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C# 程序员参考--线程处理教程




  • 创建和执行线程
  • 线程同步
  • 线程间交互
  • 使用线程池
  • 使用 mutex 对象保护共享资源



  • Monitor.Pulse 方法)。

    本示例创建一个 Cell 对象,它具有两个方法:ReadFromCellWriteToCell。从 CellProdCellCons 类创建另外两个对象;这两个对象均具有调用 ReadFromCellWriteToCellThreadRun 方法。通过等待依次到达的来自 Monitor 对象的“脉冲”即可完成同步。也就是说,首先产生一个项(此时使用者等待脉冲),然后发生一个脉冲,接着使用者使用所产生的项(此时制造者等待脉冲),依此类推。

    // MonitorSample.cs// This example shows use of the following methods of the C# lock keyword// and the Monitor class // in threads://      Monitor.Pulse(Object)//      Monitor.Wait(Object)using System;using System.Threading;public class MonitorSample{   public static void Main(String[] args)   {      int result = 0;   // Result initialized to say there is no error      Cell cell = new Cell( );      CellProd prod = new CellProd(cell, 20);  // Use cell for storage,                                                // produce 20 items      CellCons cons = new CellCons(cell, 20);  // Use cell for storage,                                                // consume 20 items      Thread producer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(prod.ThreadRun));      Thread consumer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(cons.ThreadRun));      // Threads producer and consumer have been created,       // but not started at this point.      try      {         producer.Start( );         consumer.Start( );         producer.Join( );   // Join both threads with no timeout                             // Run both until done.         consumer.Join( );        // threads producer and consumer have finished at this point.      }      catch (ThreadStateException e)      {         Console.WriteLine(e);  // Display text of exception         result = 1;            // Result says there was an error      }      catch (ThreadInterruptedException e)      {         Console.WriteLine(e);  // This exception means that the thread                                // was interrupted during a Wait         result = 1;            // Result says there was an error      }      // Even though Main returns void, this provides a return code to       // the parent process.      Environment.ExitCode = result;   }}public class CellProd{   Cell cell;         // Field to hold cell object to be used   int quantity = 1;  // Field for how many items to produce in cell   public CellProd(Cell box, int request)   {      cell = box;          // Pass in what cell object to be used      quantity = request;  // Pass in how many items to produce in cell   }   public void ThreadRun( )   {      for(int looper=1; looper<=quantity; looper++)         cell.WriteToCell(looper);  // "producing"   }}public class CellCons{   Cell cell;         // Field to hold cell object to be used   int quantity = 1;  // Field for how many items to consume from cell   public CellCons(Cell box, int request)   {      cell = box;          // Pass in what cell object to be used      quantity = request;  // Pass in how many items to consume from cell   }   public void ThreadRun( )   {      int valReturned;      for(int looper=1; looper<=quantity; looper++)      // Consume the result by placing it in valReturned.         valReturned=cell.ReadFromCell( );   }}public class Cell{   int cellContents;         // Cell contents   bool readerFlag = false;  // State flag   public int ReadFromCell( )   {      lock(this)   // Enter synchronization block      {         if (!readerFlag)         {            // Wait until Cell.WriteToCell is done producing            try            {               // Waits for the Monitor.Pulse in WriteToCell               Monitor.Wait(this);            }            catch (SynchronizationLockException e)            {               Console.WriteLine(e);            }            catch (ThreadInterruptedException e)            {               Console.WriteLine(e);            }         }         Console.WriteLine("Consume: {0}",cellContents);         readerFlag = false;    // Reset the state flag to say consuming                                // is done.         Monitor.Pulse(this);   // Pulse tells Cell.WriteToCell that                                // Cell.ReadFromCell is done.      }   // Exit synchronization block      return cellContents;   }      public void WriteToCell(int n)   {      lock(this)  // Enter synchronization block      {         if (readerFlag)         {      // Wait until Cell.ReadFromCell is done consuming.            try            {               Monitor.Wait(this);   // Wait for the Monitor.Pulse in                                     // ReadFromCell            }            catch (SynchronizationLockException e)            {               Console.WriteLine(e);            }            catch (ThreadInterruptedException e)            {               Console.WriteLine(e);            }         }         cellContents = n;         Console.WriteLine("Produce: {0}",cellContents);         readerFlag = true;    // Reset the state flag to say producing                               // is done         Monitor.Pulse(this);  // Pulse tells Cell.ReadFromCell that                                // Cell.WriteToCell is done.      }   // Exit synchronization block   }}


    Produce: 1Consume: 1Produce: 2Consume: 2Produce: 3Consume: 3......Produce: 20Consume: 20




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