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JavaScript AOP编程实例


本文实例讲述了JavaScript AOP编程。分享给大家供大家参考。具体如下:

/*// aop({options});// By: Version: 1.0// Simple aspect oriented programming module// support Aspect before, after and around// usage:    aop({      context: myObject,   // scope context of the target function.      target: "test",     // target function name      before: function() {  // before function will be run before the target function        console.log("aop before");      },      after: function() {   // after function will be run after the target function        console.log("aop after");      },      around: function() {  // around function will be run before and after the target function        console.log("aop around");      }    });*/var aop = (function() {  var options = {},    context = window,    oFn,    oFnArg,    targetFn,    targetFnSelector,    beforeFn,    afterFn,    aroundFn,    cloneFn = function(Fn) {      if (typeof Fn === "function") {        return eval('[' +Fn.toString()+ ']')[0];      }      return null;    },    checkContext = function() {      if (options.context) {        context = options.context;      }      if (typeof context[(] === "function") {        targetFnSelector = (;        targetFn = context[targetFnSelector];      }      else if (typeof context[] === "function") {        targetFnSelector =;        targetFn = context[targetFnSelector];      }      if (targetFn) {        oFn = cloneFn(targetFn);        oFnArg = new Array(targetFn.length);        return true;      }      else {        return false;      }    },    run = function() {      context[targetFnSelector] = function(oFnArg) {        if (aroundFn){          aroundFn.apply(this, arguments);        }        if (beforeFn){          beforeFn.apply(this, arguments); // 'this' is context        }        oFn.apply(this, arguments);        if (afterFn){          afterFn.apply(this, arguments); // 'this' is context        }        if (aroundFn){          aroundFn.apply(this, arguments);        }      };    };  return function(opt){    if (opt && typeof opt === "object" && !opt.length) {      options = opt;      if ( && checkContext()) {        if (options.before && typeof options.before === "function") {          beforeFn = options.before;        }        if (options.after && typeof options.after === "function") {          afterFn = options.after;        }        if (options.around && typeof options.after === "function") {          aroundFn = options.around;        }        run();      }    }  };})();// test examples// ----------------- aop modify global function ---------------//function test(name, age) {  console.log("test fn. name = " + name + " age: " + age);}aop({  target: "test",  before: function() {    console.log("aop before");  },  after: function() {    console.log("aop after");  },  around: function() {    console.log("aop around");  }});// runtest("adam", 6);// ----------------- aop test modify method in an object ---------------//var myobj = {  myName: "testName",  sayName: function() {    console.log(this.myName);  },  childObj: {    age: 6,    say: function() {      console.log(this.age);    }  }};aop({  context: myobj,  target: "sayName",  before: function() {    console.log("aop before say name = " + this.myName);  },  after: function() {    console.log("aop after say name = " + this.myName);  },  around: function() {    console.log("aop around say name = " + this.myName);  }});// runmyobj.sayName();aop({  context: myobj.childObj,  target: "say",  before: function() {    console.log("aop before say name = " + this.age);  },  after: function() {    console.log("aop after say name = " + this.age);  },  around: function() {    console.log("aop around say name = " + this.age);  }});myobj.childObj.say();


上一篇:js+HTML5基于过滤器从摄像头中捕获视频的方法  下一篇:在Ubuntu系统上安装Ghost博客平台的教程