; // x at max	 if (b[0] > yres)		  return -6; // y at max	 if (b[0] > zres)		  return -7; // z at max	 int vec[3] = {(b[0]-a[0]), (b[1]-a[1]), (b[2]-a[2])}; // vector	 int result = 0;	 /* below is a fairly basic algo to keep checking until there is no conflict	  * may be optimizable	  */	 do	 {		  result = 0;		  if (vec[0] > 0)		  {				result += px(&b[0]);		  }		  if (vec[1] > 0)		  {				result += py(&b[1]);		  }		  if (vec[2] > 0)		  {				result += pz(&b[2]);		  }		  if (vec[0] < 0)		  {				result += nx(&b[0]);		  }		  if (vec[1] < 0)		  {				result += ny(&b[1]);		  }		  if (vec[2] < 0)		  {				result += nz(&b[2]);		  }		  vec[0] = (b[0]-a[0]);		  vec[1] = (b[1]-a[1]);		  vec[2] = (b[2]-a[2]); // recalc. should eliminate unnecessary checks	 }	 while (result != 0);	 return 0;}

示例27: px

void ColorButton::setColor(QColor color){    CurrentColor = color;    QPixmap px(this->size()-QSize(4, 4));    px.fill(color);    setIcon(px);    emit changed();}

示例28: px

void MusicLrcArtPhotoLabel::saveImagePath(const QString &path) const{    QPixmap px(m_width, m_height);    QPainter paint(&px);    paint.drawPixmap(0, 0, m_width, m_height, m_showPix);    paint.end();    px.save(path);}


C++ px4_close函数代码示例
C++ pwrite64函数代码示例