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自学教程:C++ rb_hash_aref函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-02 11:21:29
这篇教程C++ rb_hash_aref函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中rb_hash_aref函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ rb_hash_aref函数的具体用法?C++ rb_hash_aref怎么用?C++ rb_hash_aref使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: event_callback

static void event_callback (struct em_event* e){	const unsigned long a1 = e->a1;	int a2 = e->a2;	const char *a3 = e->a3;	const unsigned long a4 = e->a4;	if (a2 == EM_CONNECTION_READ) {		VALUE t = rb_ivar_get (EmModule, Intern_at_conns);		VALUE q = rb_hash_aref (t, ULONG2NUM (a1));		if (q == Qnil)			rb_raise (EM_eConnectionNotBound, "received %d bytes of data for unknown signature: %lu", a4, a1);		rb_funcall (q, Intern_receive_data, 1, rb_str_new (a3, a4));	}	else if (a2 == EM_CONNECTION_NOTIFY_READABLE) {		VALUE t = rb_ivar_get (EmModule, Intern_at_conns);		VALUE q = rb_hash_aref (t, ULONG2NUM (a1));		if (q == Qnil)			rb_raise (EM_eConnectionNotBound, "unknown connection: %lu", a1);		rb_funcall (q, Intern_notify_readable, 0);	}	else if (a2 == EM_CONNECTION_NOTIFY_WRITABLE) {		VALUE t = rb_ivar_get (EmModule, Intern_at_conns);		VALUE q = rb_hash_aref (t, ULONG2NUM (a1));		if (q == Qnil)			rb_raise (EM_eConnectionNotBound, "unknown connection: %lu", a1);		rb_funcall (q, Intern_notify_writable, 0);	}	else if (a2 == EM_LOOPBREAK_SIGNAL) {		rb_funcall (EmModule, Intern_run_deferred_callbacks, 0);	}	else if (a2 == EM_TIMER_FIRED) {		VALUE t = rb_ivar_get (EmModule, Intern_at_timers);		VALUE q = rb_funcall (t, Intern_delete, 1, ULONG2NUM (a4));		if (q == Qnil) {			rb_raise (EM_eUnknownTimerFired, "no such timer: %lu", a4);		} else if (q == Qfalse) {			/* Timer Canceled */		} else {			rb_funcall (q, Intern_call, 0);		}	}	#ifdef WITH_SSL	else if (a2 == EM_SSL_HANDSHAKE_COMPLETED) {		VALUE t = rb_ivar_get (EmModule, Intern_at_conns);		VALUE q = rb_hash_aref (t, ULONG2NUM (a1));		if (q == Qnil)			rb_raise (EM_eConnectionNotBound, "unknown connection: %lu", a1);		rb_funcall (q, Intern_ssl_handshake_completed, 0);	}	else if (a2 == EM_SSL_VERIFY) {		VALUE t = rb_ivar_get (EmModule, Intern_at_conns);		VALUE q = rb_hash_aref (t, ULONG2NUM (a1));		if (q == Qnil)			rb_raise (EM_eConnectionNotBound, "unknown connection: %lu", a1);		VALUE r = rb_funcall (q, Intern_ssl_verify_peer, 1, rb_str_new(a3, a4));		if (RTEST(r))			evma_accept_ssl_peer (a1);	}	#endif	else if (a2 == EM_PROXY_TARGET_UNBOUND) {		VALUE t = rb_ivar_get (EmModule, Intern_at_conns);		VALUE q = rb_hash_aref (t, ULONG2NUM (a1));		if (q == Qnil)			rb_raise (EM_eConnectionNotBound, "unknown connection: %lu", a1);		rb_funcall (q, Intern_proxy_target_unbound, 0);	}	else		rb_funcall (EmModule, Intern_event_callback, 3, ULONG2NUM(a1), INT2FIX(a2), a3 ? rb_str_new(a3,a4) : ULONG2NUM(a4));}

示例2: make_graphcommand

void make_graphcommand(char *command, VALUE hash){  VALUE val;  if (TYPE(hash) == T_STRING) {    sprintf(command, "graph -T X -g 3 %s", STR2CSTR(hash));    return;  }      strcpy(command, "graph");  if (TYPE(hash) != T_HASH) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, 				     "wrong argument type %s (Hash expected)",				     rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(hash)));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("T"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s -T %s", command, STR2CSTR(val));  else    sprintf(command, "%s -T X", command);  val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("C"));  if (val == Qtrue)    sprintf(command, "%s -C", command);  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("g"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s -g %d", command, (int) FIX2INT(val));  else    sprintf(command, "%s -g 3", command);  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("B"))) == Qtrue)    sprintf(command, "%s -B", command);  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("E"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s -E %s", command, STR2CSTR(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("f"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s -f %f", command, NUM2DBL(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("F"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s -F %s", command, STR2CSTR(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("h"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s -h %f", command, NUM2DBL(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("k"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s -k %f", command, NUM2DBL(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("K"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s -K %d", command, (int) FIX2INT(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("l"))) != Qnil) {    if (str_tail_grep(STR2CSTR(val), "xy") || str_tail_grep(STR2CSTR(val), "x/y"))      sprintf(command, "%s -l x -l y", command);    else      sprintf(command, "%s -l %s", command, STR2CSTR(val));  }  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("L"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s -L /"%s/"", command, STR2CSTR(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("N"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s -N %s", command, STR2CSTR(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("r"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s -r %f", command, NUM2DBL(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("R"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s -R %s", command, STR2CSTR(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("s"))) == Qtrue)    sprintf(command, "%s -s", command);  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("t"))) == Qtrue)    sprintf(command, "%s -t", command);  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("u"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s -u %f", command, NUM2DBL(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("w"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s -w %f", command, NUM2DBL(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("x"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s -x %s", command, STR2CSTR(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("X"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s -X /"%s/"", command, STR2CSTR(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("y"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s -y %s", command, STR2CSTR(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("Y"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s -Y /"%s/"", command, STR2CSTR(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("bg-color"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s --bg-color %s", command, STR2CSTR(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("bitmap-size"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s --bitmap-size %s", command, STR2CSTR(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("frame-color"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s --frame-color %s", command, STR2CSTR(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("frame-line-width"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s --frame-line-width %f", command, NUM2DBL(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("max-line-length"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s --max-line-length %f", command, NUM2DBL(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("page-size"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s --page-size %s", command, STR2CSTR(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("pen-colors"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s --pen-colors %s", command, STR2CSTR(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("rotation"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s --rotation %f", command, NUM2DBL(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("title-font-name"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s --title-font-name %s", command, STR2CSTR(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("title-font-size"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s --title-font-size %f", command, NUM2DBL(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("toggle-rotate-y-label"))) == Qtrue)    sprintf(command, "%s --toggle-rotate-y-label", command);  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("m"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s -m %d", command, (int) FIX2INT(val));  if ((val = rb_hash_aref(hash, rb_str_new2("S"))) != Qnil)    sprintf(command, "%s -S %d", command, (int) FIX2INT(val));//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例3: param_hash_aref

static VALUE param_hash_aref(VALUE self, VALUE key) {  if (TYPE(key) == T_SYMBOL) {    key = rb_sym_to_s(key);  }  return rb_hash_aref(self, key);}

示例4: am_bootstrap_lift

/** * call-seq: *   Amalgalite::Requires::Bootstrap.lift( 'dbfile' => "lib.db", 'table_name' => "bootload", 'rowid_column' => "id", 'filename_column' => "filename",  'content_column' => "contents" ) * * *WARNING* *WARNING* *WARNING* *WARNING* *WARNING* *WARNING* *WARNING* * * This is a boostrap mechanism to eval all the code in a particular column in a * specially formatted table in an sqlite database.  It should only be used for * a specific purpose, mainly loading the Amalgalite ruby code directly from an * sqlite table.   * * Amalgalite::Requires adds in the ability to _require_ code that is in an * sqlite database.  Since Amalgalite::Requires is itself ruby code, if * Amalgalite::Requires was in an sqlite database, it could not _require_ * itself.  Therefore this method is made available.  It is a pure C extension * method that directly calls the sqlite3 C functions directly and uses the ruby * C api to eval the data in the table. * * This method attaches to an sqlite3 database (filename) and then does: * *     SELECT filename_column_name, content_column_name  *       FROM table_name *   ORDER BY rowid_column_name * * For each row returned it does an _eval_ on the code in the * *content_column_name* and then updates _$LOADED_FEATURES_ directly with the value from * *filename_column_name*. * * The database to be opened by _lift_ *must* be an sqlite3 UTF-8 database. * */VALUE am_bootstrap_lift( VALUE self, VALUE args ){    sqlite3*        db = NULL;    sqlite3_stmt* stmt = NULL;    int             rc;    int  last_row_good;     char raise_msg[BUFSIZ];    VALUE     am_db_c     = rb_const_get( cARB, rb_intern("DEFAULT_DB") );    VALUE    am_tbl_c     = rb_const_get( cARB, rb_intern("DEFAULT_BOOTSTRAP_TABLE") );    VALUE     am_pk_c     = rb_const_get( cARB, rb_intern("DEFAULT_ROWID_COLUMN") );    VALUE  am_fname_c     = rb_const_get( cARB, rb_intern("DEFAULT_FILENAME_COLUMN") );    VALUE am_content_c    = rb_const_get( cARB, rb_intern("DEFAULT_CONTENTS_COLUMN") );    char*     dbfile = NULL;    char*    tbl_name = NULL;    char*      pk_col = NULL;    char*   fname_col = NULL;    char* content_col = NULL;    char             sql[BUFSIZ];    const char* sql_tail = NULL;    int        sql_bytes = 0;        const unsigned char* result_text = NULL;    int                result_length = 0;    VALUE     require_name = Qnil;  /* ruby string of the file name for use in eval */    VALUE   eval_this_code = Qnil;  /* ruby string of the code to eval from the db  */    VALUE toplevel_binding = rb_const_get( rb_cObject, rb_intern("TOPLEVEL_BINDING") ) ;    VALUE              tmp = Qnil;    ID             eval_id = rb_intern("eval");    if (   Qnil == args  ) {        args = rb_hash_new();    } else {        args = rb_ary_shift( args );    }    Check_Type( args, T_HASH );        /* get the arguments */    dbfile      = ( Qnil == (tmp = rb_hash_aref( args, rb_str_new2( "dbfile"          ) ) ) ) ? StringValuePtr( am_db_c )      : StringValuePtr( tmp );    tbl_name    = ( Qnil == (tmp = rb_hash_aref( args, rb_str_new2( "table_name"      ) ) ) ) ? StringValuePtr( am_tbl_c )     : StringValuePtr( tmp );    pk_col      = ( Qnil == (tmp = rb_hash_aref( args, rb_str_new2( "rowid_column"    ) ) ) ) ? StringValuePtr( am_pk_c )      : StringValuePtr( tmp );    fname_col   = ( Qnil == (tmp = rb_hash_aref( args, rb_str_new2( "filename_column" ) ) ) ) ? StringValuePtr( am_fname_c )   : StringValuePtr( tmp );    content_col = ( Qnil == (tmp = rb_hash_aref( args, rb_str_new2( "contents_column" ) ) ) ) ? StringValuePtr( am_content_c ) : StringValuePtr( tmp );    /* open the database */    rc = sqlite3_open_v2( dbfile , &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, NULL);    if ( SQLITE_OK != rc ) {        memset( raise_msg, 0, BUFSIZ );        snprintf(raise_msg, BUFSIZ, "Failure to open database %s for bootload: [SQLITE_ERROR %d] : %s", dbfile, rc, sqlite3_errmsg( db ) );        am_bootstrap_cleanup_and_raise( raise_msg, db, stmt );    }    /* prepare the db query */    memset( sql, 0, BUFSIZ );    sql_bytes = snprintf( sql, BUFSIZ, "SELECT %s, %s FROM %s ORDER BY %s", fname_col, content_col, tbl_name, pk_col );    rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2( db, sql, sql_bytes, &stmt, &sql_tail ) ;    if ( SQLITE_OK != rc) {        memset( raise_msg, 0, BUFSIZ );        snprintf( raise_msg, BUFSIZ,                  "Failure to prepare bootload select statement table = '%s', rowid col = '%s', filename col ='%s', contents col = '%s' : [SQLITE_ERROR %d] %s/n",                  tbl_name, pk_col, fname_col, content_col, rc, sqlite3_errmsg( db ));        am_bootstrap_cleanup_and_raise( raise_msg, db, stmt );//.........这里部分代码省略.........

示例5: do_postgres_full_connect

//.........这里部分代码省略.........  const char *search_path = data_objects_get_uri_option(r_query, "search_path");  db = PQsetdbLogin(    host,    port,    NULL,    NULL,    database,    user,    password  );  if (PQstatus(db) == CONNECTION_BAD) {    rb_raise(eDO_ConnectionError, "%s", PQerrorMessage(db));  }  PGresult *result;  if (search_path) {    char *search_path_query;    if (!(search_path_query = calloc(256, sizeof(char)))) {      rb_memerror();    }    snprintf(search_path_query, 256, "set search_path to %s;", search_path);    r_query = rb_str_new2(search_path_query);    result = do_postgres_cCommand_execute(Qnil, self, db, r_query);    if (PQresultStatus(result) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {      free(search_path_query);      do_postgres_raise_error(self, result, r_query);    }    free(search_path_query);  }  const char *backslash_off = "SET backslash_quote = off";  const char *standard_strings_on = "SET standard_conforming_strings = on";  const char *warning_messages = "SET client_min_messages = warning";  const char *date_format = "SET datestyle = ISO";  VALUE r_options;  r_options = rb_str_new2(backslash_off);  result = do_postgres_cCommand_execute(Qnil, self, db, r_options);  if (PQresultStatus(result) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {    rb_warn("%s", PQresultErrorMessage(result));  }  r_options = rb_str_new2(standard_strings_on);  result = do_postgres_cCommand_execute(Qnil, self, db, r_options);  if (PQresultStatus(result) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {    rb_warn("%s", PQresultErrorMessage(result));  }  r_options = rb_str_new2(warning_messages);  result = do_postgres_cCommand_execute(Qnil, self, db, r_options);  if (PQresultStatus(result) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {    rb_warn("%s", PQresultErrorMessage(result));  }  r_options = rb_str_new2(date_format);  result = do_postgres_cCommand_execute(Qnil, self, db, r_options);  if (PQresultStatus(result) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {    rb_warn("%s", PQresultErrorMessage(result));  }  VALUE encoding = rb_iv_get(self, "@encoding");#ifdef HAVE_PQSETCLIENTENCODING  VALUE pg_encoding = rb_hash_aref(data_objects_const_get(mDO_PostgresEncoding, "MAP"), encoding);  if (pg_encoding != Qnil) {    if (PQsetClientEncoding(db, rb_str_ptr_readonly(pg_encoding))) {      rb_raise(eDO_ConnectionError, "Couldn't set encoding: %s", rb_str_ptr_readonly(encoding));    }    else {#ifdef HAVE_RUBY_ENCODING_H      rb_iv_set(self, "@encoding_id", INT2FIX(rb_enc_find_index(rb_str_ptr_readonly(encoding))));#endif      rb_iv_set(self, "@pg_encoding", pg_encoding);    }  }  else {    rb_warn("Encoding %s is not a known Ruby encoding for PostgreSQL/n", rb_str_ptr_readonly(encoding));    rb_iv_set(self, "@encoding", rb_str_new2("UTF-8"));#ifdef HAVE_RUBY_ENCODING_H    rb_iv_set(self, "@encoding_id", INT2FIX(rb_enc_find_index("UTF-8")));#endif    rb_iv_set(self, "@pg_encoding", rb_str_new2("UTF8"));  }#endif  rb_iv_set(self, "@connection", Data_Wrap_Struct(rb_cObject, 0, 0, db));}

示例6: rho_ruby_hash_aref

VALUE rho_ruby_hash_aref(VALUE hash, const char* key){    return rb_hash_aref( hash, rb_str_new2(key));}

示例7: cState_configure

/* * call-seq: configure(opts) * * Configure this State instance with the Hash _opts_, and return * itself. */static VALUE cState_configure(VALUE self, VALUE opts){    VALUE tmp;    GET_STATE(self);    tmp = rb_check_convert_type(opts, T_HASH, "Hash", "to_hash");    if (NIL_P(tmp)) tmp = rb_convert_type(opts, T_HASH, "Hash", "to_h");    opts = tmp;    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_indent));    if (RTEST(tmp)) {        unsigned long len;        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);        len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);        state->indent = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len + 1);        state->indent_len = len;    }    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_space));    if (RTEST(tmp)) {        unsigned long len;        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);        len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);        state->space = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len + 1);        state->space_len = len;    }    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_space_before));    if (RTEST(tmp)) {        unsigned long len;        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);        len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);        state->space_before = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len + 1);        state->space_before_len = len;    }    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_array_nl));    if (RTEST(tmp)) {        unsigned long len;        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);        len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);        state->array_nl = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len + 1);        state->array_nl_len = len;    }    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_object_nl));    if (RTEST(tmp)) {        unsigned long len;        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);        len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);        state->object_nl = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len + 1);        state->object_nl_len = len;    }    tmp = ID2SYM(i_max_nesting);    state->max_nesting = 100;    if (option_given_p(opts, tmp)) {        VALUE max_nesting = rb_hash_aref(opts, tmp);        if (RTEST(max_nesting)) {            Check_Type(max_nesting, T_FIXNUM);            state->max_nesting = FIX2LONG(max_nesting);        } else {            state->max_nesting = 0;        }    }    tmp = ID2SYM(i_depth);    state->depth = 0;    if (option_given_p(opts, tmp)) {        VALUE depth = rb_hash_aref(opts, tmp);        if (RTEST(depth)) {            Check_Type(depth, T_FIXNUM);            state->depth = FIX2LONG(depth);        } else {            state->depth = 0;        }    }    tmp = ID2SYM(i_buffer_initial_length);    if (option_given_p(opts, tmp)) {        VALUE buffer_initial_length = rb_hash_aref(opts, tmp);        if (RTEST(buffer_initial_length)) {            long initial_length;            Check_Type(buffer_initial_length, T_FIXNUM);            initial_length = FIX2LONG(buffer_initial_length);            if (initial_length > 0) state->buffer_initial_length = initial_length;        }    }    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_allow_nan));    state->allow_nan = RTEST(tmp);    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_ascii_only));    state->ascii_only = RTEST(tmp);    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_quirks_mode));    state->quirks_mode = RTEST(tmp);    return self;}

示例8: draw

/*  call-seq: draw(hash = nil) { ... }  Three keys are checked in the given hash : ":buffer" which is the buffer  on which manipulation are done (by default, the actual buffer is taken),  ":painter", which tell us to yield a +Joyau::Painter+ instead of a  +Joyau::Buffer+ when true (false by default), and ":auto_update" which  tell us whether we should update the buffer (true by default).  It is mandatory to give a block to this function.  Examples:    Joyau.draw(:buffer => a_buffer, :painter => true)    Joyau.draw(:auto_update => false)    Joyau.draw(:painter => true)    Joyau.draw(:buffer => a_buffer)*/VALUE Joyau_draw(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) {   static bool can_draw = false;   VALUE hash, block;   rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01&", &hash, &block);   OSL_IMAGE *oldBuffer = oslGetDrawBuffer();   Buffer *buffer = NULL;   VALUE rbPainter = Qnil;   bool painter = false;   bool auto_update = true;   bool ruby_buf = false;   bool could_draw = can_draw;   if (!NIL_P(hash)) {      if (TYPE(hash) != T_HASH)	 rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Hash expected for Joyau::draw.");            VALUE rbBuffer = rb_hash_aref(hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern("buffer")));            if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(rbBuffer, getClass("Buffer")) == Qfalse) {	 if (rbBuffer != Qnil)	    rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, ":buffer should be a Buffer (or nil).");      }      else {	 buffer = getPtr<Buffer>(rbBuffer);	 ruby_buf = true;      }      if (!buffer)	 buffer = new Buffer(oldBuffer);      if (rb_hash_aref(hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern("painter"))) == Qtrue) {	 painter = true;	 Painter painter(buffer);	 rbPainter = createObject(getClass("Painter"), painter);      }            if (rb_hash_aref(hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern("auto_update"))) == Qfalse)	 auto_update = false;   }   else {      if (!buffer)	 buffer = new Buffer(oldBuffer);   }   if (buffer->isScreen() && !can_draw) {      can_draw = true;      Graphics_startDraw(Qnil);   }   if (!NIL_P(block)) {      buffer->setActual();            if (painter)	 rb_yield(rbPainter);      else {	 VALUE rbBuffer = createObject(getClass("Buffer"), *buffer, true);	 rb_yield(rbBuffer);      }      if (buffer->isScreen() && !could_draw) {	 can_draw = false;	 Graphics_endDraw(Qnil);      }      if (auto_update && buffer->isScreen())	 Graphics_sync(Qnil);   }   else      rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Block expected.");   if (!ruby_buf) // We do not delete the buffer if it comes from Ruby.      delete buffer;   oslSetDrawBuffer(oldBuffer);   return Qnil;}

示例9: rb_git_commit_amend

/* *  call-seq: *    commit.amend(data = {}) -> oid * *  Amend a commit object, with the given +data+ *  arguments, passed as a +Hash+: * *  - +:message+: a string with the full text for the commit's message *  - +:committer+ (optional): a hash with the signature for the committer, *    defaults to the signature from the configuration *  - +:author+ (optional): a hash with the signature for the author, *    defaults to the signature from the configuration *  - +:tree+: the tree for this amended commit, represented as a <tt>Rugged::Tree</tt> *    instance or an OID +String+. *  - +:update_ref+ (optional): a +String+ with the name of a reference in the *  repository which should be updated to point to this amended commit (e.g. "HEAD") * *  When the amended commit is successfully written to disk, its +oid+ will be *  returned as a hex +String+. * *    author = {:email=>"[email
C++ rb_hash_aset函数代码示例
C++ rb_gv_get函数代码示例