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自学教程:C++ LENGTHOF函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-01 21:50:23
这篇教程C++ LENGTHOF函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中LENGTHOF函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ LENGTHOF函数的具体用法?C++ LENGTHOF怎么用?C++ LENGTHOF使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: rbControlInputMidiParserInitialize

void rbControlInputMidiParserInitialize(RBControlInputMidiParser * pParser,    RBConfiguration const * pConfig){    pParser->state = RBCIMPS_CLEAR;    for(size_t i = 0; i < LENGTHOF(pParser->controls.controllers); ++i) {        pParser->controls.controllers[i] = 0.0f;    }    for(size_t i = 0; i < LENGTHOF(pParser->controls.triggers); ++i) {        pParser->controls.triggers[i] = false;    }    // Brightness control defaults to full on -- hax    pParser->controls.controllers[0] = 1.0f;    pParser->controls.debugDisplayReset = true;    pParser->controls.debugDisplayMode =        ((pConfig->mode < 0) || (pConfig->mode >= RBDM_COUNT)) ? 0 :            pConfig->mode;}

示例2: binarySearch

void MeasureUnit::initTime(const char *timeId) {    int32_t result = binarySearch(gTypes, 0, LENGTHOF(gTypes)-1, "duration"); // Apple mod    U_ASSERT(result != -1);    fTypeId = result;    result = binarySearch(gSubTypes, gOffsets[fTypeId], gOffsets[fTypeId + 1], timeId);    U_ASSERT(result != -1);    fSubTypeId = result - gOffsets[fTypeId]; }

示例3: WinANSIFromUnicodePerfFunction

UPerfFunction* ConverterPerformanceTest::TestWinANSI_UTF8_FromUnicode(){    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;    UPerfFunction* pf = new WinANSIFromUnicodePerfFunction("utf-8",utf8_uniSource, LENGTHOF(utf8_uniSource), status);    if(U_FAILURE(status)){        return NULL;    }    return pf;}

示例4: ICUToUnicodePerfFunction

UPerfFunction*  ConverterPerformanceTest::TestICU_UTF8_ToUnicode(){    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;    UPerfFunction* pf = new ICUToUnicodePerfFunction("utf-8",(char*)utf8_encSource, LENGTHOF(utf8_encSource), status);    if(U_FAILURE(status)){        return NULL;    }    return pf;}

示例5: SimplePatternFormatter

QuantityFormatter::QuantityFormatter(const QuantityFormatter &other) {    for (int32_t i = 0; i < LENGTHOF(formatters); ++i) {        if (other.formatters[i] == NULL) {            formatters[i] = NULL;        } else {            formatters[i] = new SimplePatternFormatter(*other.formatters[i]);        }    }}

示例6: getPluralIndex

static int32_t getPluralIndex(const char *pluralForm) {    int32_t len = LENGTHOF(gPluralForms);    for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {        if (uprv_strcmp(pluralForm, gPluralForms[i]) == 0) {            return i;        }    }    return -1;}

示例7: TestBinaryValues

void TestBinaryValues() {    /*     * Unicode 5.1 explicitly defines binary property value aliases.     * Verify that they are all recognized.     */    static const char *const falseValues[]={ "N", "No", "F", "False" };    static const char *const trueValues[]={ "Y", "Yes", "T", "True" };    int32_t i;    for(i=0; i<LENGTHOF(falseValues); ++i) {        if(FALSE!=u_getPropertyValueEnum(UCHAR_ALPHABETIC, falseValues[i])) {            log_data_err("u_getPropertyValueEnum(UCHAR_ALPHABETIC, /"%s/")!=FALSE (Are you missing data?)/n", falseValues[i]);        }    }    for(i=0; i<LENGTHOF(trueValues); ++i) {        if(TRUE!=u_getPropertyValueEnum(UCHAR_ALPHABETIC, trueValues[i])) {            log_data_err("u_getPropertyValueEnum(UCHAR_ALPHABETIC, /"%s/")!=TRUE (Are you missing data?)/n", trueValues[i]);        }    }}

示例8: alpha

void UnicodeTest::TestBinaryValues() {    /*     * Unicode 5.1 explicitly defines binary property value aliases.     * Verify that they are all recognized.     */    UErrorCode errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;    UnicodeSet alpha(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[:Alphabetic:]"), errorCode);    if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {        dataerrln("UnicodeSet([:Alphabetic:]) failed - %s", u_errorName(errorCode));        return;    }    static const char *const falseValues[]={ "N", "No", "F", "False" };    static const char *const trueValues[]={ "Y", "Yes", "T", "True" };    int32_t i;    for(i=0; i<LENGTHOF(falseValues); ++i) {        UnicodeString pattern=UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[:Alphabetic=:]");        pattern.insert(pattern.length()-2, UnicodeString(falseValues[i], -1, US_INV));        errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;        UnicodeSet set(pattern, errorCode);        if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {            errln("UnicodeSet([:Alphabetic=%s:]) failed - %s/n", falseValues[i], u_errorName(errorCode));            continue;        }        set.complement();        if(set!=alpha) {            errln("UnicodeSet([:Alphabetic=%s:]).complement()!=UnicodeSet([:Alphabetic:])/n", falseValues[i]);        }    }    for(i=0; i<LENGTHOF(trueValues); ++i) {        UnicodeString pattern=UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("[:Alphabetic=:]");        pattern.insert(pattern.length()-2, UnicodeString(trueValues[i], -1, US_INV));        errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;        UnicodeSet set(pattern, errorCode);        if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {            errln("UnicodeSet([:Alphabetic=%s:]) failed - %s/n", trueValues[i], u_errorName(errorCode));            continue;        }        if(set!=alpha) {            errln("UnicodeSet([:Alphabetic=%s:])!=UnicodeSet([:Alphabetic:])/n", trueValues[i]);        }    }}

示例9: assert

static struct binary_info *binary_find(const char *name) {	struct binary_info *binary;	const char *current_name;	unsigned i;	char path[PATH_MAX + 1], *path_end;	assert(name);	/* name is required */	if (!*name) {		fprintf(stderr, "warning: binary unspecified in sample/n");		return NULL;	}	/* do we already know this binary? */	binary = binary_hashtab_get(name);	if (binary) return binary;	/* search for it */	dprintf("searching for binary /"%.*s/" in /"%s/"/n",		PROC_NAME_LEN, name, src_path);	for (i = 0; i < LENGTHOF(default_binaries); i++) {		snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", src_path,			default_binaries[i]);		current_name = binary_name(path);		assert(current_name);		if (*current_name) {			/* paths not ending in slash: use if name matches */			if (strncmp(name, current_name,				PROC_NAME_LEN) != 0) {				continue;			}		} else {			/* paths ending in slash: look in subdir named after			 * binary			 */			path_end = path + strlen(path);			snprintf(path_end, sizeof(path) - (path_end - path),				"%.*s/%.*s", PROC_NAME_LEN, name,				PROC_NAME_LEN, name);		}		/* use access to find out whether the binary exists and is		 * readable		 */		dprintf("checking whether /"%s/" exists/n", path);		if (access(path, R_OK) < 0) continue;		/* ok, this seems to be the one */		return binary_add(strdup_checked(path));	}	/* not found */	return NULL;}

示例10: parseDB

static voidparseDB(const char *filename, UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {    /* default Bidi classes for unassigned code points */    static const UChar32 defaultBidi[][3]={ /* { start, end, class } */        /* R: U+0590..U+05FF, U+07C0..U+08FF, U+FB1D..U+FB4F, U+10800..U+10FFF */        { 0x0590, 0x05FF, U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT },        { 0x07C0, 0x08FF, U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT },        { 0xFB1D, 0xFB4F, U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT },        { 0x10800, 0x10FFF, U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT },        /* AL: U+0600..U+07BF, U+FB50..U+FDCF, U+FDF0..U+FDFF, U+FE70..U+FEFE */        { 0x0600, 0x07BF, U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC },        { 0xFB50, 0xFDCF, U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC },        { 0xFDF0, 0xFDFF, U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC },        { 0xFE70, 0xFEFE, U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC }        /* L otherwise */    };    char *fields[15][2];    UChar32 start, end;    int32_t i;    if(pErrorCode==NULL || U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {        return;    }    /*     * Set default Bidi classes for unassigned code points.     * See the documentation for Bidi_Class in UCD.html in the Unicode data.     * http://www.unicode.org/Public/     *     * Starting with Unicode 5.0, DerivedBidiClass.txt should (re)set     * the Bidi_Class values for all code points including unassigned ones     * and including L values for these.     * This code becomes unnecesary but harmless. Leave it for now in case     * someone uses genbidi on pre-Unicode 5.0 data.     */    for(i=0; i<LENGTHOF(defaultBidi); ++i) {        start=defaultBidi[i][0];        end=defaultBidi[i][1];        upvec_setValue(pv, start, end, 0, (uint32_t)defaultBidi[i][2], UBIDI_CLASS_MASK, pErrorCode);        if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {            fprintf(stderr, "genbidi error: unable to set default bidi class for U+%04lx..U+%04lx, code: %s/n",                            (long)start, (long)end, u_errorName(*pErrorCode));            exit(*pErrorCode);        }    }    u_parseDelimitedFile(filename, ';', fields, 15, unicodeDataLineFn, NULL, pErrorCode);    if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {        return;    }}

示例11: TestSetCharUnsafe

static void TestSetCharUnsafe() {    static const uint8_t input[]        = {0x61, 0xe4, 0xba, 0x8c, 0x7f, 0x2e, 0x62, 0xc5, 0x7f, 0x61, 0x80, 0x80, 0xe0, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00 };    static const int16_t start_unsafe[]        = {0,    1,    1,    1,    4,    5,    6,    7,    8,    9,    9,    9,    12,   12,   12,   15 };    static const int16_t limit_unsafe[]        = {0,    1,    4,    4,    4,    5,    6,    7,    9,    9,    10,   10,   10,   15,   15,   15,   16 };    uint32_t i=0;    int32_t offset=0, setOffset=0;    for(offset=0; offset<=LENGTHOF(input); offset++){        if (offset<LENGTHOF(input)){            setOffset=offset;            UTF8_SET_CHAR_START_UNSAFE(input, setOffset);            if(setOffset != start_unsafe[i]){                log_err("ERROR: UTF8_SET_CHAR_START_UNSAFE failed for offset=%ld. Expected:%ld Got:%ld/n", offset, start_unsafe[i], setOffset);            }            setOffset=offset;            U8_SET_CP_START_UNSAFE(input, setOffset);            if(setOffset != start_unsafe[i]){                log_err("ERROR: U8_SET_CP_START_UNSAFE failed for offset=%ld. Expected:%ld Got:%ld/n", offset, start_unsafe[i], setOffset);            }        }        if (offset != 0) { /* Can't have it go off the end of the array */            setOffset=offset;            UTF8_SET_CHAR_LIMIT_UNSAFE(input, setOffset);            if(setOffset != limit_unsafe[i]){                log_err("ERROR: UTF8_SET_CHAR_LIMIT_UNSAFE failed for offset=%ld. Expected:%ld Got:%ld/n", offset, limit_unsafe[i], setOffset);            }            setOffset=offset;            U8_SET_CP_LIMIT_UNSAFE(input, setOffset);            if(setOffset != limit_unsafe[i]){                log_err("ERROR: U8_SET_CP_LIMIT_UNSAFE failed for offset=%ld. Expected:%ld Got:%ld/n", offset, limit_unsafe[i], setOffset);            }        }        i++;    }}

示例12: va_start

void CMfmLog::Log(int nLevel, CPort* pPort, LPCWSTR szFormat, ...){	if (m_hLogFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE &&		m_nLogLevel >= nLevel)	{		WCHAR szBuf1[MAXLOGLINE];		WCHAR szBuf2[MAXLOGLINE];		va_list args;		va_start(args, szFormat);		vswprintf_s(szBuf1, LENGTHOF(szBuf1), szFormat, args);		va_end(args);		swprintf_s(szBuf2, LENGTHOF(szBuf2), L"%s: %s", pPort->PortName(), szBuf1);		Log(nLevel, szBuf2);	}}

示例13: nameAliasesLineFn

static void U_CALLCONVnameAliasesLineFn(void *context,       char *fields[][2], int32_t fieldCount,       UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {    char *name;    int16_t length=0;    static uint32_t prevCode=0;    uint32_t code=0;    if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {        return;    }    /* get the character code */    code=uprv_strtoul(fields[0][0], NULL, 16);    /* get the character name */    name=fields[1][0];    length=getName(&name, fields[1][1]);    if(length==0 || length>=sizeof(cpNameAliases[cpNameAliasesTop].nameAlias)) {        fprintf(stderr, "gennames: error - name alias %s empty or too long for code point U+%04lx/n",                name, (unsigned long)code);        *pErrorCode=U_PARSE_ERROR;        exit(U_PARSE_ERROR);    }    /* check for non-character code points */    if(!U_IS_UNICODE_CHAR(code)) {        fprintf(stderr, "gennames: error - name alias for non-character code point U+%04lx/n",                (unsigned long)code);        *pErrorCode=U_PARSE_ERROR;        exit(U_PARSE_ERROR);    }    /* check that the code points (code) are in ascending order */    if(code<=prevCode && code>0) {        fprintf(stderr, "gennames: error - NameAliases entries out of order, U+%04lx after U+%04lx/n",                (unsigned long)code, (unsigned long)prevCode);        *pErrorCode=U_PARSE_ERROR;        exit(U_PARSE_ERROR);    }    prevCode=code;    if(cpNameAliasesTop>=LENGTHOF(cpNameAliases)) {        fprintf(stderr, "gennames: error - too many name aliases/n");        *pErrorCode=U_PARSE_ERROR;        exit(U_PARSE_ERROR);    }    cpNameAliases[cpNameAliasesTop].code=code;    uprv_memcpy(cpNameAliases[cpNameAliasesTop].nameAlias, name, length);    cpNameAliases[cpNameAliasesTop].nameAlias[length]=0;    ++cpNameAliasesTop;    parseName(name, length);}

示例14: UPerfTest

NormalizerPerformanceTest::NormalizerPerformanceTest(int32_t argc, const char* argv[], UErrorCode& status): UPerfTest(argc,argv,status), options(0) {    NFDBuffer = NULL;    NFCBuffer = NULL;    NFDBufferLen = 0;    NFCBufferLen = 0;    NFDFileLines = NULL;    NFCFileLines = NULL;    if(status== U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR){       fprintf(stderr,gUsageString, "normperf");       return;    }    if(U_FAILURE(status)){        fprintf(stderr, "FAILED to create UPerfTest object. Error: %s/n", u_errorName(status));        return;    }    _remainingArgc = u_parseArgs(_remainingArgc, (char **)argv, (int32_t)(LENGTHOF(cmdLineOptions)), cmdLineOptions);    if(cmdLineOptions[0].doesOccur && cmdLineOptions[0].value!=NULL) {        options=(int32_t)strtol(cmdLineOptions[0].value, NULL, 16);    }    if(line_mode){        ULine* filelines = getLines(status);        if(U_FAILURE(status)){            fprintf(stderr, "FAILED to read lines from file and create UPerfTest object. Error: %s/n", u_errorName(status));            return;        }        NFDFileLines = new ULine[numLines];        NFCFileLines = new ULine[numLines];            for(int32_t i=0;i<numLines;i++){            normalizeInput(&NFDFileLines[i],filelines[i].name,filelines[i].len,UNORM_NFD, options);            normalizeInput(&NFCFileLines[i],filelines[i].name,filelines[i].len,UNORM_NFC, options);        }    }else if(bulk_mode){        int32_t srcLen = 0;        const UChar* src = getBuffer(srcLen,status);        NFDBufferLen = 0;        NFCBufferLen = 0;        if(U_FAILURE(status)){            fprintf(stderr, "FAILED to read buffer from file and create UPerfTest object. Error: %s/n", u_errorName(status));            return;        }                 NFDBuffer = normalizeInput(NFDBufferLen,src,srcLen,UNORM_NFD, options);        NFCBuffer = normalizeInput(NFCBufferLen,src,srcLen,UNORM_NFC, options);    }    }

示例15: TestSetChar

static void TestSetChar() {    static const uint8_t input[]        = {0x61, 0xe4, 0xba, 0x8c, 0x7f, 0xfe, 0x62, 0xc5, 0x7f, 0x61, 0x80, 0x80, 0xe0, 0x00 };    static const int16_t start_safe[]        = {0,    1,    1,    1,    4,    5,    6,    7,    8,    9,    10,   11,   12,   13,  14 };    static const int16_t limit_safe[]        = {0,    1,    4,    4,    4,    5,    6,    7,    8,    9,    10,   11,   12,   13,  14 };    uint32_t i=0;    int32_t offset=0, setOffset=0;    for(offset=0; offset<=LENGTHOF(input); offset++){        if (offset<LENGTHOF(input)){            setOffset=offset;            UTF8_SET_CHAR_START_SAFE(input, 0, setOffset);            if(setOffset != start_safe[i]){                log_err("ERROR: UTF8_SET_CHAR_START_SAFE failed for offset=%ld. Expected:%ld Got:%ld/n", offset, start_safe[i], setOffset);            }            setOffset=offset;            U8_SET_CP_START(input, 0, setOffset);            if(setOffset != start_safe[i]){                log_err("ERROR: U8_SET_CP_START failed for offset=%ld. Expected:%ld Got:%ld/n", offset, start_safe[i], setOffset);            }        }        setOffset=offset;        UTF8_SET_CHAR_LIMIT_SAFE(input,0, setOffset, sizeof(input));        if(setOffset != limit_safe[i]){            log_err("ERROR: UTF8_SET_CHAR_LIMIT_SAFE failed for offset=%ld. Expected:%ld Got:%ld/n", offset, limit_safe[i], setOffset);        }        setOffset=offset;        U8_SET_CP_LIMIT(input,0, setOffset, sizeof(input));        if(setOffset != limit_safe[i]){            log_err("ERROR: U8_SET_CP_LIMIT failed for offset=%ld. Expected:%ld Got:%ld/n", offset, limit_safe[i], setOffset);        }        i++;    }}

示例16: countMembers

int32_t ScriptSet::countMembers() const {    // This bit counter is good for sparse numbers of '1's, which is    //  very much the case that we will usually have.    int32_t count = 0;    for (uint32_t i=0; i<LENGTHOF(bits); i++) {        uint32_t x = bits[i];        while (x > 0) {            count++;            x &= (x - 1);    // and off the least significant one bit.        }    }    return count;}

示例17: checkData

void UCharsTrieTest::TestValuesForState() {    // Check that saveState() and resetToState() interact properly    // with next() and current().    static const StringAndValue data[]={        { "a", -1 },        { "ab", -2 },        { "abc", -3 },        { "abcd", -4 },        { "abcde", -5 },        { "abcdef", -6 }    };    checkData(data, LENGTHOF(data));}


int32_t MeasureUnit::getAvailable(        MeasureUnit *dest,        int32_t destCapacity,        UErrorCode &errorCode) {    if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {        return 0;    }    if (destCapacity < LENGTHOF(gSubTypes)) {        errorCode = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR;        return LENGTHOF(gSubTypes);    }    int32_t idx = 0;    for (int32_t typeIdx = 0; typeIdx < LENGTHOF(gTypes); ++typeIdx) {        int32_t len = gOffsets[typeIdx + 1] - gOffsets[typeIdx];        for (int32_t subTypeIdx = 0; subTypeIdx < len; ++subTypeIdx) {            dest[idx].setTo(typeIdx, subTypeIdx);            ++idx;        }    }    U_ASSERT(idx == LENGTHOF(gSubTypes));    return LENGTHOF(gSubTypes);}

示例19: format

UnicodeString& SimplePatternFormatter::format(        const UnicodeString &arg0,        UnicodeString &appendTo,        UErrorCode &status) const {    const UnicodeString *params[] = {&arg0};    return format(            params,            LENGTHOF(params),            appendTo,            NULL,            0,            status);}

示例20: Hashtable

UnicodeTest::UnicodeTest(){    UErrorCode errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;    unknownPropertyNames=new U_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER Hashtable(errorCode);    if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {        delete unknownPropertyNames;        unknownPropertyNames=NULL;    }    // Ignore some property names altogether.    for(int32_t i=0; i<LENGTHOF(ignorePropNames); ++i) {        unknownPropertyNames->puti(UnicodeString(ignorePropNames[i], -1, US_INV), 1, errorCode);    }}

示例21: uloc_forLanguageTag

void AlphabeticIndexTest::TestChineseZhuyin() {    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;    char loc[100];    uloc_forLanguageTag("zh-u-co-zhuyin", loc, LENGTHOF(loc), NULL, &status);    AlphabeticIndex index(loc, status);    LocalPointer<AlphabeticIndex::ImmutableIndex> immIndex(index.buildImmutableIndex(status));    TEST_CHECK_STATUS;     assertEquals("getBucketCount()", 38, immIndex->getBucketCount());    assertEquals("label 1", UnicodeString((UChar)0x3105), immIndex->getBucket(1)->getLabel());    assertEquals("label 2", UnicodeString((UChar)0x3106), immIndex->getBucket(2)->getLabel());    assertEquals("label 3", UnicodeString((UChar)0x3107), immIndex->getBucket(3)->getLabel());    assertEquals("label 4", UnicodeString((UChar)0x3108), immIndex->getBucket(4)->getLabel());    assertEquals("label 5", UnicodeString((UChar)0x3109), immIndex->getBucket(5)->getLabel());}


U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN#define LENGTHOF(array) (int32_t)(sizeof(array)/sizeof((array)[0]))//----------------------------------------------------------------------------////  ScriptSet implementation////----------------------------------------------------------------------------ScriptSet::ScriptSet() {    for (uint32_t i=0; i<LENGTHOF(bits); i++) {        bits[i] = 0;    }}

示例23: uenum_openCharStringsEnumeration

StringEnumeration* MeasureUnit::getAvailableTypes(UErrorCode &errorCode) {    UEnumeration *uenum = uenum_openCharStringsEnumeration(            gTypes, LENGTHOF(gTypes), &errorCode);    if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {        uenum_close(uenum);        return NULL;    }    StringEnumeration *result = new UStringEnumeration(uenum);    if (result == NULL) {        errorCode = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;        uenum_close(uenum);        return NULL;    }    return result;}

示例24: populatePrefixSuffix

// populatePrefixSuffix Adds a specific prefix-suffix pair to result for a// given variant and log10 value.// variant is 'zero', 'one', 'two', 'few', 'many', or 'other'.// formatStr is the format string from which the prefix and suffix are// extracted. It is usually of form 'Pefix 000 suffix'.// populatePrefixSuffix returns the number of 0's found in formatStr// before the decimal point.// In the special case that formatStr contains only spaces for prefix// and suffix, populatePrefixSuffix returns log10Value + 1.static int32_t populatePrefixSuffix(    const char* variant, int32_t log10Value, const UnicodeString& formatStr, UHashtable* result, UErrorCode& status) {  if (U_FAILURE(status)) {    return 0;  }  int32_t firstIdx = formatStr.indexOf(kZero, LENGTHOF(kZero), 0);  // We must have 0's in format string.  if (firstIdx == -1) {    status = U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR;    return 0;  }  int32_t lastIdx = formatStr.lastIndexOf(kZero, LENGTHOF(kZero), firstIdx);  CDFUnit* unit = createCDFUnit(variant, log10Value, result, status);  if (U_FAILURE(status)) {    return 0;  }  // Everything up to first 0 is the prefix  unit->prefix = formatStr.tempSubString(0, firstIdx);  fixGraves(unit->prefix);  // Everything beyond the last 0 is the suffix  unit->suffix = formatStr.tempSubString(lastIdx + 1);  fixGraves(unit->suffix);  // If there is effectively no prefix or suffix, ignore the actual number of  // 0's and act as if the number of 0's matches the size of the number.  if (onlySpaces(unit->prefix) && onlySpaces(unit->suffix)) {    return log10Value + 1;  }  // Calculate number of zeros before decimal point  int32_t idx = firstIdx + 1;  while (idx <= lastIdx && formatStr.charAt(idx) == u_0) {    ++idx;  }  return (idx - firstIdx);}

示例25: TestUnicode32Norm

static void TestUnicode32Norm() {    /*     * test Unicode 3.2 normalization, before Public Review Issue #29     * see cnormtst.c TestComposition()     */    static const UChar strings[][8]={        { 0x1100, 0x0300, 0x1161, 0x0327 },        { 0x0b47, 0x0300, 0x0b3e, 0x0327 }    };    UChar ascii[20], unicode[20];    int32_t i, length;    UErrorCode errorCode;    for(i=0; i<LENGTHOF(strings); ++i) {        errorCode=U_ZERO_ERROR;        length=uidna_toASCII(strings[i], -1, ascii, LENGTHOF(ascii), 0, NULL, &errorCode);        length=uidna_toUnicode(ascii, length, unicode, LENGTHOF(unicode), 0, NULL, &errorCode);        if(errorCode!=U_IDNA_VERIFICATION_ERROR) {            log_err("string %d yields %s instead of U_IDNA_VERIFICATION_ERROR/n",                i, u_errorName(errorCode));        }    }}

示例26: index

void AlphabeticIndexTest::TestJapaneseKanji() {    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;    AlphabeticIndex index(Locale::getJapanese(), status);    LocalPointer<AlphabeticIndex::ImmutableIndex> immIndex(index.buildImmutableIndex(status));    TEST_CHECK_STATUS;    // There are no index characters for Kanji in the Japanese standard collator.    // They should all go into the overflow bucket.    static const UChar32 kanji[] = { 0x4E9C, 0x95C7, 0x4E00, 0x58F1 };    int32_t overflowIndex = immIndex->getBucketCount() - 1;    for(int32_t i = 0; i < LENGTHOF(kanji); ++i) {        char msg[40];        sprintf(msg, "kanji[%d]=U+%04lX in overflow bucket", (int)i, (long)kanji[i]);        assertEquals(msg, overflowIndex, immIndex->getBucketIndex(UnicodeString(kanji[i]), status));        TEST_CHECK_STATUS;    }}


void HandViewer::DisplayDistanceFromSensor(){	std::stringstream ss;	unsigned counter = 1;	const PointListHandler& handler = handTracker.GetPointListHandler();	for(PointListHandler::ConstIterator it = handler.begin(); it != handler.end(); ++it)	{		const PointList &pointList = it.GetPointList();		XnPoint3D lastPoint = pointList.GetLastPoint();				std::string str = "Hand ";		ss << counter;		str = str + ss.str();		ss.str("");				ss << " distance from the sensor: ";		str = str + ss.str();		ss.str("");				if(lastPoint.Z < HAND_CLOSE)		{			ss << 0;			device.SetLedColour(LED_GREEN);		}		else		{			ss << lastPoint.Z - HAND_CLOSE;			device.SetLedColour(LED_ORANGE);			}		str = str + ss.str();		ss.str("");			XnUInt32 nColor = it.GetKey() % LENGTHOF(COLOURS);		glColor4f(COLOURS[nColor][0], COLOURS[nColor][1], COLOURS[nColor][2], 1.0f);		glRasterPos2f(40, counter*30);		for(int i=0;i<str.length();i++)		{			glutBitmapCharacter(GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24,str[i]);		}				counter++;	}	}


C++ LEN_AND_LIT函数代码示例
C++ LENGTH函数代码示例