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        name    driver        page    55,132        title   'DRIVER --- installable driver template';; This is a "template" for a MS-DOS installable device driver.; The actual driver subroutines are stubs only and have; no effect but to return a non-error "done" status.; ; Ray Duncan; Laboratory Microsystems Inc.; April 1985code    segment public 'CODE'driver  proc    far        assume  cs:code,ds:code,es:code        org     0Max_Cmd equ     15              ; MS-DOS command code maximum                                ; this is 15 for MS-DOS 3.x                                ; and 12 for MS-DOS 2.x cr      equ     0dh             ; ASCII carriage returnlf      equ     0ah             ; ASCII line feedeom     equ     '$'             ; end of message signal        page;; Device Driver Header;Header  dd      -1              ;link to next device,-1= end of list        dw      8000h           ;attribute word                                ;bit 15=1 for character devices        dw      Strat           ;device "Strategy" entry point        dw      Intr            ;device "Interrupt" entry point        db      'DRIVER  '      ;char device name, 8 char, or                                ;if block device, no. of units                                ;in first byte followed by                                 ;7 don't care bytes     ; Interpretation of Attribute word:; ; Bit           Significance;; 15            =1 for character drivers; 14            =1 if driver can handle IOCTL; 13            =1 if block device & non-IBM format; 12            0; 11            open/close/RM supported (DOS 3.x); 10            0;  9            0;  8            0;  7            0;  6            0;  5            0;  4            0;  3            =1 if CLOCK device;  2            =1 if NUL device;  1            =1 if Standard Output;  0            =1 if Standard Input        page;; local variables for use by driver;RH_Ptr  dd      ?               ; pointer to request header                                ; passed to Strat by BDOSIdent   db      cr,lf,lf        db      'LMI Example Device Driver 1.0'        db      cr,lf        db      'Copyright (c) 1985 '        db      'Laboratory Microsystems Inc.'         db      cr,lf,lf,eom;; MS-DOS Command Codes dispatch table.; The "Interrupt" routine uses this table and the ; Command Code supplied in the Request Header to ; transfer to the appropriate driver subroutine.Dispatch:        dw      Init            ;  0 = init driver into system        dw      Media_Chk       ;  1 = media check on blk dev        dw      Build_Bpb       ;  2 = build BIOS param block        dw      Ioctl_Inp       ;  3 = I/O ctrl read from dev        dw      Input           ;  4 = normal destructive read        dw      Nd_Input        ;  5 = non-destructive read,no wait        dw      Inp_Stat        ;  6 = return current input status        dw      Inp_Flush       ;  7 = flush device input buffers        dw      Output          ;  8 = normal output to device        dw      Outp_Vfy        ;  9 = output with verify        dw      Outp_Stat       ; 10 = return current output status        dw      Outp_Flush      ; 11 = flush output buffers        dw      Ioctl_Outp      ; 12 = I/O control output        dw      Dev_Open        ; 13 = device open      (MS-DOS 3.x)        dw      Dev_Close       ; 14 = device close     (MS-DOS 3.x)        dw      Rem_Media       ; 15 = removeable media (MS-DOS 3.x)        page; ; MS-DOS Request Header structure definition;; The first 13 bytes of all Request Headers are the same; and are referred to as the "Static" part of the Header.; The number and meaning of the following bytes varies.; In this "Struc" definition we show the Request Header; contents for Read and Write calls.;Request struc                   ; request header template structure                                        ; beginning of "Static" portionRlength db      ?               ; length of request headerUnit    db      ?               ; unit number for this requestCommand db      ?               ; request header's command codeStatus  dw      ?               ; driver's return status wordReserve db      8 dup (?)       ; reserved area                                ; end of "Static" portion       Media   db      ?               ; media descriptor byteAddress dd      ?               ; memory address for transferCount   dw      ?               ; byte/sector count valueSector  dw      ?               ; starting sector valueRequest ends                    ; end of request header template;; Status word is interpreted as follows:;;  Bit(s)   Significance;   15       Error;   10-14    Reserved;   9        Busy;   8        Done;   0-7      Error code if bit 15=1; Predefined BDOS error codes are:; ;   0       Write protect violation;   1       Unknown unit;   2       Drive not ready;   3       Unknown command;   4       CRC error;   5       Bad drive request structure length;   6       Seek error;   7       Unknown media;   8       Sector not found;   9       Printer out of paper;   10      Write fault;   11      Read fault;   12      General failure     ;   13-14   Reserved;   15      Invalid disk change  (MS-DOS 3.x)        page; Device Driver "Strategy Routine"; Each time a request is made for this device, the BDOS; first calls "Strategy routine",  then immediately calls; the "Interrupt routine".  ; The Strategy routine is passed the address of the; Request Header in ES:BX, which it saves in a local; variable and then returns to the BDOS.Strat   proc    far                                     ; save address of Request Header        mov     word ptr cs:[RH_Ptr],bx        mov     word ptr cs:[RH_Ptr+2],es        ret                     ; back to BDOSStrat   endp        page; Device Driver "Interrupt Routine"; This entry point is called by the BDOS immediately after ; the call to the "Strategy Routine", which saved the long; address of the Request Header in the local variable "RH_Ptr".; The "Interrupt Routine" uses the Command Code passed in; the Request Header to transfer to the appropriate device; handling routine.  Each command code routine is responsible; for any necessary return information into the Request Header,; then transfers to Error or Exit to set the Return Status code.Intr    proc  far        push    ax              ; save general registers         push    bx        push    cx        push    dx        push    ds        push    es        push    di        push    si        push    bp        push    cs              ; make local data addressable        pop     ds        les     di,[RH_Ptr]     ; ES:DI = Request Header                                ; get BX = Command Code        mov     bl,es:[di.Command]        xor     bh,bh        cmp     bx,Max_Cmd      ; make sure its legal        jg      Unk_Command     ; too big, exit with error code        shl     bx,1            ; form index to Dispatch table                                ; and branch to driver routine        jmp     word ptr [bx+Dispatch]        page; General collection of exit points for the driver routines.Unk_Command:                    ; Come here if Command Code too big.        mov     al,3            ; Sets "Unknown Command" error                                 ; code and "Done" bit.Error:                          ; Transfer here with AL = error code.        mov     ah,81h          ; Sets "Error" and "Done" bits.        jmp     ExitDone:   mov     ah,1            ; Come here if I/O complete and                                ; no error, sets "Done" bit only.Exit:                           ; General purpose exit point.                                ; Transfer here with AX =                                 ; Return Status word to be                                ; placed into Request Header.        lds     bx,cs:[RH_Ptr]          ; set status        mov     ds:[bx.Status],ax        pop     bp              ;restore general registers        pop     si        pop     di        pop     es        pop     ds        pop     dx        pop     cx        pop     bx        pop     ax        ret                     ; back to BDOS        page; Function 1  Media Check; Block devices only.  Should be a NOP for character devices.;; This routine is called first by BDOS for a block device transfer,; passing current media descriptor byte at Request Header + ;; Media Check routine sets status word and in addition passes back ; return byte at Request Header + 14  as follows:;    -1  Media has been changed;     0  Don't know if media changed;     1  Media has not been changed;; If driver can return 1 or -1, performance is improved because; MS-DOS does not need to reread the FAT for each directory access.Media_Chk:        jmp     Done        page;; Function 2  Build BIOS Parameter Block; ; Block devices only.  Should be a NOP for character devices.;; This routine is called by MS-DOS when Media-Changed code is; returned by Media Check routine, or if Not Sure code is returned; and there are no dirty buffers.; ; Build BPB call receives pointer to one-sector buffer in Address; Field of Request Header (offset 14).  If "Non-IBM-Format" bit ; in attribute word is zero, the buffer contains the first sector; of the FAT including the media identification byte and should not ; be altered by the driver.   If the "Non-IBM-Format" bit is set, ; the buffer may be used as scratch space.;; The Build BPB routine sets status and returns a DWORD pointer to ; the new Bios Parameter Block at Request Header + 18.;Build_Bpb:        jmp     Done        page;; Function 3  I/O Control Read ; ; Only called if IOCTL bit set in Device Header Attribute word.;; Called with:;; Request Header + 13  BYTE   Media descriptor byte from DPB; Request Header + 14  DWORD  Transfer address; Request Header + 18  WORD   byte/sector count; Request Header + 20  WORD   starting sector no. (block dev.);; Returns the Return Status word set appropriately, and; Request Header + 18  WORD   actual bytes or sectors transferred; ; No error check is performed on IOCTL I/O calls.Ioctl_Inp:        jmp     Done        page;; Function 4  Read from Device;; Called with;; Request Header + 13  BYTE   Media descriptor byte from DPB; Request Header + 14  DWORD  Transfer address; Request Header + 18  WORD   byte/sector count; Request Header + 20  WORD   starting sector no. (block dev.);; Returns the Return Status word set appropriately, and; Request Header + 18  WORD   actual bytes or sectors transferredInput:         jmp     Done        page;; Function 5  Non-destructive Read from Device; ; Character devices only.;; If Input Status request returns Busy bit=0 (characters ; waiting), ; the next character that would be read is returned ; at Request Header + 13.  This character is not removed from; the Input Buffer.  This basically provides the capability to ; "look-ahead" by one character. Nd_Input:        jmp     Done        page;; Function 6  Input Status; ; Character devices only.;; Sets the Returned Status word:; Done bit = 1; Busy bit = 1 read request would go to physical device;          = 0 characters already in device buffer, read request;              would return quickly.;; MS-DOS assumes all character devices have type-ahead buffer.; If device does not have type-ahead buffer, should always; return Busy bit=0 so MS-DOS will not hang.Inp_Stat:        jmp     Done        page;; Function 7  Flush Input Buffers; ; Character devices only.;; Terminate all pending requests, i.e. the Input buffer is; emptied.Inp_Flush:        jmp     Done        page;; Function 8  Write to Device; ; Called with;; Request Header + 13  BYTE   Media descriptor byte from DPB; Request Header + 14  DWORD  Transfer address; Request Header + 18  WORD   byte/sector count; Request Header + 20  WORD   starting sector no. (block dev.);; Returns the Return Status word set appropriately, and; Request Header + 18  WORD   actual bytes or sectors transferredOutput:         jmp     Done        page;; Function 9  Write with Verify to Device; ; Called with;; Request Header + 13  BYTE   Media descriptor byte from DPB; Request Header + 14  DWORD  Transfer address; Request Header + 18  WORD   byte/sector count; Request Header + 20  WORD   starting sector no. (block dev.);; Returns the Return Status word set appropriately, and; Request Header + 18  WORD   actual bytes or sectors transferredOutp_Vfy:         jmp     Done        page;; Function 10  Output Status;; Character devices only.;; Sets the Returned Status word:; Done bit = 1; Busy bit = 1 write request would wait for completion of;              current request;          = 0 device idle, write request would start immediately.;Outp_Stat:        jmp     Done        page;; Function 11  Flush Output Buffers; ; Character devices only.;; Terminate pending requests.  The output buffer, if any,; is emptied.Outp_Flush:        jmp     Done        page;; Function 12  I/O Control Write ; ; Only called if IOCTL bit in Device Header Attribute word is set.;; Called with;; Request Header + 13  BYTE   Media descriptor byte from DPB; Request Header + 14  DWORD  Transfer address; Request Header + 18  WORD   byte/sector count; Request Header + 20  WORD   starting sector no. (block dev.);; Returns the Return Status word set appropriately, and; Request Header + 18  WORD   actual bytes or sectors transferred;; No error check is performed on IOCTL calls.Ioctl_Outp:        jmp     Done        page;; Function 13  Device Open;; MS-DOS version 3.0 and above only.; Only called if OPEN/CLOSE/RM bit set in Attribute word.; May be used to manage local buffering.  Reference count; is incremented keeping track of number of open files on; the device.  On character devices can be used to send; device initialization string, which can be set by IOCTL ; Write.  Note that CON AUX and PRN devices are always open.;; Returns the Return Status word set to "Done".;Dev_Open:        jmp     Done        page;; Function 14  Device Close;; MS-DOS version 3.0 and above only.; Only called if OPEN/CLOSE/RM bit set in Attribute word.; May be used to manage local buffering.  Reference count; is decremented keeping track of number of open files on; the device; when count reaches zero all files have been closed ; and the driver should flush buffers as user may change disks.; On character devices can be used to send device post-I/O; string such as a form feed, which can be set by IOCTL ; Write.  Note that CON AUX and PRN devices are never closed.;; Returns the Return Status word set to "Done".;Dev_Close:        jmp     Done        page;; Function 15  Removeable Media;; MS-DOS version 3.0 and above only.; Only called if OPEN/CLOSE/RM bit set in Attribute word;    and device type is block.;; Returns the Return Status word set to "Done" and ; Busy bit = 1 if media is non-removable.  ;          = 0 if media is removable.;Rem_Media:        jmp     Done        page; This Initialization code for the driver is called only; once when the driver is loaded.  It is responsible for; initializing the hardware, setting up any necessary ; interrupt vectors, and it must return the address; of the first free memory after the driver to the BDOS.; If it is a block device driver, Init must also return the ; address of the Bios Parameter Block pointer array; if all ; units are the same, all pointers can point to the same BPB.; Only MS-DOS services 01-0CH and 30H can be called by the ; Initialization function. ;; In this example, Init returns its own address to the DOS as ; the start of free memory after the driver, so that the memory ; occupied by INIT will be reclaimed after it is finished ; with its work.  ;; Called with:;; Request Header + 18  DWORD pointer to the character after the "=";                            on the CONFIG.SYS line that loaded ;                            driver; this information is read only.;                  22  BYTE  drive letter for first unit of a ;                            block driver (0=A 1=B etc);                            (MS-DOS 3.x only)   ;; Returns:; ; Request Header + 13  BYTE  Number of units (block devices only);                + 14  DWORD address of first free memory above driver;                + 18  DWORD BPB pointer array (block devices only)     ;Init:                           ; Function 0                                ; initialize device driver        push    es              ; push Request Header addr        push    di        mov     ah,9            ; print sign-on message        mov     dx,offset Ident        int     21h        pop     di              ; restore Request Header addr        pop     es                                ; set first usable memory addr.        mov     word ptr es:[di.Address],offset Init        mov     word ptr es:[di.Address+2],cs        jmp     DoneIntr    endpDriver  endpcode    ends                end     



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