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自学教程:C++ rb_gv_get函数代码示例

51自学网 2021-06-02 11:21:22
这篇教程C++ rb_gv_get函数代码示例写得很实用,希望能帮到您。

本文整理汇总了C++中rb_gv_get函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ rb_gv_get函数的具体用法?C++ rb_gv_get怎么用?C++ rb_gv_get使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: main

int main(int argc, char **argv){#ifndef __MINGW32__	FILE *fileconf;#endif	char *tmp;	char lichdir[256] = { '/0' };	char datadir[512] = { '/0' };	int nerr;	sig_setup();#ifndef __MINGW32__	snprintf(lichdir, 256, "%s%s", getenv("HOME"), "/.lich.cfg");	fileconf = fopen(lichdir, "rb");	if (!fileconf) {		perror("fopen");		fprintf(stderr, "Your `$HOME/.lich.cfg' file cannot be opened: please create the file and put the full directory name Lich should use for settings/config files in it./n/nFor example, to do that, you could type:    echo /"$HOME/lich/" > $HOME/.lich.cfg/n");		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);	}	fgets(lichdir, 256, fileconf);	fclose(fileconf);	lichdir[strnlen(lichdir, 256) - 1] = '/';	chdir(lichdir);#else	NtInitialize(&argc, &argv);	strncpy(lichdir, argv[0], 255);	tmp = &lichdir[strlen(lichdir)];	while (tmp && (*tmp != '//') && (*tmp != '/')) {		tmp--;	}	*tmp = '/0';	chdir(lichdir);#endif		init_ruby_interpreter(argc, argv);	init_libs();	prep_ruby_env();	getcwd(lichdir, 255);	lichdir[strlen(lichdir) + 1] = '/0';	lichdir[strlen(lichdir)] = RSTRING(rb_const_get(rb_cFile, rb_intern("SEPARATOR")))->ptr[0];	strcpy(datadir, lichdir);	strcat(datadir, "data");	datadir[strlen(datadir)] = lichdir[strlen(lichdir) - 1];	rb_gv_set("$data_dir", rb_str_new(datadir, strlen(datadir)));	rb_gv_set("$lich_dir", rb_str_new(lichdir, strlen(lichdir)));	ruby_safe_level = 0;	if (nerr = ruby_exec()) {		tmp = RSTRING(rb_funcall(rb_gv_get("$!"), rb_intern("to_s"), 0))->ptr;		if (!strncasecmp(tmp, "exit", 4)) ruby_stop(0);		fprintf(stderr, "%s/n", tmp);		fprintf(stderr, "%s/n", RSTRING(rb_funcall(rb_funcall(rb_gv_get("$!"), rb_intern("backtrace"), 0), rb_intern("join"), 1, rb_str_new2("/n")))->ptr);		ruby_stop(nerr);	}	ruby_stop(0);}

示例2: prep_ruby_env

static inline void prep_ruby_env(){	ruby_script("Lich");#ifdef __MINGW32__	rb_ary_push(rb_gv_get("$/""), rb_str_new2("socket.dll"));	reg32_setup();#else	rb_ary_push(rb_gv_get("$/""), rb_str_new2("socket.so"));#endif}

示例3: makeProtectedCall

    VALUE makeProtectedCall(const std::string &t_functionName, std::vector<VALUE> &t_params)    {      // we go through all of this because we cannot rb_protect a call to      // rb_funcall. At least not in any way I can find.      std::stringstream params;      for (size_t i = 0; i < t_params.size(); ++i)      {        std::stringstream ss;        ss << "$embedded_ruby_param_" << i;        rb_define_variable(ss.str().c_str(), &t_params[i]);        params << ss.str();        if (i < t_params.size() - 1)        {          params << ", ";        }      }      std::string funcall = "$embedded_ruby_return = " + t_functionName + "(" + params.str() + ")";      evalString(funcall);      VALUE retval = rb_gv_get("$embedded_ruby_return");      return retval;    } 

示例4: rg_print

static VALUErg_print(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE out){    int i;    VALUE line;    VALUE output_field_separator;    /* if no argument given, print `$_' */    if (argc == 0) {        argc = 1;        line = rb_lastline_get();        argv = &line;    }    output_field_separator = rb_gv_get("$,");    for (i=0; i<argc; i++) {        if (!NIL_P(output_field_separator) && i>0) {            rg_write(out, output_field_separator);        }        switch (TYPE(argv[i])) {          case T_NIL:            rg_write(out, rb_str_new2("nil"));            break;          default:            rg_write(out, argv[i]);            break;        }    }    if (!NIL_P(output_field_separator)) {        rg_write(out, output_field_separator);    }    return Qnil;}

示例5: rpmrubyRunFile

rpmRC rpmrubyRunFile(rpmruby ruby, const char * fn, const char ** resultp){    rpmRC rc = RPMRC_FAIL;RUBYDBG((stderr, "--> %s(%p,%s,%p)/n", __FUNCTION__, ruby, fn, resultp));    if (ruby == NULL) ruby = rpmrubyI();    if (fn == NULL)	goto exit;#if defined(WITH_RUBYEMBED)#if !defined(HAVE_RUBY_DEFINES_H)	/* XXX ruby-1.8.6 */    rb_load_file(fn);    ruby->state = ruby_exec();#else    ruby->state = ruby_exec_node(rb_load_file(fn));#endif    if (resultp != NULL)	*resultp = RSTRING_PTR(rb_gv_get("$result"));    rc = RPMRC_OK;#endif	/* WITH_RUBYEMBED */exit:RUBYDBG((stderr, "<-- %s(%p,%s,%p) rc %d/n", __FUNCTION__, ruby, fn, resultp, rc));    return rc;}

示例6: Init_rubymsgque

RUBYMQ_EXTERN void Init_rubymsgque() {  // Register system#ifdef HAVE_FORK//  MqInitSysAPI(NS(fork),NULL);#endif  // Initialize components  NS(MqS_Init)();  NS(MqSException_Init)();  NS(MqBufferS_Init)();  // get the script name  VALUE a0 = rb_gv_get("$0");  // init libmsgque global data  if (MqInitBuf == NULL && !NIL_P(a0)) {    struct MqBufferLS * initB = MqInitCreate();    MqBufferLAppendC(initB, VAL2CST(rb_argv0));    MqBufferLAppendC(initB, VAL2CST(a0));  }  // set global data  id_receiver = rb_intern("receiver");  id_clone = rb_intern("clone");  id_unbind = rb_intern("unbind");  id_bind = rb_intern("bind");}

示例7: ruby_coroutine_body_require

static VALUE ruby_coroutine_body_require(const char* file){    int error;    VALUE result = rb_protect((VALUE (*)(VALUE))rb_require,                              (VALUE)file, &error);    if (error)    {        printf("rb_require('%s') failed with status=%d/n",               file, error);        VALUE exception = rb_gv_get("$!");        if (RTEST(exception))        {            printf("... because an exception was raised:/n");            fflush(stdout);            VALUE inspect = rb_inspect(exception);            rb_io_puts(1, &inspect, rb_stderr);            VALUE backtrace = rb_funcall(                exception, rb_intern("backtrace"), 0);            rb_io_puts(1, &backtrace, rb_stderr);        }    }    return result;}

示例8: rpmrubyRunThreadFile

static rpmRC rpmrubyRunThreadFile(rpmruby ruby, const char * fn,		const char **resultp){    int error;    VALUE result;    rpmRC rc = RPMRC_FAIL;	/* assume failure */    result = rb_protect((VALUE (*)(VALUE))rb_require, (VALUE)fn, &error);    if (error) {        fprintf(stderr, "rb_require('%s') failed with status=%d/n",               fn, error);        VALUE exception = rb_gv_get("$!");        if (RTEST(exception)) {            fprintf(stderr, "... because an exception was raised:/n");            VALUE inspect = rb_inspect(exception);            rb_io_puts(1, &inspect, rb_stderr);            VALUE backtrace = rb_funcall(                exception, rb_intern("backtrace"), 0);            rb_io_puts(1, &backtrace, rb_stderr);        }    } else {	/* XXX FIXME: check result */	rc = RPMRC_OK;    }    return rc;}

示例9: GetExceptionInfo

std::string GetExceptionInfo(){    VALUE exception = rb_gv_get("$!");    if (NIL_P(exception))        return std::string("No exception");    VALUE klass = rb_funcall(rb_funcall(exception,                                        rb_intern("class"),                                        0),                             rb_intern("to_s"),                             0);    VALUE to_s = rb_funcall(exception, rb_intern("to_s"), 0);    VALUE backtrace = rb_funcall(rb_funcall(exception,                                            rb_intern("backtrace"),                                            0),                                 rb_intern("join"),                                 1,                                 rb_str_new2("/n"));    std::string info;    info += StringValuePtr(klass);    info += ": ";    info += StringValuePtr(to_s);    info += '/n';    info += StringValuePtr(backtrace);    return info;}

示例10: ss_rstring_assign_global_foobar

VALUE ss_rstring_assign_global_foobar(VALUE self) {  VALUE var = rb_gv_get("$global_rstring_test");  RSTRING(var)->len = 6;  RSTRING(var)->ptr = ALLOC_N(char, 7);  memcpy(RSTRING(var)->ptr, "foobar", 7);  return Qnil;}

示例11: iroffer_ruby_errro

static void iroffer_ruby_errro(int error){  VALUE lasterr;  VALUE inclass;  VALUE message;  VALUE ary;  long c;  if (error == 0)    return;  lasterr = rb_gv_get("$!"); /* NOTRANSLATE */  inclass = rb_class_path(CLASS_OF(lasterr));  message = rb_obj_as_string(lasterr);  outerror(OUTERROR_TYPE_WARN_LOUD,           "error ruby_script: class=%s, message=%s",           RSTRING_PTR(inclass), RSTRING_PTR(message));  if (!NIL_P(rb_errinfo())) {    ary = rb_funcall(rb_errinfo(), rb_intern("backtrace"), 0);    for (c=0; c<RARRAY_LEN(ary); ++c) {      outerror(OUTERROR_TYPE_WARN_LOUD,               "backtrace from %s",               RSTRING_PTR(RARRAY_PTR(ary)[c]));    }  }}

示例12: InitializeInterpreter

void InitializeInterpreter(){    ruby_init();    VALUE load_path = rb_gv_get("$LOAD_PATH");    rb_ary_push(load_path, rb_str_new2("."));    Init_armagetronad();    ruby_script("Armagetron Advanced");}

示例13: LogError

 static void LogError(){   VALUE lasterr = rb_gv_get("$!");   VALUE message = rb_obj_as_string(lasterr);   VALUE array   = rb_funcall(lasterr, rb_intern("backtrace"), 0);   VALUE backtrace = rb_funcall(array, rb_intern("join"), 1, rb_str_new2("/n/t"));   std::cout << "/t" << RSTRING_PTR(message) << std::endl;   std::cout << RSTRING_PTR(backtrace) << std::endl; }

示例14: coverage_event_coverage_hook

static void coverage_event_coverage_hook(rb_event_t event, NODE *node, VALUE self, ID mid, VALUE klass) {  char *sourcefile;  unsigned int sourceline;  static unsigned int in_hook = 0;   if(in_hook) {    return;  }  in_hook++;  #if COVERAGE_DEBUG_EVENTS    do {      int status;      VALUE old_exception;      old_exception = rb_gv_get("$!");      rb_protect(rb_inspect, klass, &status);      if(!status) {        printf("EVENT: %d %s %s %s %d/n", event,               klass ? RSTRING(rb_inspect(klass))->ptr : "",                mid ? (mid == ID_ALLOCATOR ? "ID_ALLOCATOR" : rb_id2name(mid))               : "unknown",               node ? node->nd_file : "", node ? nd_line(node) : 0);      }       else {        printf("EVENT: %d %s %s %d/n", event,               mid ? (mid == ID_ALLOCATOR ? "ID_ALLOCATOR" : rb_id2name(mid))                : "unknown",               node ? node->nd_file : "", node ? nd_line(node) : 0);      }            rb_gv_set("$!", old_exception);    } while (0);   #endif  if(event & RUBY_EVENT_C_CALL) {    coverage_mark_caller();  }    if(event & (RUBY_EVENT_C_CALL | RUBY_EVENT_C_RETURN | RUBY_EVENT_CLASS)) {    in_hook--;    return;  }    if(node == NULL) {    in_hook--;      return;  }    sourcefile = node->nd_file;  sourceline = nd_line(node) - 1;    coverage_increase_counter_cached(sourcefile, sourceline);    if(event & RUBY_EVENT_CALL)    coverage_mark_caller();  in_hook--;}

示例15: mriBindingExecute

static void mriBindingExecute(){	/* Normally only a ruby executable would do a sysinit,	 * but not doing it will lead to crashes due to closed	 * stdio streams on some platforms (eg. Windows) */	int argc = 0;	char **argv = 0;	ruby_sysinit(&argc, &argv);	ruby_setup();	rb_enc_set_default_external(rb_enc_from_encoding(rb_utf8_encoding()));	Config &conf = shState->rtData().config;	if (!conf.rubyLoadpaths.empty())	{		/* Setup custom load paths */		VALUE lpaths = rb_gv_get(":");		for (size_t i = 0; i < conf.rubyLoadpaths.size(); ++i)		{			std::string &path = conf.rubyLoadpaths[i];			VALUE pathv = rb_str_new(path.c_str(), path.size());			rb_ary_push(lpaths, pathv);		}	}	RbData rbData;	shState->setBindingData(&rbData);	BacktraceData btData;	mriBindingInit();	STEAMSHIM_init();	_rb_define_module_function(rb_mKernel, "_steam_achievement_unlock",	                           _steamAchievementUnlock);	std::string &customScript = conf.customScript;	if (!customScript.empty())		runCustomScript(customScript);	else		runRMXPScripts(btData);	VALUE exc = rb_errinfo();	if (!NIL_P(exc) && !rb_obj_is_kind_of(exc, rb_eSystemExit))		showExc(exc, btData);	ruby_cleanup(0);	STEAMSHIM_deinit();	shState->rtData().rqTermAck.set();}

示例16: R_rb_gv_get

SEXPR_rb_gv_get(SEXP r_name, SEXP r_convert){  const char *name;  VALUE val;  name = CHAR(STRING_ELT(r_name, 0));  val = rb_gv_get(name);  return(convertRubyToR(val, r_convert));}

示例17: get_exc_trace

static CMPIString *get_exc_trace(const CMPIBroker* broker){  VALUE exception = rb_gv_get("$!"); /* get last exception */  VALUE reason = rb_funcall(exception, rb_intern("to_s"), 0 );  VALUE trace = rb_gv_get("[email
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